Eating Disorders Questions & Answers

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2 1 Fri, 29 Sep 2023
I sometimes hear and see things that other people do not hear or see. Also I sometimes feel tugging on my hair even if no one s around and it s not caught on something. I ve been told that having an eating disorder you can have this problem. It s been happening before I developed an ed, it s been...
3 2 Thu, 1 Jun 2023
Hi i have an eating disorder and ive started purging and starving myself more than usual yesterday i was forced to eat by a friend and ever since ive had a headache, a burning sensation in my stomach but also a sharp dull pain in my abdomen, im having tremors and cant stop shaking i thought it...
2 1 Thu, 27 Jun 2019
This may be a weird question but, for some reason when I am eating sometimes, I taste something different from the foods I am actually eating. For example, I was eating a poutine the other day and it weirdly made me think of goldfish crackers, and then when I was eating chicken the night after,...
2 1 Thu, 27 Jun 2019
I m asking for a friend who I am concerned about, he is 55 years of age, has recently, without trying, lost a lot of weight and his taste buds have changed and food he used to like doesn t taste good anymore...He has seen multiple doctors and had many tests done, no doctors can come up with a...
2 1 Tue, 8 Jan 2019
Why can t I eat anymore? It feels like one day I woke up and am only capable of eating half of what I used to. For example: at around 1pm I hadn t eaten all day and i felt really hungry. I went to panera and ordered my usual. But I could eat about half of it. I can normally finish it. I felt like...
2 1 Thu, 20 Sep 2018
I am a 62 year-old female in excellent health. Over the last 48 hours, I have had faint flutters in my middle chest (no obvious heart pain), then I become light-headed, to the point of a slight headache. I have never had indigestion/heartburn, and I am wondering if the bbq I have eaten 3x has...
3 2 Fri, 31 Aug 2018
Dear sir\mam I have been suffering from anemia from my child hood and I have pica that is eating raw rice regularly, if I take tablet that habit stops for some month again it starts pls suggest me what to do to come out of this pica
3 1 Mon, 30 Jul 2018
Have a friend who had a nasty virial attack about 10 weeks ago followed by ulcerations of small intestinge. Large intestine gone. Woman is 75 was in good health and fit but now very frail and weak. Definite anemia and considerable problem with oral thrush. This latter was treated with 7 pills...
2 1 Wed, 13 Jun 2018
Hi, I believe I have a eating disorder. I could go days with just eating barely a snack. I’ll go all day without really eating anything and sometimes binge at night or barely eat anything. I’ve been told I’m malnourished and to drink stuff like ensure but I don’t really do that anymore because...
2 1 Mon, 30 Apr 2018
How do you know when chest pain (squeezing pain) is not indigestion? I m 64 year old female, not overweight, active and otherwise healthy. I ve asked my primary about this, but she says it s probably nothing. There s heart disease in the family - would like to know if there are some tests I could...
2 1 Sun, 29 Apr 2018
I need some help trying to make a wise decision about medicine my doctor wants me to take. What I really need is to find a doctor that can help me without medicine. any suggestions? He wants me to take viberzi. I have problems with my stomach/intestions. I cannot have corn, wheat, dairy, or any...
2 1 Wed, 11 Apr 2018
Hi Doctor, I have just been told by my gastroenterologist that I have diverticulitis. I am 89 years old. What do I need to do to modify my diet. I have never had any pain or discomfort. My condition was just diagnosed through a colonoscopy procedure last week. thanks. Tom F
2 1 Mon, 2 Apr 2018
My son and our family just finished a seafood dinner involving shrimp and lobster. After he ate he had a sudden headache and tingling in his lower face area. He has migraines all the time. He is 32 years old. He is feeling a little better after 15 minutes but still feels tingly. Blood pressure...
2 1 Sat, 31 Mar 2018
Yes please, my step mother has been going through things where , times she wont eat meals that we cook, she may also cook but not eat any meals besides packet chips , biskets,,, she recently has had to fainting issues past 2 weeks and loss of weight as well
2 1 Mon, 5 Mar 2018
I drink only water but I only chew ice in excessive amounts of at least 9 - 32 oz glasses a day. My appetite has changed I can only eat small amounts throughout the day. I get nauseated at times and there s been days that I feel like I have diarrhea but when I go to the restroom all that comes...
3 2 Wed, 14 Feb 2018
I’ve been pulling out my hair and eating it for at least 7 years. I’ve recently found out that the hair you eat doesn’t get digested and can accumulate in your stomach and digestive track and cause serious damage. I‘m seeking psychiatric help but, should I see my physician to check if I have a...
2 1 Thu, 11 Jan 2018
Hi, for the last 4 years I have been eating my hair follicles. I do not eat the full hair only the follicles and sometimes a little bit past. I do pull my hair out due to stress and anxiety. I also have to wear a wig because of my hair loss. I m just afraid that I might have a big hair ball in my...
2 1 Fri, 5 Jan 2018
I have flushing and hot face after eating; have only noticed it after the evening meal. Usually starts quite soon after eating I don t drink alcohol but do take nexus and several prescription drugs in the morning. Usually have light stomach discomfort shortly after the flushing and hot feeling...
2 1 Fri, 1 Dec 2017
I fell forward five days ago, hitting my chest. Upper chest felt o.k, but numb all afternoon. Did have slight pain below left breast during the afternoon. Took Tylenol (on blood thinner) for pain. Slept very little first night. Four days later, am in terrible pain, little sleep and can hardly get...
2 1 Fri, 24 Nov 2017
I have a vitamin d deficiency , this is new within the last few years... now anything I eat with dairy upsets my stomach, and for some reason pork bothers me too.. What can I do to alleviate this? I take vitamin d supplements prescribed to me by my doctor but they upset my stomach too!