While dealing with domestic abuse, one usually has two options: abused person can stay in the house while taking some precautions and make things better or separate with mutual understanding by involving lawyers or para legal services. If abused person has decided to stay in the house, following tips can be useful to have a better life:
Educate the abuser and ignore his mistakes regularly. He will take his time to improve. She should regularly share positive thoughts, ancient wisdom and spiritual knowledge with him.
Playing soothing music, mantras and nice songs can uplift the energy during stressful times.
His food should be light and easily digestible. Prevent him from taking heavy foods or ALCOHOL/DRUGS.
Both can learn skills like martial arts, self-defence classes, finance management, hobby classes for any needs. Best is to do relaxation or breathing techniques, meditation like The Art of Living Programs to relax the mind.
Talk to your lawyer, doctor, nurse, teacher, close friends, relatives, community services, bank, temple priest as and when needed. There is a lot of help available.
Involving police can result in separation and divorce. if we are trying to save the marriage, then that should be option of last resort. But if any life is at risk, then call police imediately.