Eating Disorders Questions & Answers

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1449 6 Wed, 24 Apr 2013
all my friends are worried about me. i skpi beakfest, eat a lowfat yogurt for lunch, and i might eat a little for dinner. i don t think i am. i think i am very fat.
1011 5 Fri, 3 Jun 2011
I m currently 17 years old and trying to get in shape over the summer for senior year of high school. I m not overweight at all just trying to trim down a bit. I want to start eating healthy foods but the whole problem is everything I eat lately has made me feel awful. My stomach just hurts...
186 4 Mon, 16 Sep 2013
I have been suffering from anorexia for 7 years now and have been trying to gain weight. I am 5 1 and weigh about 70lbs. Despite this, I eat over 2200 calories a day and still do not gain any weight. I am wondering now, is it possible that I could have damaged my body s absorption, or do I have...
438 4 Thu, 17 Mar 2011
i am 21 years old male. i have a problem with eating food because i have nausea just before eating or at the end of the meal .i don`t feel well until i am vomiting . i saw many doctor and takt many drugs and am not treated.i took drugs like omeprazol -peptomet and others.i have loss of appetite...
647 4 Fri, 16 Mar 2012
Does throwing up after you eat really cause you to lose weight? Okay, so I can admit I have some serious issues. I have had anorexia for about 8 years now, and have been experimenting with bulimia. The thing is, whenever I try to eat something, I freak out and have a panic attack, and then go...
1009 4 Fri, 16 Mar 2012
Sometimes i could be watching tv or something and my heard will randomly start hurting. I haven t, and won t be telling my parents about it because i think it may have something to do with my anorexia. But still i m not sure, does anybody know why it might be hurting ? not my head, my heaRT
383 4 Sat, 7 May 2011
she isn t fully anorexic but she s really cutting things out of her diet more and more, first it was stop eating junk foods and pop, and next it was go vegan, and now she just stopped eating completely with the exception of a few grapes here and there to stop people from thinking she s anorexic....
97 3 Mon, 29 Apr 2013
Hello, for the last week now i have been nausea, having bad stomach pains, can t stand for very long, always freezing in the inside but body temperature over average, extreme loss of appetite and very sensitive to smells. I have been to the doctors but they didn t tell me much. I am in so much...
41 3 Mon, 29 Apr 2013
hi doc,my 31 year old brother has a gastric problem for 6 years,he has tried gaviscon,omeprazole,ranitidine,and others,but he simply cant eat anything.he has lost 5 stones in this time.all he survives on is a glass of milk a day,and sometimes porridge,which he struggles to swallow badly.he has...
637 3 Wed, 24 Apr 2013
Hi. I would like to know how harmful eating colored chalk is. I have been eating it for a few weeks now, and when I miss a day, I nearly go crazy! I then have to rush to a store to buy some. I especially prefer the colored one. I also always make it a note to drink 3-4 glasses of water after...
78 3 Thu, 2 May 2013
Hi, I have this frequent feeling of food or drink getting caught in my airway after I eat or drink. It causes me to cough, and sometimes some mucous comes up, but most of the time the cough is dry and it still feels like something is in my airway. It is extremely frustrating and I find myself...
1613 3 Tue, 16 Oct 2012
Hi, My father recently had a check up and the BP was 130/80 doctor advised him to take more calcium and so I requested father to have more milk and curd, but then he denied saying he has got a problem when ever he takes milk it feel like heavy in the chest or when he take black tea in the evening...
2388 3 Mon, 25 Jul 2011
How harmful is eating chalk. I eat 1 chalk stick daily..... What can be the effects in short n long run. I hav been eating it fr 1 year. Nothing like crams or any stomach upset is there. Can i develop some disease coz f this habit.
1221 3 Fri, 24 Jun 2011
Sir am a 23year marrid girl having an habbit of eating slate pencils at my age of 13 to 16 and i left the habbit and again now few months back i was started and stopped by my husband emotional thoughts but am feeling to eat those and am having iron difficiency said my pathilogist and having...
142 3 Fri, 15 Jul 2011
I am 16 years old and for the past week or so, I have felt like I have had to throw up after I eat, sometimes I will, and I (even though this is weird) burp after eating . I feel sick to my stomach, and I can be so hungry at the end of the day and after eating a little bit, I throw it all up. I...
601 3 Sun, 17 Apr 2011
452 3 Sun, 12 Feb 2012
Hi, I am wondering if anybody can help me.... I have had eating disorders on and off since I was 10 years old and although I have been offered a lot of help, I was never in the right place. I am currently planning my wedding (it s in 7 weeks time!!!), selling my house, moving jobs and going...
280 3 Sun, 12 Feb 2012
This is killing me! Why do people think I have an eating disorder? My mom thinks I have anorexia and people call me that at school. I feel like people are judging me by how skinny I am! I mean the world critisizes you because you are fat and they also do when you are skinny! I eat a TON but I am...
859 3 Sat, 19 Dec 2009
I know potassium levels can be low when u are bulimic but can someone tell me... If you are taken to hospital coz u faint and they find ur potassium levels are low... What do they do? Thanks i mean like.. how do they test you? Do they know ur bulimic? etc etc How long do they keep u in hopsital...
580 3 Sun, 12 Feb 2012
i have a boy aged 12 who has adhd i have thought he has been making himself vomit for a while and have just heard him however he denies this is this common in children or is it connected to his adhd .