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Growth and Development in Children Questions & Answers

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282 7 Tue, 7 May 2013
hi... my daughter is 1 year and 2 months now.her weight is only 8.200 kg.she dont want to eat.i tried variety of foods.she likes milk only.what can i do ?
195 6 Fri, 13 Jan 2012
Sir, My son is 13years old it is seems his gorwth is staybility pls tell me any mdeicine
1794 6 Mon, 2 Apr 2012
A.O.A Sir. i m 22 years old female.i know about a medicine of increasing height.i.e Pine Height .its in tablet form.its supposed to be taken with milk,2times in a is a 30days course.its also available in D.watson. plz sugest me weather its useful for me or not?thanx.
229 6 Thu, 19 Sep 2013
334 6 Mon, 2 Apr 2012
hey i am 16 years old girl And i am just 5 1 .. How can i increase my height now? Please suggest something so that i can increase my height.. Please reply, i am so worried about it.. people around tease me by saying that i am dwarf..
56 5 Mon, 15 Oct 2012
Hello Doctor, my son is 6 months and 2 weeks old. he weight just 6.9 kgs. he was born 3.3kgs and upto 3 months his weight increased 1 kg per month. after 3 months, he has not gained much weight. he eats cereals 2 times and veg s 2 times. he is not fond of fruits, and dosn t like to eat them....
64 5 Thu, 19 Sep 2013
i am delivered at my 26 week of pregancy. Birth weight 980gm,now my baby is 1yr at feb 3rd (normally it is 9 months) weight is 8 kg .but main problem is still she don t have teeth .pls advice....thanks in advance...
339 5 Fri, 1 Jul 2011
my baby is 90 days old baby.he dont like lactodex pls suggest any formula milk which will increase his weight.I am also feeding him but it is not sufficient for him.pls help me
1064 4 Thu, 19 Sep 2013
hi my baby is 9 n half months he is havin loose motion from past 3days .......he passes 3-4 motions in a day..... he has no teeth yet..... is dis d sign of teething??is he havin diarrhoea ?????plz reply vry much worried
116 4 Fri, 13 Jan 2012
my son is 4 years and had test please. 1.WBC 5.63 2.RBC 4.01 3.HGB 10.7 4.PLT --- what is wrong and treatment
100 4 Wed, 18 Jan 2012
My grand daughter eleven years old studying 7th class and struglling with reading problem I took her to a dyslexia doctor and got treatment for one year and put her in tutions after that I used some ayurvedic medicnes now she improved 50percent Now the major problems 1. she is not sitting for...
756 4 Tue, 23 Aug 2011
Hello doctor i am charan and i am 18 years old,i am doing strectching exercises at home and also i am going to gym and i am seeing a good result but wat medicines should i take to grow taller quickly and is there any powder ex:complan etc which can be mixed with milk for growth.pls help me doctor...
207 4 Fri, 6 Jan 2012
i am 14 years old and have quite small breasts i think i have inverted nipples or have they just not formed yet?
272 4 Sat, 6 Aug 2011
sir, i bought dr. aurveda advanced herbal body growth formula for my daughter. who is 17 years old and height is 5.5\ and weight is 54 kgs. can this product will works and there is any side effects on girls. please guide me .
106 4 Sat, 25 Jun 2011
Hi, My daughter is one year old and we have been observing that she has difficulty holding things in her right hand and she is not able to stand on her right heel but stand on toes. I was asked by a neurologist to go for MRI . I am concerned and confsed at the same time. Please help.
3345 4 Sat, 25 Jun 2011
Hi, my child is 4yrs. old and last Friday and Saturday, a tiny white little worm comes out from his anal and complaining itchiness. She is thin and does not have a good appetite. She s not sleeping well at night too. What could be the effective medicine for deworming should I give her Doc? Please...
253 4 Sat, 7 May 2011
hello! i m 13.i m really short my hieght is 148 cm.i drink 2 glasses of milk everyday and i eat fruits too but im not hemiglobin is 10 and i got my periods when i was 11.will i grow?
135 4 Thu, 12 Jan 2012
Dear Doctor My daughter is 8 1/2 years old and got puberty before few days back. we have contacted gynac as well as hormone specialist. she has suggested to take the blood test , Pelvic ultra sound plus MRI head . we have complted everything. she also suggested, this can be postponed by reversing...
481 4 Thu, 28 Jul 2011
Hi, I am a mother of a 2yr old girl and she is getting recurrent canker sores(usually on the inside of the lips near the gums and on the corners, not sure abt the rest of the mouth she never allows me to have a peek into her mouth).Its been almost a yr now and the same problem persists.I dont...
344 4 Thu, 10 Mar 2011
Sir, I have a two year old male child who has been suffering from severe constipation for the past three or four months. None of the home remedies are working. We have tried ghutti, gripewater and other home remedies. He usually has milk from bottle twice a day.. at night and on getting up in the...
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