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It an inflammation of one or both the testicles. It is mainly caused by mumps. It can be due to viruses or bacteria. Viral Orchitis is mainly due to mumps leading to infertility. Bacterial Orchitis can be due to sexually transmitted diseases.
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Gynecomastia or enlargement of male breast

Gynecomastia is swelling of the breast tissue in men. It is caused by an imbalance of the hormones estrogen and testosterone. It is common in new borns, pubertal age, and in older men.
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Paraphimosis is a condition in which the foreskin once pulled back behind the glans cannot be brought down to the original position. It is an uncommon condition and occurs less often than Phimosis.
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Torsion of testis or testicular torsion

It is a condition in which the testicle rotates on the spermatic cord which supplies blood for the testicles. This result in block of blood supply to testicles causing sever pain and swelling. It is common in males of age group under 25.
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Hydrocele or processus vaginalis

Hydrocele is a fluid filled sac surrounding a testicle that results in swelling in the scrotum which is the loose bag of skin below the penis. It can occur in one in 10 infants and disappears by the first year of life. They present as painless swelling in the scrotum.
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Scrotal swellings

Scrotal swellings or masses are areas of fluid or solid material in, on or around the testicles. It can be benign or malignant. The testicles are located in loose bag of skin underneath the penis, which keeps at a temperature lower than the abdominal cavity. The low temperature is needed for adequate sperm production.
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A spermatocele is a cyst that develops in the epididymis which is a small, coiled tube situated in the upper testicle that collects and transports sperm. Generally painless and noncancerous, a spermatocele usually is filled with milky or clear fluid that may contain sperm.
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Self examination of testis

Testicular cancer is most common in men ages 20 to 35 but it can occur at any age. A simple testicular self-examination can improve the chances of finding a tumor early. Beginning at age 15, it is a good idea to do a monthly testicular self-exam. Regular testicular self-examinations are an important way to identify changes that can be a sign of cancer. Early diagnosis is important because testicular cancer is highly treatable when found early. Lumps or other changes found during a testicular self-exam aren't always a sign of cancer, but still need to be checked by a doctor.
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Common health threats in men and prevention

There are various health conditions which are more common in men than in women. Heart disease is the most common cause of death in men. There are various precautions which when taken can prevent the various health conditions and prolonging the life.
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Testosterone therapy

The possibilities of testosterone therapy are enticing in increasing the muscle mass, sharpen the memory and mental focus, too boost libido, and improve energy level. As you get older, testosterone therapy may sound like the ultimate anti-aging formula.
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