Blood Cancer(Leukemia) Questions & Answers

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372 10 Sat, 22 Jan 2011
hi i m 21 years old married from 4 years,doing family planing from 4 years no baby and n want till 3 years next,i m usin IUD for family planing,and i have problem that after one month of my marriage i got this problem my mensis are absent and very very low bleedin,start from 2 drops and till...
767 6 Thu, 27 Jan 2011
My mother is having high blood pressure, she is taking tab Amlang 5 mg in the night. Her Blood pressure is slightly controlled. I just to need is she needs to restrict any foods for the better control og her blood pressure?
66 5 Thu, 5 Feb 2015
my younger 12 yrs brother has ALL,doctor has advised for BMT after 1 week chemo induction saying it as a case of poor steroid response.a matched donor is available.when can we expect the procedure to take place? or will he continue the rest chemo of induction phase?
74 4 Tue, 17 Mar 2015
I am very worried about my 27 year old sister she has all the signs of leukaemia. She went to her gp the other day for a blood test but they said they need to take another. I really concerned as I don t want to lose her. She has lost weight, says she is tired all the time and sometimes she has...
441 4 Wed, 9 May 2012
sir my name is for AML -M2 for my brother (Age 36) He is suffering AML-M2 Since 4 Oct-2011.he has gone through treatmens like induction chemo and High Dose chemo for 3 Cycle and sent home and after 15 days checked bonemarow biopsy Result is Abnormal Cell Nill After One months He has checked CBC...
48 3 Wed, 1 Apr 2015
My dad is being treated for leukemia. He is having muscle weakness and loss, dizziness, and has been seen in the e.r. repeatedly for low blood count. He has been receiving blood 2-3 times a week for the last month, but is making no progress. Would like him to get a 2nd opinion, but he s stubborn...
35 3 Mon, 27 Apr 2015
I was just treated last year for stage 4 colon cancer and I have cat scans every three months now. I am having one tomorrow and I was wondering if they say I have a clean scan is that 100 percent certain? Would cancer of the blood or bones show up in CT scans?
98 3 Mon, 9 Feb 2015
my 81 yo mother s primary care physician is sending her to a hematologist oncologist next month because she has enlarged red blood cells, macrocytosis, liver is slightly elevated, but the B12 and folate levels are normal (she does take supplements). Other words have been thrown out there like...
52 3 Thu, 26 Feb 2015
Respected Sir, My brother who has been treated for blood cancer already at Adyar Cancer Institute but the treatment has gone failed.Then he was given Ayurvedic medicine but there seems to be adverse effects. Can you pls. tell whether it is better to admit him at CMC Vellore for further treatment.
37 3 Wed, 4 Feb 2015
Sir, I am 36 yesrs old serving soldier in Indian Air Force. My height is 158 cm. Since last year Mar TLC in my blood has been between 20 to 30 thousand and Lymphocites are between 70 to 80. Religare Lab at Delhi declared diagnosed it CLL. Doctors are opined that not to give any treatment at this...
159 3 Tue, 28 Apr 2015
Hi my husband was diagnosed with mutiple myeloma just before Christmas he had a bad reaction to thalidamide and ended up in hospital with chest problems and blood clots. He still has breathing problems so has not been on ant medication until the chest is clear. He now has continual back pain....
345 3 Sat, 13 Aug 2011
my relation take borrow marrow test it shows s/g of actue mildly leukemia correlated with immuno orthenotytying. symptoms are weight loss , reduce platelet count below 40000, cough, reduce HB, Neck and shoulder pain, eye lightly blood leaked and taken the food level is reduced. its a blood cancer...
150 3 Wed, 18 Jan 2012
Dear dr, very good evening to you. here i have question that my son he is a ALL patient diagnose last year 8th may 2010. He is on chemotherapy and we have completed treatment with the cycles and he under maintenance cycle under a pediatric oncologist . there is after after each three months there...
189 3 Fri, 23 Dec 2011
My friend had a vomiting and a blood come out in his vomit .......... and he had a regular body pain...................... after blood test they confirmed it as blood cancer ................. he is talking medicine but i want to ask that medicine is enough for this or he should talk some other...
2023 3 Mon, 28 Feb 2011
Hi, I have a wierd pain under my left armpit and it seemed to move into my back under my left shoulder blade , it feels like the pain spots seem to fall alseep, my doctor said it nothing, but i am worried.
286 3 Wed, 29 Jun 2011
I felt tired, sleepy and nausea and numbness in my toes so I did a full blood count it came MCV normal MCH ,MCHC low and HB 10.9 . what should I do for this.
299 3 Fri, 28 Jan 2011
hi I am 35/f slightly overweight and a smoker , from around 20 days i have been experiencing high blood pressure with no significant reason as i am not working now (i mean no stress) -forget to say that i am hypertensive from around fifteen years but i take no medications as BP is very unstable...
1257 3 Tue, 25 Oct 2011
My mother is suffering from CLL. She frequently develops red itchy patches on her skin. What could be the reason. She hasnot started with chemo treatment yet.
970 3 Thu, 3 Nov 2011
in augast 2007 the nurse took my blood pressure and it was 180/100 and my weight was 250 pound I come one month later and my blood pressure was 152/78 i went to another docotor to have second opinion when the nurse checkd my blood pressure it was 178/77 . he told me its better to take blood...
50 2 Mon, 23 Mar 2015
I have chronic lymphatic leukemia I have been sick to my stomach, have vomiting, headache and pain in my side on the right side my stool is kind of chalky. Sometimes I have formed stool and some time I have very runny stool and I have not changed my diet.
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