Heart Failure Questions & Answers

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305 8 Wed, 27 Jul 2011
hye, i am a medical student. i smoke ciggarates, not drink and dont take drug. my age is 22 yo. dont have any health problems. 1 operation on acl procedure, git prob during kids, now dont have. i usually sleep at 6 in the morning and woke up at 5pm in the evening. but today i need to attend my...
242 7 Sun, 14 Aug 2011
I want to see if my symptoms are more heart related than not?? I am female, 46 years old, 5 3 and 138lbs. I was diagnosed with Rapid Vantricular Tacacardia, RVT several years ago. for approximately 2 years I have been dealing with numbness and loss of control on my left side which has recently...
902 6 Sun, 16 Oct 2011
I am experiencing extreme fatigue, lightheaded, short of breath and lower back pain. I noticed this morning my left pelvic lymphnoid is severeley swollen too. I had receieved an abnormal pap sept 2008 and have yet to see a doctor. I have every single sign of cervical cancer. I have only had 2...
368 5 Thu, 12 May 2011
My mom is unconscious she had a stroke15 days ago.To regain her heartbeat it took 3 minutes.she is a Diabetic patient .She is 56years old on ventilator. Blood pressure is 50/130 Heartbeat 100.She blinks her eyes but don t respond us .little bit neck,hands and legs movement. Asthmatic problem .C.T...
157 4 Wed, 21 Aug 2013
My father is 84 years old. He has been suffering by heart failure for many years. Now his condition is getting more serious. Besides around his heart, his lower body keep retaining the water (fluid), including his feet, legs, even his scrotum. What would be the effective way to reduce the...
450 4 Fri, 16 Sep 2011
For the last 5 days I been having irregular and fast heart beats, back pain , mild nausea , short of breath, dizziness , and today had my period even that I just have it 14 days ago. I went to the hospital 2 days ago thinking that was anxiety attack and they gave me medicine for that. Normally It...
1011 4 Thu, 28 Jul 2011
25year old female and blood pressure at 150/90! Should I freak out? Im 5-8 I weigh 156 and am told my blood pressure is whacked. How common is it for people my age to have this. Also, I WALKED up about 20 stairs today slowly and my heart in my chest felt like it was going to explode and I could...
419 4 Sun, 26 Jun 2011
from the past ten years i am having hypertension and i am on aten 50mg and also lasix tablet, from the last three months i had two episodes of severe breathlesness and i felt i was about to die, i was taken to hospital immideately, the doctor woke up and gave me some injection and put me on...
57 3 Thu, 7 Aug 2014
My husband is 68 and he has been diagnosed with acute decompensated heart failure! He has very little energy. The cardiologist has him on water pills and high blood pressure pills and a low salt diet.At first they mentioned a leaky valve but decided against surgery! How serious is this? YYYY@YYYY
221 3 Fri, 8 Aug 2014
i have just had a stent placed in my lad which had a 100 percent block iam a regular smoker i smoke on an average 10 cigs a day and consume three drinks a day everyday before the stenting its exactly a month since i was stented could you please tell me how i should go about my drinking and...
72 3 Wed, 31 Jul 2013
Had major cardiac arrest, done angioplasty, stent installed. Given unconsciousness injections, died. What could be the reason? My father got an ECG report on 5th February 2013 saying that there was no blockage and he is normal. On 6th February, he had a MAJOR CARDIAC ARREST in the morning at...
110 3 Wed, 8 Aug 2012
My father has just come out of hospital having had a pulmonary oedema (sorry if that s spelt incorrectly). I m just looking at his discharge letter notes and they refer to him having a diagnosis of ccf which I ve just found out the meaning of secondary to IHD. I suppose what I m asking is will he...
206 3 Mon, 2 Apr 2012
how do you find the percentage of a blockade in an artery with a thalium test in comparison to an angiography
364 3 Tue, 30 Aug 2011
Several months back, my pharmacy switched the Metoprolol 100 mg er to another made by Teva. Everynight after falling asleep, I would awaken to a galloping heart, profuse sweating in the area of the brain and trying to catch my breath . After some time (21 days) of this, I remembered seeing a...
203 3 Sun, 27 Feb 2011
I am a student doing my 3rd yr MBBS.My Dad had a CABG 10yrs back He has being going for regular checkup except for the last year.2mons back he developed cough NOT ASSOCIATED with dyspnoea acute in onset was severe he was prescribed all medications for asthma but it dint help X ray revealed...
303 3 Sat, 17 Dec 2011
I have been having skipped beats everyday , had a 3 day monitor , I am constantly tired and short of breath , my family Doctor says they are normal , why does it not feel normal and should I see a cardiologist? I have these skipped beats anywhere from 10 to 20 even 30 times a day and they relly...
626 3 Mon, 2 Apr 2012
Hi , My heart keeps skipping beats and I am short of breath alot , and I am also very tired all the time , I have had a 3 day monitor and of course only caught a couple of palpitations , my Family Dr. says nothing to worry about so why am I short of breath and tired all the time . I will have...
91 2 Wed, 5 Nov 2014
Patient with CHF currently on Lasix 40mg BID - has been on this dose for awhile (except when has experienced CHF episodes with difficulty breathing and fluid buildup and placed in hospital. I have read positive information regarding the use of torsemide over lasix in this patient. If this patient...
385 2 Fri, 2 Jan 2015
I am taking 5 mg of bisoprolol for heart failure along with other medications. I take it early in the morning and feel fatigued until about 3 pm. I ve had a couple of spells and passed out briefly. On taking my BP in the morning it is always very low, 88/56 this morning it normalises in the...
83 2 Wed, 30 Sep 2015
my mother is 81 years old and was diagnosis last night with congestive heart failure. they took her to cath lab however was unable to put a balloon in because of blockage and her heart is only 20% functioning. What options are there other than surgery?