Mad cow disease is an infectious disease in the brain of the cattle. Humans get infected usually by eating tissue from the diseased cattle. The...
Magnetic resonance imaging in gynecology Magnetic resonance imaging is based on nuclear magnetic resonance and...
Malaria is a chronic disease. It affects the humans through mosquitoes. Malaria...
Malaria symptoms and treatment Malaria is an vector borne parasitic infectious disease that can be fatal...
Male condoms, commonly called rubbers, provide a nonpermanent method of contraception for men....
Male impotence is also known as
Male infertility refers to infertility in male humans. Male infertility is...
In general older men have lower testosterone levels than the younger men. After the age 40,...
Male menopause a myth or reality Male menopause used to describe decreasing
Malnutrition is a state of nutrition in which a deficiency or excess (or imbalance) of nutrients Can causes adverse effects on body and function,...
Mammography is X-ray imaging of your breasts designed to detect tumors and other...
A mammogram is an X-Ray of breasts to look for any abnormalities like breast lump or to...
Management of chronic pain involves 2 important steps, first one being...
Urinary incontinence is a term given to involuntary leakage of...
Mastoiditis is an inflammation or infection of the mastoid bone which consists of air cells that drain the middle ear, a portion of the
Masturbation and Self Control Measures Masturbation means self-stimulation to derive sexual excitement. The term...
Masturbation is a common practice that remains shrouded in myths and...
It is highly contagious respiratory tract infection caused by a virus, a Paramyxovirus. It...
Medical abortion or abortion pills Medical abortion is a form of abortion caused by using two medications. It is ideal...
Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Deliberate induction of abortion by a medical practitioner in the interest of mother?s...
Medical Treatment For Hair Fall Baldness, whether permanent or temporary, can't be cured. For hair loss medical...
Medication and Prevention of Hypertension Hypertension is also known as high blood pressure which is a...
Medication during Pregnancy BabyMagic is the most complete online resource...
Medications for high cholesterol Sometimes cholesterol medications are needed in addition to a low fat, cholesterol, and high fiber...
Osteoporosis is a disease which is characterized by low bone mass and loss...
Medications in motion sickness The best way to treat motion sickness is to stop the motion. If you...
Cough medications can be classified as antitussives (cough suppressants) and...
Medications used in heart attack The main way to prevent progressive damage is to restore blood flow quickly. Antithrombotic agents are initial treatment of choice and need to be...
The Mediterranean diet is a heart-healthy eating plan. Most healthy diets include fruits, vegetables, fish and whole grains and limit unhealthy fats.
Mediterranean Diet - Say Cheers to a Longer Life Studies have found out that people who live in Mediterranean part of the world have longer average lifespan than rest of the world. The blend of...
Malignant melanoma arises from melanocytes in a pigmented area (eg,...
Melasma is a dark skin discoloration that appears on sun-exposed areas of the face.
Meniere s disease is a disease of the inner ear characterised by vertigo(
Mental health problems in children There are various causes for mental problems like learning problems, emotional, physical, sexual abuse or chronic neglect. It is charecterized by...
Peace and happiness are a state of mind
Mental retardation in children It is a developmental disorder characterized by significantly below-average intelligence (an intelligence quotient [IQ] below 70) and an inability...
It is the commonest infections of the early childhood. The Eustachian tube connects middle ear to the back of nose and throat. It helps in drainage...
MIDLIFE CRISIS AND OLD AGE CRISIS Main symptom is loneliness in the age group of 35- 60 years for midlife and > 60 years for old age....