Birth Control Questions & Answers

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1859 9 Tue, 5 Jul 2011
i had sex with my collegue...3 weeks back...she is not married and i dont kow about her previous i am very scared that i will get AIDS as i dint use condom...pls tell me what test should i do now??when should i do?? pls do post a reply??
11722 8 Wed, 26 Jan 2011
I am 34 years old woman. I have been married for 5 years. My husband does not enjoy sex using condoms.He has been asking me to get copper-t inserted.I want to know the procedure of insertion, it s side effects and how painful it can be during insertion and after insertion.when is the best time to...
1957 8 Fri, 11 Feb 2011
alcohol, drugs and sex. Sound like fun? Well, they can be, and often are. But they can also carry risks, especially when they’re mixed together. Drink and drugs both go hand in hand with socializing. People usually do these things at parties, hanging out with friends, at bars or at clubs. Why?...
5120 7 Sat, 17 Oct 2009
Hi, i am having my menstural cycles day 1 . is it absolutely safe to have sex during my menstrual period. can i have sex without condoms. i read it in an article that sex during menses eases cramps and headaches during menses. i have never tired sex during menses, can i try ?
1033 7 Tue, 27 Oct 2009
Iam married for 7 months. Me and my husband have decided not to have children for 2 years due to some commitments and we were using condoms for this. But last month i did not get my periods. My periods was supposed to come on 25th of August but still it has not come. Is there any chance that iam...
1919 7 Sun, 18 Oct 2009
hi. i had protected sex with my girlfriend yesterday and before we started there was pre ejaculation but then the condom broke. im not really worried though because it a slim chance and for it to happen if the pre ejaculation picked up sperm from the urethra and i urinated several times that day...
269 6 Tue, 21 Jun 2011
Sir I have two children and I do not want more children and family planning . So please tell me about copper “T” or another suitable thing who control pregnancy
557 6 Wed, 20 Oct 2010
I have recently started having sex and was able to last anywhere between 30-50 minutes. Now I only been able to last about 2-5 minutes. I am quite concerned about all of this and am hoping to find a way to increase my lasting time. I am 17 and use condoms all the time. What is causing this and...
457 6 Fri, 26 Nov 2010
I am 19 I had a child at 14 one at 16 one at 17 and twins at 18. I am now almost 20 and pregnant. I am not irresponsible I am allergic to condoms and also have tried 11 different forms of the pill all in which I have been allergic to, also have had the bar in my arm which also made me very sick....
536 6 Sun, 26 Sep 2010
i am sick of telling my wife to get abortions whenever she gets preg. i dont want kids. i tell her not to but she doesnt listen and gets pregnant again anyway and then she has to abort again. this has happened 7 or 8 times in the past few years. we re married so we dont use condoms, and she cant...
21 5 Mon, 30 Oct 2017
Doctor please help me I don t know what to do.... We had a sex on 11 October during my periods by using condom and I had taken unwanted 72 but at 18 October some brownish red spotting came out from my vagina and I m feeling pain in my back and I fainted today spotting happen 2-3 days my shoulder...
285 5 Wed, 11 Apr 2012
sir, i had sex with my bf on 4th of this month and the condom tore off and i think the semen had gone inside my body. i took ipill imedoately within 1 hr. then the other day i exp cramp like before onset of periods and i bleed a little .i thought it is period but i didnt bleed afterwards. also i...
442 5 Mon, 23 Jan 2012
Hi Doctor , I am about to start Dronis 20 pill. I am on second day of period. I was advised by doctor to start on second day rather than first day of would that create any issues. DO I need to take protection while we have sex and continue to taking these pills . Please help me on this.
107 5 Sat, 24 Dec 2011
hi i am a women i had sex with my husband the condom fell off can immediately after that i took a contraceptive for the first time can that be dangerous for me? can i fall pregnant? i am healthy i just got a bladder infection i run to the toilet frequently
1225 5 Sat, 9 Apr 2011
Okay... so over the weekend...on Sunday to be exact, my boyfriend and I had sex 4 or 5 times. He only came the first time and we used a condom for that one. But after that, we didn t use a condom. He never came, he just got to the point where he was going to and then stopped. Could i get pregnant...
883 4 Wed, 3 Apr 2013
Hi sir/madam, We had intercourse on 11th feb, 2013. and she had taken unwanted - 72 within 4 hours of intercourse. later get withdrawal bleeding on 17th feb, 2013 for 4 days just like normal period. her periods are irregular in general. now when she can get next period. we dont want baby now. is...
688 4 Mon, 18 Jul 2011
Hi doctor , what is the max mnths/ years to take althea pills . im 20 and i ve been taking it for straight 1o months also should my body have a 1month rest ?
873 4 Sat, 25 Jun 2011
hi i am taking asmita pills from first day of my menstrual cycle . i consumed 14 pills and missed 15th pill.I did not consume the same within 12 hours. i continued taking rest of the pills.i had unprotected sex on 16th day .Is there any possibility of me getting pregnant
536 4 Wed, 19 Jan 2011
I am a diabetic for the past 6 years.Now I have a Urinary infection and My urine test shows results of Albumin as trace and Deposits are PUS Cells - 6-8 / HPF, EPI cells - 4-6?HPF, RBCS - 1-2/HPF. What does it means?
402 4 Fri, 23 Sep 2011
hi im on the implant and i just wanted know if i should be worried because the arm that i have the implant in is hurting and i dont know if it has moved
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