Asthma and Allergy Questions & Answers

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1592 17 Mon, 5 Nov 2012
i am deeply pained my daughter has asthma since when she was child. it use come and go, atleast 3-4 times in a year. now also she gets the attacks. is there any permament cure, will ayurvedic medications help her for long term relief.
320 15 Wed, 5 Jun 2013
I have bronchial asthma since 10 years now. i have been prescribed two inhalers.those are TIOVA and BUDATE . i do not take them regularly as i dont need them. whrnever the whether changes i get breathless and at that time these inhalers are of no help. i am awake for 3-4 hrs as i cannot lie down...
513 9 Wed, 13 Apr 2011
hello i would like to know if my 16weeks old baby has a sinusites, she is sneezing every day since birth, she has a cogh but nat severe all the time, she ve got dark circles under eyes, she is a bit swollen under and behind the eyes in the beginig of the skull and i think she haas itchy nose. the...
1329 9 Fri, 17 Jun 2011
My kid is suffering from wheezing and cough and mild fever, doctor said its asthma, but no one in our family has asthma. i am confused, doctor gave her syrup and antibiotics. can it be a bronchitis, if its a bronchitis does the treatment change.
304 8 Sun, 14 Aug 2011
hello, i am 23 years old.from childhood i am suffering from cough problems.Problem starts after 5to 6 months.But now it is on peak.thisis a very big problem for me.I could not concentrate on studies and work.people hatev to talk me.plz tell me some thing.I am a fat person ,my hight is165 cm and...
181 7 Tue, 5 Jul 2011
if their is incressed markings with reduced areation in the basal lung field on the rt side my age is 52years I have hypersenstive pneuminia 3 months ago now my x ray show this
614 7 Tue, 19 Jan 2010
I am a healthy software designer,46 years by age. I just came back home from a trip to UP and my throat is sore. This happened the last time I came back as well. I m confused. I m wondering if I have an allergy or if I m actually going to get sick.
813 7 Fri, 17 Feb 2012
My 3 year old son is having asthma from one year. Every winter he suffferes from asthma, he gets cold, cough and wheezing. I cannot see my little one struggle like this. Is ther an thing to cure for this. I heard some homeopathic treatment will help to cure this. Is ther any medications to cure...
59 6 Tue, 30 Apr 2013
Doctor, I Subha, 28 years old. From last 2 days I m suffering breathless problem. already I had medicine, (Muscadol & salbutamol inhel) before I was suffering chest pain also, now no painning more, but still having breathless. (I m working in a Laundry & there are more dust also) from my child...
178 6 Fri, 23 Nov 2012
Hi Dr., I generally suffer from cold and cough during rainy/winter season accompanied by mild wheezing and extreme sneezing . I however try to keep my self warm and also avoid cold beverages. But the wheezing seems to come back every winter and causes a lot of suffocation especially during the...
176 6 Tue, 27 Dec 2011
hiiiiiiii im suffering from eosinophil quintity is 9.. suggest me what i do. I m always suffering from cold ring nose and my father and mother also suffering from asthema. now a days i m very suffer from cold. now i m take homopethic medician but no relife. Please tell me what i do in about if u...
503 6 Fri, 13 May 2011
I am having a old problem of chronic cold...and cough. now i am even getting throat infections frequently.also pain in my eyebrows. cold has been a problem with me since childhood now i am 28. I have visited many ENT specialists and they just gave medications without diagnosing the root cause. I...
728 6 Thu, 30 Jun 2011
I on deriphylline tablets for asthama, but when it worsens then only i will use asthalin pumps, now a days neither the tablets nor the pumps help me. i am tired most of the times, should i go for steroids ?
96 5 Fri, 2 Aug 2013
I am a 50 y/o male. I have had apthous ulcers as long as I can remember. There had been a long span of time in which I had not had a breakout, but in the last few weeks, I have been suffering a major upheaval. The inner part of my lips feel rough to my tongue and the ulcers are very small and on...
342 5 Sun, 25 Sep 2011
am having an apicolordotic view x-ray and the results says: apicolordotic view confirms the presence of fibarhazed at the right upper lobe probably koch s etiology. what does it mean?
114 5 Sun, 25 Sep 2011
I am 33 Yrs old and for last 3 years I have been suffering from frequent throat allergy/ irritation, which creates fever as well. In all sort of testings done, there s no finding. Kindly provide me the solution.
240 5 Fri, 18 Nov 2011
Sir,I am 28 years old female and I have been suffering from wheezhing and breathlessness since childhood.I have been using Asthalin inhaler and I used to feel better.I have shown many doctors including allopathy, Ayurveda and even Homeopathy.During intial stage of treatment the problems reduces...
330 5 Sun, 26 Jun 2011
Worsening allergy symptoms: headaches, feeling of nausea (no vomitting), head/facial pressure; tested non- reactive to all skin tests; had sinus surgery - no improvement; taking/using daily: Claritan, saline for nose, Nasonex, Benadry as needed (usually 3 per day). What else can I do? Symptoms of...
870 5 Thu, 16 Jun 2011
My 3 year old daughter had been suffering from frequent wheezing for past 2 years. She has been on Montair course for 2 months then the medication shifted gradually to Seroflo 125 (1 puff twice a day) to Maxiflo 125 (1 puff twice a day) to the present Maxiflo 250 (1 puff twice a day). However,...
78 5 Sat, 21 Jan 2012
my name is kingsley from nigeria 36ys with history of astma that started at 6month after my birth but now find out from medical test that my hypataities B is posetive and my dr. placce me onUdilive 300 and Immune booster for three months now but the Hgb is still posetive, what do i do
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