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A feeling of nightmare is a dream occurring during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep that brings out strong fear, terror, distress, or extreme anxiety. Nightmares are usually in the latter part of the night and wake up the sleeper, who is able to remember the content of the dream.
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Over masturbation

Masturbation is a process where a person derives sexual pleasure by stroking his genitals by his hands. It is usually performed by singletons but married person also perform this activity highly to reach orgasm level.
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Masturbation and Self Control Measures

Masturbation means self-stimulation to derive sexual excitement. The term masturbation indicates that a person is manually stimulating his or her private parts in order to get sexual pleasure and orgasm. Studies say that 95 percent males and 85 percent females masturbate. This is increasingly common in teens as well. However let us assure you that this is a normal phenomenon
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Pros and cons of masturbation

Masturbation is a process where a person derives sexual pleasure by manually stroking his genitals by his hands. It is usually performed by singletons but those in a relationship may also perform it to get an orgasm. It is a normal activity that has no harmful physical or emotional effects. On the contrary, it can be beneficial in some ways. Excessive masturbation can have some harmful effects, which are discussed here.
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Nance Horan Syndrome

An inherited congenital condition affecting both sexes characterized by cataracts, impaired vision, supernumerary central incisor (mesiodens), incisor diastemas, narrowed incisal edges, anteverted pinnae and short fourth metacarpals. In some patients, developmental delay, and mental retardation. It is transmitted as an X-linked trait.
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Narcoleptic syndrome

Narcolepsy is characterized by the classic tetrad of excessive daytime sleepiness, cataplexy, hypnagogic hallucinations, and sleep paralysis. Narcolepsy is a chronic disease of the central nervous system. Excessive daytime sleepiness , loss of muscle tone (cataplexy),distorted perceptions (hypnagogic hallucinations), and inability to move or talk (sleep paralysis).Narcolepsy usually begins in teenagers or young adults and affects both sexes equally.
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Nail biting is a stereotypic movement type disorder a very common habit that mostly affects kids but it can be present in adults and older people too manifested by biting one's fingernails or toenails during periods of nervousness, stress or boredom. It can be a sign of mental or emotional disorder but is commonly seen in intellectuals. Often starting in childhood, nail biting can persist in some adults and become an irritating and unsightly nuisance. Some nail biters experience the habit with such severity that their nails are constantly bitten down to the maximum and bleeding, causing pain, baldness of nails and often embarrassment.
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Yoga is a traditional physical and mental discipline which has origin in India. Yoga involves meditative practices in Buddhism and Hinduism. In Hinduism, it is one of the six schools of Hindu philosophy. In Jainism it refers to the sum total of mental, verbal and physical activities. Yoga is a Sanskrit word which means to control or to unite.
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How to overcome the habit of masturbation

Occasional masturbation is normal in both males and females, but it can be a cause for concern if you are obsessed with it and it is interfering with your routine activities. Here are some practical tips to overcome the habit of masturbation.
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Antithrombin III Deficiency

Antithrombin III (ATIII) is a potent inhibitor of the coagulation cascade. It is a nonvitamin K-dependent protease that inhibits coagulation by lysing thrombin and factor Xa. ATIII activity is markedly potentiated by heparin; potentiation of its activity is the principle mechanism by which both heparin and low molecular weight heparin result in anticoagulation.
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