Nanocephalic Dwarfism
dwarfism or Seckel syndrome is a rare inherited disorder characterised mainly by retarded growth, mental retardation, small head and a facial appearance resembling a bird. It is often referred to as bird-headed dwarfism and various other skeletal, cutaneous, and genital defects.
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Nail Patella Syndrome
Patella syndrome (NPS) also known as hereditary osteo-onychodysplasia is a rare genetic disorder inherited through autosomal dominance that causes abnormalities of bone, joints, fingernails and kidneys mainly involving organs of both ectodermal and mesodermal origin.The diagnostic tetrad includes fingernail dysplasia, absent or hypoplastic patellae, the presence of posterior conical iliac horns, and deformation or luxation (ie,
hypoplasia) of the radial heads. Kidney disease and
glaucoma are now recognized as part of the syndrome. The most serious complication associated with nail-patella syndrome is nephropathy.
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Blackfan Diamond Anemia
Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) describes a condition in which
RBC precursors in
bone marrow are nearly absent, while megakaryocytes and
WBC precursors are usually present at normal levels. Pure red cell aplasia exists in several forms, and the most common form is an acute self-limited condition. Congenital pure red cell aplasia is a lifelong disorder, and it is associated with physical abnormalities.
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Indications of ultrasound in pregnancy
Ultrasound scan is an important investigation done in the
pregnancy. It is done to see if there is fetal, maternal or abnormalities in the
uterus, placenta. It also used to diagnose pregnancy as early as 6 weeks.
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C1 Esterase Inhibitor deficiency
INH is also known as C1 esterase inhibitor that normally prevents activation of a cascade of
proteins. It is a plasma protein an enzyme. C1INH is a member of the serpin family of proteases like alpha-antitrypsin,
antithrombin III, and angiotensinogen. This serpin protease inhibitor inhibits the association of C1r and C1s with C1q to prevent the formation of the C1-complex which leads to activation of other proteins of the complement system.
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Varicocele or bag of worms
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Mastoiditis of the ear
Mastoiditis is an inflammation or infection of the mastoid bone which consists of air cells that drain the middle ear, a portion of the
temporal bone of skull, located just behind the ear, usually seen as a complication of acute
otitis media (middle
ear infection). Mastoiditis is a bacterial infection of the mastoid air cells (small, air-filled cavities located in the
mastoid process, which is the bulge in the skull behind the ear) if untreated can destroy the skull bone leading to hearing loss and other complications including death, seen commonly in children.
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Painful menstruation
It is also known as dysmenorrhea. Some women have the problem of crampy
abdominal pain or
sharp pain or lower
back pain just before the start of the periods or during the periods. This can affect their daily physical activities and make them bed ridden. It generally subsides as menstrual bleeding tapers off and for few it is definitely is a loss of work.
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Placenta previa
Placenta previa is
implantation of the placenta over the internal cervical opening. In some women during the
pregnancy the placenta ( which is the nourishing organ for the foetus carrying the nutrients from the mother) grows down and down into the lower parts of the
Uterus. If it attaches to the lowest part of the womb covering the opening of the os partly or completely it is called placenta previa. It is from this os the baby has to come out.
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Postpartum depression and Post partum Psychosis.
You might just have a baby, but you might be not so excited about it even though it is considered the most normally. There are few facts about the mood disturbances most mothers face post delivery. 80% of women have these and fade away on their own within 4 weeks. It usually peaks up at 3 to 4 days post delivery. Post partum
depression may carry on even after this time frame for 10 to 15% of women. So what to do.
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