Articles beginning with : W

Warning signs during Pregnancy

Warning signs during Pregnancy BabyMagic is the most complete online...


Warts are a type of infection caused by viruses in the human papillomavirus (HPV) family

Water Safety and purifiers

Pouring First Drops of Rain, refreshing the whole outside and rejuvenating the inside of us, Comes the Monsoon. Everyone enjoys the freshness &...

WDHA syndrome

VIPoma is a endocrine tumor which secrete excessive amounts of VIP(Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide) which causes a distinct syndrome...

What are the Different Types of Personal Hygiene and Environmental hygiene during VIRAL INFECTION!

Maintaining proper hygiene has always been emphasized to keep away the germs. There are two types of hygienic practices namely personal and...

What can cause bleeding after sex ?

Bleeding during or after intercourse, often termed post-coital bleeding, can occur because of many reasons.

What food or diet can improve gastritis or GERD?

If you're looking for foods to help improve gastritis or

What happens if there is a Bioterrorism...

It was March 20th 2003, the whole world was glued on their television sets, and the world was witnessing what many hailed as WORLD WAR 3. Which was...

What is a calorie?

A calorie is a unit of measurement of energy. Calorie is the amount of heat energy required to...

What is Acrylic Nail and How It Harms Your Health?

Introduction In recent years, acrylic nails (a type of artificial nails) have gained popularity. Artificial nails not only lengthen your short...

What is High-Functioning Depression?

One may appear fine on the outside but may be experiencing symptoms of a depressive condition due to turmoil on the inside. This is referred to as...

What is Inclusion Body Myositis (IBM)

IBM is a rare type of inflammatory muscular disorder that usually presents itself in the adult life most often after the age of 50, which presents...

What is the Difference & Similarities Between Plasma, Platelet, & Blood Donation?

Every year, millions of individuals require blood transfusions. Blood transfusion may be required during surgery, following an

What questions are asked by a doctor during medical consultation?

Doctor visits help find a diagnosis and treatment for our health issues but these doctor visits can be stressful.

What to do to gain weight

If your body mass index is less than 18.5, you are

What to do when you cross due date of delivery

What to do when you cross due date of delivery BabyMagic is the most complete online resource for new and expectant parents featuring resources...



What you should tell doctor on first visit during pregnancy

What you should tell doctor on first visit during pregnancy BabyMagic is the...

When to do eye examination

A complete eye exam involves a series of tests designed to evaluate your vision and check for eye diseases. Your doctor may use odd-looking...

Whipple's disease

Whipple's disease is a rare condition that prevents the intestine from properly absorbing nutrients. This is called

White discharge per vaginum

Leucorrhea is a medical term that denotes a thick, whitish vaginal...

White patches on tongue or Leukoplakia

Leukoplakia is a condition in which thickened, white patches form on your...

Why Blame Aspartame

Is aspartame safe


Calcium is essential for women after the age of 30 particularly for bone health and overall health, women are at higher risk suffering from bone...



Why Don't I Lose It!

Common mistakes that can thwart your weight loss efforts!

Why nightfall?

Nightfall and oozing of semen are common causes of stress in an adult man. These could have multiple causes. A proper diagnosis will help in proper...

Women and Diabetes

Management of diabetes type 1 during menstrual cycle

Work during Pregnancy

Work during Pregnancy BabyMagic is the most complete online resource for new...

Worms in stools in children

Worms in children is a serious concern in children since they take the nutrients of the child leading to malnourishment. Some worms can cause...


Although wrinkles can signify wisdom, most people nowadays would rather not have them. Skin ages all over the body, but much more so where there...
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