Heart Attack Questions & Answers

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1391 11 Fri, 10 Jun 2011
i was diagnosed with anxiety in november, and having so many physical symptoms. last year i had a blood test and 2 ecg s and also my eyes were checked because i have headaches everyday, i get dizzy,lightheaded,shaky,hot flushes, feel like im going to collapse, and now im getting chest pains and i...
639 7 Tue, 30 Jul 2013
my father has a heart attack , is there any chance that i, as his son, might get a heart attack ?
786 6 Wed, 5 Oct 2011
I keep getting pains in the center of my chest. I am frightened it may be a heart attack . What else could it be ?
257 6 Sat, 1 Oct 2011
well i have been gettin black outs alot for few weeks and headaches im a female 20 yr old skinny dnt eat often get really bad chest pains last few days feels like its getting worse i smoke every day my hair is starting to fall out i stress alot i get hot and cold flushes every day and the black...
573 6 Sat, 1 Oct 2011
Hi, I am a 25yr old male with no kind of medical problems currently known. I am having strong chest pains at various locations on left side of chest wall . I will have them mostly near the sternum on left side and sometimes below the nipple close to bottom of ribs. Also, I have noticed a pulse...
808 6 Mon, 4 Apr 2011
I ve had this problem for years and no one can find it; today it s been at its worse and slowly getting worse over time. My heart started racing through a 10 minute period peaking at 158bpm (I have a pulse meter thing). When it peaked there was a large THUMP in my chest and my rate dropped back...
1153 6 Mon, 4 Apr 2011
Hello, I got a problem with my sinus. I got it once inflammated when I traveled to Hungary (Im from Poland). So when I travelled second time I recognised the symptoms. I inhaled some steams. Back at home I got some medications prescribed for sinus inflammation. It worked until the pills ended....
2116 6 Tue, 27 Nov 2012
I am a 55 years old man, weigh 97 kg and am 173 cm tall. For the last one month, I have severe acidity problem due to which I am unable to sleep at night. I experience chest pain and irritation in the food pipe. I used to go for night walk daily for an hour or so but due to uneasiness and...
87 5 Wed, 31 Jul 2013
Hi ,Last week my dad got heart attack immediately he was hospitalised.Doctors have done angio for the intial block.Right now he is normal.But he has three more blocks and the report says Triple vessel diease.Doctor suggested us to go for open heart surgery .But I have a query he has 50% of block...
325 5 Fri, 13 May 2011
Hi my age is 20 male. i had a pain n my chst on the left side i rushed to the hospital.My ecg and CAG reports are normal.My doc says my heart is absolutely normal and the pain was due to anxiety and stress.But still i m feeling low.i have a fear of an heart attack .there is also a twitching pain...
1685 5 Mon, 9 May 2011
Hi, I am Jaime, 34 years old, female. I have this strange cold sensation in my left hand as I am typing now. 2 weeks before this as well as yesterday night, I have kind of pain/numb inside the head starting from below the eye all the way to the back of the head - on the left side only. Then I...
517 5 Mon, 4 Apr 2011
recently my grand father had chest pain and was rushed to emergency department, there they took ECG and told it is pretty much ok and he as suffered angina, not heart attaok. they put him on injectable blood thinning drugs and than latter discharged with oral blood thining drugs. it also contains...
474 5 Fri, 20 Nov 2009
hi, one of the gift of working in AC office is this pontiac fever, I had fever,cough, chest pain, body ache, this was there from some past 3 months. I found most of the people in the office had this problem. latter it was known that it is the office AC which is causing the fever.
1060 5 Tue, 5 Apr 2011
my dad suffered an mild heart attack and underwent angioplasty and stent placement, after 2 years now he is not able to walk the long distance which he used to it because of chest pain after taking rest he can walk some more distance. he has developed a block in other vessel, and needs stent to...
2770 5 Mon, 4 Apr 2011
Normal blood pressure is 120/80 mm hg where 120 is the systolic pressure and 80 is the diastolic pressure. Low blood pressure is an abnormal condition where a person s blood pressure is much lower than usual, which can cause symptoms such as dizziness or lightheadedness. When the blood pressure...
60 4 Wed, 31 Jul 2013
A friend of mine has had a massive heart attack on monday. He had a balloon angioplasty done nd stenth. He is in a lot of pain nd the doctors mentioned something about heart spasms. What is happening to him and will he survive this? Another piece of info I got is dat da doctors have said his...
204 4 Fri, 11 Mar 2011
718 4 Fri, 29 Apr 2011
Doctor told my father for by pass surgery and 98% ;100%;90% heart blockage .Is there an alternative medicine to cure the disease. My father age is 48 yrs and he was having chest pain when he walk a long distance.he dont want to go for operation but he wants some other way to remove this blockage...
277 4 Thu, 15 Sep 2011
I got sick a month ago and have been having chest pain and coughing for the past three and a half week. now and it wont go away it sounds like wheezing when i breath and i am always taking in deep breaths like i cant get enough air what could it be?
238 4 Tue, 20 Sep 2011
Hi, I am 25 year old lady. I am little obese. after my delivery only i am so obese. nowadays i used to note that when I cry or feel sad or I feel worried or tensed then I will get chest pain and during that time it will pain if I take deep breathe. I feel like something is stucked over my chest...