Idiopathic Peripheral Periphlebitis
Idiopathic Peripheral Periphlebitis also called
Eales Disease is a rare disease of eye characterized by sudden loss of vision, due to inflammation of the blood vessels of the eye leading to recurrent hemorrhage into the eyeball as well as oozing of clear thick fluid from inside of the eyeball.
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Angioplasty and Stents
Angioplasty is the commonly used term for coronary angioplasty. The more technical terms used for the same procedure are
percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (
PTCA). Angioplasty is a procedure to open blocked arteries in your heart by inserting and inflating a tiny balloon. Most patients who undergo angioplasty also get a ?stenting? done at the same time. Stents are coiled metal meshes that hold the arteries open and reduce the chances of re-narrowing (
restenosis). Stents coated with drugs to decrease clotting or narrowing at the site are called drug eluting stents (DES). Uncoated stents are called bare metal stents.
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What can cause bleeding after sex ?
Bleeding during or after intercourse, often termed post-coital bleeding, can occur because of many reasons.
Cervical cancer is one of the most serious causes of post-coital bleeding. However, it is not the only cause. In fact, less than 6 percent women presenting with post-coital bleeding are likely to be diagnosed with invasive cancer. Some of the more common causes of bleeding associated with intercourse are precancerous changes in the
cervical ectropion, infections and inflammation. Whatever the cause of bleeding associated with intercourse, it is not a symptom that you should ignore. It is advisable to contact your doctor at the earliest if you are experiencing bleeding during or after intercourse.
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Hair Pulling Syndrome
Hair Pulling Syndrome is a type of
Obsessive disorder characterized by an intense urge to pull the hair especially from the
scalp. It is also associated with many related mental and depressive disorders.
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Factor XIII Deficiency
It is a very rare disorder causing severe bleeding. Factor X111 or
fibrin stabilizing factor is an enzyme of the blood coagulation system.
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Empty Sella Turcica
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Fabry Disease
It is also known as Anderson-Fabry disease,
Angiokeratoma corporis diffusum, Ruiter-Pompen-Wyers syndrome, Ceramide trihexosidosis and Sweeley-Klionsky disease. It is an X-linked recessive inherited
lysosomal storage disease. It is genetically inherited disease.
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Enlarged Tongue
Enlarged tongue is also called as
Macroglossia. It refers to abnormally large tumor.
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Cardiac Rehabilitation
It is a program to help the cardiac patients recover quickly and improve their overall physical, mental and social functioning. The goal of cardiac
rehabilitation is to slow the disease process, stabilize or to reverse the progression of
heart disease and thus preventing heart disease, cardiac event or death.
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Giroux Barbeau Syndrome
It is a condition characterized by association of skin disorder with slowly progressive neurological symptoms. It is also known as
Erythrokeratodermia with ataxia.
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