Schizophrenia Questions & Answers

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846 16 Thu, 29 Mar 2012
Hi, my brother is 29 year old. he is schizophrenic for past 9 years. he is tacking allopathic treatment to a psychiatrist for past 5 years. He is better now n started a job but his delusions is still remaining. he dont take faith rest of my family even some of his friend who say against his...
1196 7 Fri, 10 May 2013
I am taking 5 mg olimelt from last 10 years for treating my disorders related to schizopherania and bipolar disorder.Due to the slightly negative symptoms of this medicine such as social withdrawl (which now reduced to some extent), lazyness,weight & calestorl gain, and less initiative for mental...
182 7 Fri, 10 May 2013
I have schizophrenia and ocd . I have been on every single med and none of them work. i am very paranoid especially at night. i feel very scared and alone. i always feel like everyone is staring at me and thinking things about me. i feel persecuted and like my neighbors are listening to me when i...
272 6 Tue, 7 May 2013
Hi! I just read an article on how those with schizophrenia often self-medicate on nicotine or alcohol! I am on 10mgs of olanzapine/day for my schizophrenia (which is in remission), and self-med on a 330ml bottle of beer a day. I recommend the later in moderation for it seems to relax my nerves...
1461 6 Thu, 17 Nov 2011
I have a newphew who is 2 yrs old who has been sick for a long time now with common colds and extremely high fevers at 104. He as fever all the time and halucinates and is sometimes unresponsive. It s been months that my sister in law has been taking him to the doctor they always tell her to give...
67 5 Fri, 10 May 2013
my sis is a paranoid schizophonia petaitent... doctors suggest that if she has a doubt on u that i tell her secrects to other people then u really tell each and everything about her to people belongs to her... but when she has more doubts and complains me that i told everything about her to other...
68 5 Wed, 13 Feb 2013
Hi doctor i m currently in very depessed state bcoz of my career as well as my personal life. My life was so good till april,and the storm starts attacking me from may. I am in love with my sister husband s brother,he only proposed me i also had some soft corner on him so i said ok to him ,days...
411 5 Tue, 21 Jun 2011
I think I have schizophrenia. I m a 16 year old girl who has suffered abuse and bullying as a child. I ve struggled with on and off undiagnosed depression for three years now and it turned me into a compulsive liar, and I think this is when I began to loose touch with reality. My mind began to...
83 4 Mon, 29 Sep 2014
I have a son that has veen diagnosed with chronic schizophrenia and i have tried to get him help but he doesnt seem to think nothing is wrong he has all the syptoms im scared that one day he is going to hurt someone or his self what can i do to get him the help he needs
113 4 Fri, 10 May 2013
my son is 19years. he has been diagonixed to be schizo at a very early age of 5plus. there is no history runni ng in both our families. he is on sizodon ls now. he has been on medication for the last 8 years.sizodon was administered all these years.on the advice of the psychiatrist his prewsent...
470 4 Fri, 10 May 2013
hi doctor, my brother is a schizophreneia patient with nerve disorder on his one leg. He was hospitalised 4 -5 years back for three months. after treatment he was normal for few days .Doctor advised to continue olimelt 10mg tab for 100 more days after he was discharged from the hospital.My...
56 4 Sat, 30 Mar 2013
I suspect that my husband has schizophrenia ...He has not been dianosed with it...but he has thrown into many mental Instituions...He was a gentle man and went thru alot of trauma can this spur iron...or is it generational...or can it be brought on by heat stroke o...Sorru i have alot of...
285 4 Fri, 10 May 2013
My wife had a psychotic episode this summer. I finally got her hospitalized after 2 months. She was 39 years old at the time. She was given risperidol but this caused elevated prolactin ( breast milk and periods stopped). She was switched to Zyprexa and she became tired all the time with falt...
244 4 Tue, 12 Feb 2013
Hi, This regards my younger brother, He was diagnosed with short term schizophrenia last october & was treated. he got back to normal within 3 months and started work, however almost a year later, last week he again showed symptoms like halucinations, anxiety & depression . I consulted the same...
256 4 Wed, 13 Jun 2012
Sir,I am a 34 aged male.I feel that my mind is opened by someone spiritually and that everyone(most except children )can read my mind.Most people respond to me so ,by body language and sometimes even directly.I thought it was only my thought.But I see people respond to me in an unusual manner.I...
480 4 Sun, 18 Dec 2011
13 new pills (sorry for double post, edited a few times) Hello, I m 13 and my doctor put me on a pill called lorazepam to help me with sleep. I was on ambien for a few months too but I got taken off it due to overdosing. I took lorazepam everyday for weeks and my mom started randomly taking me...
335 4 Thu, 8 Sep 2011
I was diagnosed as bi-polar about 5 years ago, and quit my meds about 2 years ago. The past month hallucinations have skyrocketed to nearly every day. (hear, see, and smell) Is there anything I can do do lessen this WITHOUT medication?
465 4 Thu, 28 Feb 2013
Dear Doctor, I am from Madurai. My unmarried elder sister aged about 56 yrs. is suffering of some illusions and always depressed. She is highly devoted and complains she had tremendous powers derived from the God and people around her loot her powers. She hates every body and she lost her laugh...
498 4 Sat, 15 Aug 2009
I am 17 years old, and weigh between 150-160 lbs. i have 2-3 scars around my right ankle. before they were scars, they were tunnels in my skin. that was about 6-7 years ago. i do not gain weight, no matter what or how much i eat. my cardio is not as good as it should be according to my body shape...
65 3 Tue, 21 Apr 2015
I am 49 yrs old was having a sleepless night because as soon as i go to bed, i feel the bed rocking, someone is sleeping beside me, hearing someone is breathing, tucking my shirt, or pulling the sheet, etc, it was happening for almost 6 months now, Last week i had visited a psychiatrist in my...