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Sebaceous cyst

A sebaceous cyst is a lump like lesion. It is a closed sac under the skin filled with a cheese-like or oily material.
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Ovarian cancer

Ovarian cancer occurs most often from the outer lining of the ovary called Epithelialium. There are only 20% of the ovarian cancers that arise from the stroma and egg cells. The ovarian cancers are known to occur in women over the age of 50. However there are some varieties that occur in younger women also.
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Brittle bones

It is also called as porous bones, osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a condition where the bones become weak and brittle so even mild stress like bending over, lifting a vacuum cleaner or coughing van cause fracture. Bone weakness occurs due to low levels of calcium, phosphorus and other minerals in bones. It is more common in woman than in men. It is characterized by loss of normal bone density, resulting in fragile bones.
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Acne scars

Acne scarring is common but surprisingly difficult to treat. First, examination of the patient is necessary to classify the subtypes of scarring that are present.
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Callus and corn

Calluses and corns are circumscribed areas of hyperkeratosis at a site of pressure or friction. Calluses are more superficial and usually asymptomatic; corns are deeper and may be painful. Calluses and corns are caused by intermittent pressure or friction, usually over a bony prominence (eg, heel, metatarsal heads).
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AIDS was first reported in the United States in 1981 and has since become a major worldwide epidemic. AIDS is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV.
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Acne myths and facts

Acne, commonly called pimples or zits is a localized skin inflammation resulting from over activity of oil glands at the base of hair follicles. It can occur at any age but is most commonly seen at puberty.
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Anabolic androgenic steroids

Anabolic steroids, or anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS), are a class of steroid hormones related to the hormone testosterone. They increase protein synthesis within cells, which results in the buildup of cellular tissue (anabolism), especially in muscles. Anabolic steroids also have androgenic and virilizing properties, including the development and maintenance of masculine characteristics such as the growth of the vocal cords and body hair.
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Anorexia nervosa, eating disorder

Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder often marked by an unnatural fear of weight gain, compulsive exercising, self-starvation, a distorted body image, and amenorrhea, or absence of at least three consecutive menstrual cycles. There are two sub-types of anorexia nervosa ? restricting and binge-purge. Restricting anorexia nervosa is characterized by strict diet and exercise. Binge-purge is marked by periods of compulsive eating with or without self-induced vomiting and the use of laxatives or enemas. Although many diagnosed with anorexia nervosa recover, the disorder can lead to death.
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Stasis Dermatitis

Stasis dermatitis is inflammation of the skin of the lower legs caused by chronic venous insufficiency. Stasis dermatitis occurs in patients with chronic venous insufficiency because blood pools in the legs, causing persistent edema.
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