Vision and Eye Disorders Questions & Answers

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2610 13 Tue, 27 Aug 2013
what`s the treatment available for cataract? please help me
1510 11 Wed, 18 Sep 2013
I am doing my MBA. I read in a paper that once the person dies his eyes can be used for the blind persons so that they can see. Is ther any thing like that. I want to know more about this. Is it possible to do this. Iam really interested to know about this. I wish to donate my eyes after my death...
1375 10 Tue, 16 Jul 2013
i am having severre burning sensation of the eye....i think that this is due to dry eye....can some one help me to come out of it
1950 9 Wed, 18 Sep 2013
hi guys, what`s the reason for cataract?
272 7 Thu, 1 Sep 2011
Im working 8hrs in system Now i goto eye hospital for eye irritation they check up tel me to wear the glass continuously my power range is Right eye 10 Left eye 075 At now my question is if i wear continuously power glass if any healthy food i eat means did my eye problem will cure
676 7 Thu, 8 Sep 2011
I am left eye power is -22 right eye power is how to inprove this?give me a sajetion plese.
1315 7 Sun, 2 Jan 2011
can anyone tel me the outcome and complications of cataract surgery if possible?
2316 6 Sat, 24 Dec 2011
Why do i have headaches when i look up, down, left, and right? what must i do?
177 6 Wed, 28 Nov 2012
my eyes so week around 5 point what i do to remove my contact lens
823 6 Tue, 20 Sep 2011
i am having a head ache and pain in left eye ............
900 6 Sat, 2 Jan 2010
my one year old daughter is suffering from retinitis there any treatment for this ..i have posted this as i can reach the people all over world throgh this site ..thanx in advance
1177 6 Thu, 2 May 2013
my dad has got ptyrigium of eye ..this is the first time i have heard about this is it harmfull??is it treatable??
7140 6 Sun, 2 Jan 2011
hi guys, my dad is diagnosed with cataract, any idea what it means?
40 5 Mon, 26 Aug 2013
My 33 year old daughter has lost her peripheral vision. She went to an eye specialist today and he told her he can find nothing to warrant the loss. He said sometimes people lose their peripheral vision and it slowly comes back. She is a mother of 6 children and needs to be able to drive. At this...
677 5 Mon, 16 Apr 2012
Both of my eyes itch and are red and when I wake up I can t open my eyes especially my right eye until I clean all the hard crusty stuff of the eye. My right eye is worse. My right eye itches in the corner closer to the nose and is watery all day with gooey stuff coming out of the left corner of...
161 5 Wed, 21 Aug 2013
I have things on my eyelids that look loke moles . They are little & I have heard they were tics caused by hormones.What is it & what can be done about it
3161 5 Wed, 28 Sep 2011
I have a teredium desease, what is the remedy. almost 5 years that I have a teredium desease.
263 5 Fri, 30 Nov 2012
I am feeling something like is floating on eye surface, something like a spider web, and when i try see something near, I see that floating stuff very clearly which is disturbing me in seeing, but when I see something far, I am usually not seeing those floating materials clearly. Few details: 1....
1241 5 Wed, 29 Dec 2010
Hi , my sister s daughter is 3 years old , doctors have recommended her spects of long+short sightedness abt no. 3 , what could be the problem ? can i know the best eye specialist in Mumbai
751 5 Tue, 19 Jan 2010
Hi.. My eyes are red most of the time, at workplace.. Is this because of excess body heat because if I take more water i am feeling good.
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