First aid for seizures and epilepsy
first-aid/9719?iL=true" >First aid for
epilepsy is basically very simple. It keeps the person safe until the seizure stops naturally by itself. Many seizure types-such as generalized absence seizures or complex partial seizures, which involve relatively brief episodes of unresponsiveness- don?t require any specific first-aid measures.
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Epilepsy and pregnancy
Years ago, women who had
epilepsy were often discouraged from getting pregnant. Thanks to early and regular
prenatal care. However, don't panic if you have a seizure while you're pregnant. Remember, there are many normal, healthy babies born to women who had seizures during their
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Cystic acne
Cystic acne, also known as
nodulocystic acne, is a severe form of acne wherein acne develops into small cysts, nodules of inflammation. They are seen as soft fluid filled lumps under the skin usually several millimeters in diameter and can be painful. A common treatment for cystic acne is
Isotretinoin, which cures most acne in about 90% of patients. Cystic acne can affect the face, chest, back, shoulders and, occasionally, upper arms.
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Acute Bronchitis
Acute inflammation of the air passages within the lung. Most cases of acute
bronchitis disappear within few days without lasting effects. Usually occurs after a
sinus infection or
common cold. Virus etiology is the most common cause of acute bronchitis.
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Chronic sinusitis
sinusitis is the swelling or inflammation of the
sinuses which continue for long time for about 12 weeks and that which recurs frequently.
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Acute sinusitis
sinusitis is most commonly caused by
common cold. Other common causes of acute sinusitis are bacteria, allergens and fungal infections. Acute sinusitis is the infection of one or more
sinuses which include maxillary, ethmoid and frontal sinuses.
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Treatment of acne scars
Acne also called as
pimples or blemishes is an localized
skin inflammation as a result of over activity of oil glands at the base of hair follicles which happens due to stimulation by male harmones commonly seen at
puberty. Any red or Hyperpigmented skin defect or colour change present even after 1 year of acne lesion has healed is called an acne scar
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Hydrocephalus 1
Hydrocephalus occurs when excess fluid builds up in brain, most often because of an obstruction preventing proper fluid
drainage. The excess fluid can push fragile brain tissues up against the skull ? causing
brain damage and, if left untreated, even death. Hydrocephalus is sometimes present at birth, although it may develop later. The excessive accumulation of CSF results in an abnormal widening of spaces in the brain called ventricles. This widening creates potentially harmful pressure on the tissues of the brain.
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Letterer Siwe Disease
One of the acute variant of
Langerhans cell histiocytosis i.e.
Eosinophilic Granuloma is Abt Letterer Siwe disease or syndrome. It is a rare and fatal condition in which there is Acute, disseminated and rapidly progressive form of Langerhans-cell histiocytosis is found. Langerhans cell histiocytosis is characterized by proliferation and accumulation of a specific type of
white blood cell known as histiocyte in the various tissues and organs of the body leading to various lesions which if contains some granules are termed as Langerhans Cells.
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Meniere's disease
Meniere s disease is a disease of the
inner ear characterised by vertigo(
dizziness),tinnitus(ringing noise),feeling of fullness in the ear and waxing waning hearing loss
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