Sun Burn Questions & Answers

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2 1 Mon, 4 Mar 2024
Hi,I went to the beach on the weekend and on Sunday night I had really bad sunburn,that was really red and stung applied plenty of aloe Vera over these days but have got yellow blisters on my neck and shoulders,can barley sleep and have severe pain every now and again and can barley move my...
12 1 Wed, 14 Nov 2018
Mine is only a general question regarding something I ve experienced throughout my life. I m Female, 38 years of age, asthmatic, 255 lbs (losing slowly), 5 7 tall. My question is this: no matter how limited my time in the sun, I come inside and can t stop shaking for several hours. What could be...
8 1 Mon, 12 Nov 2018
I was sunburned 1 week ago tomorrow severely on both of my legs and the top of my feet. The swelling has subsided but every time I stand my feet turn purple and hurt terribly. I am using silvadene cream, ibuprofen, elevating my feet and cold compresses and the pain is still there. Is there any...
6 1 Fri, 9 Nov 2018
hi for over two weeks now have been experiencing symptoms in my left arm which seemed quite painful then it turned to numbness then a week later the left side of my face went numb like the feeling of a dental injection wearing away , this only lasted 24 hours, then my right arm started tingling...
9 2 Mon, 10 Sep 2018
hi today i had a procedure done called dilationa nd curretage due to a failed pregnancy. shortly thereafter i developed an itchy rash on my neck and chest which resembles small hives and dilated blood vessels. could you please tell me what it might be caused by?
3 2 Mon, 3 Sep 2018
I just had 2 eye surgeries. I had been taking 3 post operation eye medications on both eyes. I now have funny spots on my face, legs etc. I suspect that it was the Sun exposure that caused the brown spots etc. Do you suppose that is an accurate accessment? What could I do about it? Thank you.
3 2 Mon, 3 Sep 2018
In early May, I received a bad sun burn only on my calfs and the top of my feet. There was no pain from the burn, but I had some blistering and itching. The situation is better now, but I am still having swelling in my calfs and ankles. What do you suggest to relieve the situation? My email...
15 1 Mon, 27 Aug 2018
Hi, may I answer your hhi ive been in the sun today in perth austrailia, ive got sunburn on my body but the tips of my fingers from the knuckle down have gone very whit and the tips are freezing cold. also my nailbeds are going blue.. and they feel numbealth queries right now ? Please type your...
3 2 Sat, 4 Aug 2018
Hi I got a very bad sunburn 3 months ago on my lower legs. I peeled about a week later and since then my legs are still red. Howevee it does go away when my legs are elelavted but the redness comes back when i start walking around and worsens when the weather is hot or during and after showers....
7 1 Sat, 7 Jul 2018
Well,I have a question that is now related to a sunburn I received on my forehead that resulted in discoloration. I do not know where to turn and I can t afford to see a derm =[ Ok, long story short, I went hiking in Yosemite and received a sunburn on my shoulders and forehead (I didn’t wear any...
18 1 Thu, 28 Jun 2018
Can sun poisioning symptons show up 2 days later such as nausea and dizziness? The area doesn t itch that much, but it did burn and sting/tingle at least a day after I was exposed to the sun, which was last Friday. Now it s really dry and like a redish/purplish color. I m 27, 5ft 1 and in great...
7 1 Fri, 25 May 2018
My mother described a the following symptom to me last week...When she is out it the sun, everything turns blood red and she has to sit down, close her eye, and get to a shadded area quickly. The symptom started this summer. It s very scary and she also feels as if she may fall.
3 2 Wed, 29 Nov 2017
The upper inside area of my thighs have what looks like a gauld and I am sure it is from riding a recumbent bike for 30 minutes. Have been riding it for months and this condition has just started. I have a tube of triamcinolone acetonide cream. Can I try it to help it heal ? Thank you for your...
7 1 Fri, 27 Oct 2017
Hello Doctor I have this skin problem from past 10 years, my nose and cheeks is red, if I am exposed to sun it gets worse and I also have blackheads on my nose. I have been seeing this Homeopathy doctor, Dr health from past 7 months and I don t see any improvement, could you please suggest me any...
7 1 Fri, 27 Oct 2017
My neck and lower back feels sun burnt real bad, I have no rash or redness yet it s been like this for about 3 days now and getting worse. Just getting concearned. Im a recovering addict and have been clean for 49 days now, I m afraid I might of damage my nerves with all the pain pills, that I...
14 1 Tue, 25 Jul 2017
I had a heat stroke 10 years ago. As a result I was disabled for several years with Autonomic Dysfunction and severe heat intolerance. The symptoms eventually went away and I returned to work and exercising on a normal basis. Unfortunately, this summer the symptoms have come back after an...
7 1 Fri, 21 Jul 2017
Hello i have had vitiligo for 13 years now. my parents have spend thousands of dollars with lotions and burning my skin and nothing worked expect 2 years ago I stated tanning in a tanning bed at normal salons and my vitiligo has been going away but I want it all gone. does vitiligo organics...
12 1 Thu, 2 Mar 2017
Hi, I have a small swirl like burn mark on the inside of my arm. It is also bumpy. I m not too sure what it is. Also for some reason the mark also formed on the left side of my chest parallel to the swirl like burn mark. I don t remember putting anything hot in between my arms. Can you help me...
43 2 Fri, 23 Dec 2016
Greetings I am suffering from a severe sunburn on my legs from my knees to my toes. Today my young daughter grabbed me leg on my shin and it is causing immense pain. My right foot in particular (she grabbed my right shin, I can see a purplish mark from where she touched me) is swollen and though...
12 1 Wed, 9 Nov 2016
Dear Dr Batra, I was hoping you could help me with my query about sun damage. I am 28 years old and a few years ago I moved to Australia from the UK. I had always taken good care to avoid the sun until this time. I experienced a fairly bad sunburn my first summer in Australia as I misjudged the...