Articles beginning with : D

Daily Tips for Good Oral Hygiene

Bacteria can live in your mouth in the form of plaque, causing cavities and


Dandruff is defined as the shedding of dead skin cells from the scalp at an excessive rate. Dandruff is an...

Darier Disease

Darier disease or Darier-White disease is an autosomal dominantly inherited disorder characterized by greasy crusty papules in seborrheic region....

Davidson Disease

Davidson's disease is the other name for the Microvillus inclusion disease. The condition is also referred as congenital microvillus

Deafness by birth or congenital deafness

Congenital deafness refers to hearing loss which is believed to...

Dehydration in child

Dehydration means excess loss of water from the body. Dehydration is one of...

Delayed periods in women

Delay in periods is delay of normal menstrual cyclebeyond 35 days


Dementia is a group of signs and symptoms in which the cognitive features like memory, attention, language and problem solving are affected. It is...

Dental care tips

Oral health begins with clean teeth. Get daily dental care tips, from brushing and flossing to...


Everyone occasionally feels blue or sad, but these feelings usually pass within a couple of days. When a person has depression, it interferes with...

Depression in men

Male depression is a serious medical condition, but many men try to ignore...

Dermatomyositis or Inflammation of Muscles

Dermatomyositis is a chronic inflammatory disease of skin and muscles...


Dermatophytoses are fungal infections of keratin in the skin and nails, frequently affects hair also. Human infections are caused by...

Designated Swine Flu Medical Centers in India

Below is the first list of designated medical centers for swine flu testing...

Detox diet (an overview)

Detox diet or detoxification diet. What is it? Why do we need to detox our body? How do we do...

Development Milestone Chart #1

Development Milestone Chart #1 BabyMagic is the most complete online resource for new and expectant parents featuring resources such as unique baby...

Development Milestone Chart #2

Development Milestone Chart #2 BabyMagic is the most complete online resource for new and expectant parents featuring resources such as unique baby...

Developmental co-ordination disorder or Dyspraxia

The children with dyspraxia are average or above average intelligence, but...

Diabetes and dental health

When you have diabetes, high blood sugar can take a toll on your entire body ?...

Diabetes diet: 6 diets to control your blood glucose levels

Diabetes is most rapidly raised disease in all over the world, besides physical...

Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy is one of the complications of

Diagnosis and Treatment of bronchitis

Bronchitis may be suspected in patients with an acute respiratory infection...

Diagnosis of heart attacks

ECG is the most important tool in initial evaluation of myocardial infarct. The most specific and sensitive cardiac enzyme is

Diagnosis of Impotence

No particular tests are there to diagnose the impotence but still blood tests...

Diagnosis of Incontinence

Urinary incontinence is a term given to involuntary leakage of...

Diagnostic tests to determine thyroid function

Thyroid function tests are done to know whether thyroid gland is functioning...

Diarrhea and Oral Rehydration Solution

Diarrhea is too frequent, often too precipitate passage of poorly formed stools....

Diet for Diabetics

Diabetes is a condotion in which there is increased blood sugar levels due to...

Diet for Gall bladder stones

Gall stones are caused by sufferer?s diet. Gall stones can be prevented by...

Diet for Hair Fall

A diet rich in silica, calcium and iron, is helpful in reducing and preventing hair loss. Green, leafy vegetables, sea vegetables, have good...

Diet for high cholesterol

Hyper cholesterolemia in the blood is a risk factor for future heart...

Diet for Lactating mothers

The nutrition demand is more on the mother during lactation. The nutritional relationship between...

Diet for osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by low bone mass and structural...

Diet for Reflux Oesophagitis

This diet is used to help reduce discomfort in the esophagus caused by acid washing up from the stomach.

Diet in alcoholics

Alcoholics develop poor eating habits and poor nutrition over many years of drinking. In chronic drinkers the

Diet in Hypertension

Hypertension, commonly referred to as
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