Mental Health Questions & Answers

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15017 13 Mon, 15 Jul 2013
I always get angry very soon. I yell at my family and friends often and there isn’t one person I know whom I haven’t fought with yet. My mom is pretty worried and keeps telling me that it’s going to be difficult after marriage as I’m 22 yrs old now. My mom is quite similar and I’ve always been...
387 10 Mon, 15 Apr 2013
my mom is suffering from mental illness for the past 5 years she thinks as if someone is looting everything from ours and something strange will happen always there is a fear angry towards something she is also very adamant she doesnt act like normal people dont mingle with people ,thinks that...
620 10 Fri, 12 Apr 2013
My elder brother taking treament in nimans from 15 years but still he has problem that he is getting noice on his hear that he thinks everybody knows about him and they are asking him not to do this and do this and he tells you are asking me to die and do not take medicine and throw stone on them...
1584 10 Fri, 12 Apr 2013
i can t root out the real cause of my problem,i feel most of the times either highly excited or completely mood off,in a word i can describe it as on/off state.if things around me goes in the way in which i like or way in which i expected them,than i feel happy state if not i will be worrying or...
234 9 Fri, 19 Apr 2013
Hi Dear Samuel I am taking Venlafaxine at dose of 150MG every day, its about 4 months now, my depression is going sooo well now, as if I m a different person but now I have problem with my sexuality,,, I don t get erection at all,,, is there any medicine to get rid of this problem? I dont want to...
75 7 Tue, 30 Apr 2013
hi, I am 34 years old and suffering from serious anixity disorder that is ocd for so many years and now i have been taking medicine for atleast one and half years. In fact i have been cured up to 80% not completely. My main problem is unwanted thoughts which comes in my mind regularly and there...
475 7 Tue, 15 Mar 2011
What type of drug would make you feel non-exsitent ? I believe my ex-husband was druging me. How long would it stay in your system and what type of test do I need to prove this ?
592 7 Tue, 20 Apr 2010
i am having obsessive compulsive disorder from 2 problem is neatness..i will clean my house 100 times...even it is neat i am unable to stop this..i am on tab..fluoxatine..should i have to be on life long therapy??any permanent cure??
158 6 Thu, 18 Apr 2013
Hi there. I m super close to going to the ER where someone will actually examine me. I ve had these weird movements in my foot and my skin has thin clear worm like things coming out of my hands, arms and face. What could it be. I ve been to my general practice doctor who told me there was nothing...
53 6 Fri, 19 Apr 2013
Hi I am working as a software engineer. I am basically too cool and wont get angry on any one. But some cases I am getting angry on my close friends for silly reasons and hurting them. Later I am realizing again. But after few days I am getting angry and changing my opinion on them . My mind is...
125 6 Wed, 17 Apr 2013
Hello, I was just wondering if I were to go to my doctor could they evaluate me to see if I have a personality or mood disorder, or do I have call around to a specialist? When I was very young I was evaluated with depression but the doctor who said that I had depression said it could also be a...
63 6 Tue, 16 Apr 2013
My son 22yrs old has been prescribed 10 mg OLIMELT 0-0-1 and DIVALPROEX SODIUM EXTENDED RELEASE 500mg 0-0-2.Yesterday we checked and rechecked VALPORIC ACID(Serum) and the obversed value is 102.56.He is sleeping for 18 hours. Even if he gets up after 12 hours he is awake but not able to respond...
123 6 Thu, 10 Feb 2011
I sir in my teen age i was continuosly thinkg of sex as i thought i m not feeling attracted to opposite sex and now i am not able to take my eye of it however i really dnt want such thing and so when i look opposite sex it just cmes in my mind and i became very self consious and guilty. This...
166 6 Tue, 25 Jan 2011
I feel trapped and I dont know what to do I am scared and I think I am going to do something that I am going to regret and I dont know were to turn I cant get in to a doctor yet please help
730 6 Wed, 29 Aug 2012
I am 24 years old and in the last week or so i ve been having the worst mood swings. To the point of snapping at my husband for asking me a simple question, to breaking down and bawling my eyes out. I m starting to get worried and i m afraid i m going to do something to get me in trouble while at...
722 6 Tue, 26 Apr 2011
I am 17 years old I highly believe I suffer from depression. I am constantly sad and at times I can t even go out in public because I begin to cry and cannot stop it. Before my monthly cycle I begin to get excessively sad, I have nightmares and wake up very afraid. Yesterday and today I have had...
1210 6 Thu, 28 Apr 2011
I can?t sleep at night since the past few weeks at all. No time to go and see a doctor also- I am so sooooo busy. I tried sleeping pills for a few days and they worked- but someone told me it is not good to take them for too long.
79 5 Mon, 6 May 2013
I am on the verge of suicide, it seems the only option left I was diagnosed with severe depression last year, but its obviously something else, I got to the point where I couldn t go back to the doctors, as I couldn t leave my house alone, there are days where I can but for no more than 15-30...
97 5 Tue, 30 Apr 2013
I have been diagnosed with anxiety and developing a tightness and burning sensation throughout my face, lips and head. Sometimes it last all day and sometimes it comes and goes even when I m not anxious. I feel completeky restless but cant sleep because i feel completely dehydrated as well. Is...
36 5 Thu, 18 Apr 2013
Hi, This is Sheela, i m gonna complete my MBA in a weeks time. i m really stressed out about my future. I don t have my mom and i was a boarding student for the past 15 years. for a couple of weeks i m really tensed and i don t feel like talking to anyone : friends and family........ i feel like...
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