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Allergic Rhinitis 1

Hay fever, also called allergic rhinitis, causes cold-like symptoms such as a runny nose, congestion, sneezing and sinus pressure. But unlike a cold, hay fever isn't caused by a virus ? it's caused by an allergic response to indoor or outdoor airborne allergens, such as pollen, dust mites or pet dander. Some people have hay fever year-round. For others, hay fever gets worse at certain times of the year, usually in the spring, summer or fall. One of the most common allergic conditions, hay fever affects about one in five people.
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Lactose intolerance in children

Lactose, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, bloating, hydrogen breath test, stool acidity test, probiotics, lactase enzyme
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Measles or Rubeola

It is highly contagious respiratory tract infection caused by a virus, a Paramyxovirus. It is the common cause of death among the young children. It affects respiratory system, skin and eyes. It is common is school going children and in winter and spring.
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Paranoid Disorders

Paranoid personality disorder is a condition characterized by long standing extreme distrust and excessive suspiciousness of others. Paranoid personality disorder is diagnosed only when this behavior becomes persistent and very disabling.
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Corneal transplants

A healthy cornea ? the transparent, dome-shaped surface of your eye ? is an essential component of sharp, clear vision. It accounts for a large part of your eye's focusing power. Any condition that distorts your cornea or diminishes its transparency can harm your vision ? sometimes severely. One treatment option may be a cornea transplant (keratoplasty).
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Cardiac Rehabilitation

It is a program to help the cardiac patients recover quickly and improve their overall physical, mental and social functioning. The goal of cardiac rehabilitation is to slow the disease process, stabilize or to reverse the progression of heart disease and thus preventing heart disease, cardiac event or death.
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Bullous pemphigoid

Bullous pemphigoid is an autoimmune skin disorder producing chronic, pruritic bullous eruptions in elderly patients. Usually on the arms, legs or trunk. Without treatment, bullous pemphigoid may persist, with periods of remission and flare-ups, for many years.
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Symptoms of motion sickness

Motion sickness is a common disturbance of the inner ear that is caused by repeated motion such as from the swell of the sea, the movement of a car, the motion of a plane etc. Motion sickness affects the sense of balance and equilibrium.
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Common causes of school missing in children

Common cold, ear infection, sore throat, conjunctivitis and stomach flu are the commonest medical conditions that affects the child more commonly leading to missing of school
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Ear wax in children

Ear wax is part of natural defense mechanism which protects the ear canal by tapping dirt and slows down the growth of bacteria. Sometimes excess of ear wax accumulates leading to ear blockage.
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