Abdominal Pain Questions & Answers

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3196 11 Wed, 12 Dec 2012
After having food, i feel lot of discomfort in stomach. i dont know how to explain. i have problem in digestion also. i feel the food is in my chest only, i have vomiting sensation also, but i dont vomit.
4004 10 Thu, 4 Oct 2012
I have indigestion and running around the doctor, please help me... :(
1630 9 Wed, 15 Jun 2011
Hi doc, im 29 years old. 2 days after my period i had a brown discharge for about 4 days, after it went away we had sex and 2 days after that i started getting a milky white slimy discharge, dull pain around my ovaries, now and then a shooting pain in my uterus and it has been going on for a...
1083 8 Tue, 6 Aug 2013
Hi I m 22 to 23 weeks pregnant and I have this great pressure in my lower abdominal area with a sting shooting pain once or twice a day should I be worried ?
402 7 Sat, 20 Apr 2013
Sir, Recently my brother had a pain in the lower abdominal but it stays small days , we consult local doctor, Ultra sound, blood test and x ray given for super pubic pain and all of these there no such reason found, but from X-ray there a small white radio opaque shadow found in the right pelvis...
179 7 Fri, 12 Aug 2011
Hi, I have an 8yr old son who has been vomiting on and off (every few days) for the last month or so. He complains sometimes of pains in his stomach, but he is usually ok again 30mins after he has vomited until the next time. Any ideas?
358 7 Mon, 21 Mar 2011
I have Gall Stones that are 10mm big (several) with a 3mm lining around the gallbladder thats swelled up. Every night I am in pain, I can t eat..or even sleep. Iv e taken panadol, 4 Tramadol, hot showers, hot water bottles ect... It s 1am so i can;t access any pharmacies...and I have no car so I...
33401 7 Sat, 1 Oct 2011
I have pain in the upper stomach, just below my sternum. Feels like it s being my stomach. Feels like I have been punched in my stomach. I am bloated and I cannot take a deep breath. There is also a lot burping going on. I have had this before....it can last from 4 hres to a couple of days. I ve...
648 7 Sun, 7 Aug 2011
I had a liver serroses and my tests normal but blood test shows low platlets 35000 and hp11,8 I had last bleeding in 2009,aug during last year Ramadan. My Question can I fast ramadan this year and I feel it too long day and hot weather and I am afrade from geting bleeding again this year.
8785 7 Thu, 28 Jun 2012
I have gastric problem -symptoms are burping always and having missed heart beats Am having severe gastric problem .symptoms are burping always and having missed heart beats when I have this problem.Once am relieved from this my heart beat is normal.presently taking pantocid DSR.how is thr...
92 6 Fri, 21 Sep 2012
Hi, I m 36 yrs old. I was having pain in the lower quadrant of the right abdomen near to the the joint . Later it was diagnosed to be typhoid with typhi o 1/160 and typhi h 1/80. Doctor suggested antibiotic, Oftum-OZ. After 2 weeks i did my widal test again which showed typhi o 1/80 and typhi h...
2115 6 Mon, 28 Mar 2011
every night i m feeling indigeton i m unable to digest any outside food i have visited apollo & they gave few tabs ( morning before BF & night after meals) if i m using that tabs i m feelng comfort... if not again problemstarts)
2362 6 Mon, 9 Apr 2012
Fiber rich foods are ideal for constipation, its better than taking laxative. eat banana, beans, carrot, and more spinach. i also use cremadiet powder fo constipation. it has no taste, it bland, its very difficult to have it, do yu know any other suppliment that will be better than cremadiet.
43 5 Wed, 25 Sep 2013
I have a h.pylori infection .a healing ulcer..and gastritis...endoscopy done...doc has prescribed amoxy and levofloxacin for 10 days..although for my UTI which was diagnosed amonth back i have completed a course of Nitrofan 100 mg for 8 days..the culture report shows resistant to amoxy..questiois...
126 5 Tue, 2 Apr 2013
Hi I have pain in the stomach and having diarrhea for 2 days now. Slight fever on the first day. Last night, I had fecalysis and result shows everything is normal. I had blood test as well and showed my white blood cells is low than normal range. It was 3.4 as of last night. He asked me to take...
708 5 Thu, 31 Jan 2013
my husband has a hernia that has now dropped all the way down into his scrotum . It is a little bigger than a ten.ball, the left one being about the size of a grape. it is quite sore and is really hard inside. Is he in any more danger now that it has dropped down there. If I recall, it seems like...
12053 5 Thu, 11 Jul 2013
if nutrolin b is effect for triedness due to loose motion
164 5 Mon, 16 May 2011
Hi, I am 29 yrs old Male. I am feeling pain in my left side of stomach. Its not too much but it is continuing for last 3 days. I took some antacid but did not helped. Now sometime I am feeling vomiting also. Please suggest me what needs to be done here.
1037 5 Fri, 13 May 2011
I am 35 yr male. I get frequent stomach upsets. It all started 7 - 8 years back with gastroenteritis. I had bad stomach upsets with frequent bowel movement and pain in the abdomen . I used to feel very weak after the bowel movement. The frequency and the pain reduced now but I still do have the...
324 5 Wed, 13 Jul 2011
what can i use for headache , heartburn ,internal abdominal heat,rib pains, back pain ,and general bone ache? i am having all these symptoms presently.
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