IBS(Irritable Bowel Syndrome) Questions & Answers

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2 1 Thu, 11 Jul 2019
For the past few yrs, when I feel I need a bowel movement, I can barely make it to the washroom. It only happens when I m home and normally in the morning after eating. I often feel naugeus off and on. Another symptom us when I eat certain things I get really bloated. I ve been tested for ceilac...
2 1 Fri, 7 Jun 2019
I m 19 years old, male, 6 1 , and do not smoke. I ve had gastrointestinal symptoms for 11 months now, with an isolated incident last July. My symptoms fluctuate, but mostly include abdominal pain, passing mucus, bloating, gas, and nauseous indigestion. Last July I had a week-long bout of these...
2 1 Tue, 28 May 2019
Hello. I had a D and C and ablation almost 4 weeks ago. Ever since, I have had diarrhea or softer stools about 8 times per day. There is also bowel cramping that can be extreme at times. I do have IBS with diarrhea....but not with the cramping...and not this many times per day. I m also running a...
5 1 Mon, 22 Apr 2019
Hi...I have a problem of Endometriosis and IBS. I have ahd 1 laproscopy in the past. I have one child now after doing IUI. I got the problem back 1 year after my delivery. It has been 4 years now. Since last October, I am on the Hormonal therapy...Have completed 5 injections. I am taking them...
2 1 Mon, 25 Mar 2019
Yes, I have been diagnosed with stage 3 cervical cancer 23 years ago. The tumor was the size of a grapefruit. I was treated with 6 weeks of External Beam radiation therapy and then was hospitalized for 3 days with an Brachytherapy (Internal radiation therapy) and then they performed a radical...
100 1 Fri, 22 Mar 2019
hi doctor, in October 2008 I was in my colonoscopy and bowel perforated sigmoid affected in such equipment. for 7 days taken any action in the hospital, and then I surgery, colon removed, washed, cut because of peritonitis, and sepsis. then resting the colon. small intestine removed double...
9 1 Fri, 1 Feb 2019
Hi I was diagnosed with IBS 3 years back after suffering for more than 15 years and having it misdiagnosed. It s tolerable especially now that I know what it is. I have occassional flair ups. Yesterday night I woke up to excruciating cramps which led me to go the big one with some diarrhoea....
16 1 Tue, 29 Jan 2019
Hi, I am suffering from irritable bowel syndrome so cannot digest anything, all would come out with frequent bowel movements. And i am also suffering from extreme weight loss, premature ejaculation, stout penis, urinary incontinence, and excess of precum... plz suggests me what should i do to get...
6 1 Mon, 28 Jan 2019
sir i am masturbation from 3-4 years regularly .now one day i got blood from mouth jst one drop after masturbating...then after some days it happend again what could be the reason now i hav stopped from 3 months , as i m suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, now the infection is gone now from...
6 1 Tue, 22 Jan 2019
hi i was diagnosed with ibs several months ago, every now and then i get stomach ache which feels like ive done 100 sit ups and lasts for about a day or two, around the same time as i get the aches i seem to fart and poo a little blood now and then, is this normal for ibs
15 1 Tue, 22 Jan 2019
I have what I believe is IBS - something along those lines for sure. I ve had this for most of my 50 years alive. I ve only had one rectal exam my whole life. My father died with colon cancer, my mother and my sister both have Crohns. My bottom is in constant itch mode - I apply cream and it s...
8 1 Tue, 22 Jan 2019
Hey, Im 13, I Have IBS, My poos can be very easy to wipe and some very the oppisite, I went to urinate a week or so ago and it hurt my belly, but it doesn t do that anymore, Help, I feel very bloated and sick most of the time, and my bum is very sticky and sweat alot! Help!
15 1 Thu, 10 Jan 2019
Hi, out of no where I became dizzy and nauseous. I sometimes get car sick but does it usually last a few hours after? I have IBS and acid reflux but never ate anything that would make me have an upset stomach. Could this be caused by dehydration as well?
15 1 Wed, 9 Jan 2019
For the last 3 years, I have had problems with nausea, some constipation, but mostly diarehea. It has gotten to the point that I am very weak, dehydrated, and so tired that I am in bed most of the time. I have seen 2 doctors and have had many test including the radioactive eggs. Two years ago I...
3 1 Mon, 17 Dec 2018
I have IBS, usually with constipation. The constipation seems to be resolved but I still have abdominal pain, bloating, gas, low back pain, pains above the back of the thighs near the knees, pains above the wrist on the inside of my arms, pain in my elbow and in the knee. My doctor thinks I have...
2 1 Wed, 3 Oct 2018
I am suffering from lbbb since 10 years back detected during a routine ecg check up.I feel OK and daily brisk walk for 2 hours without any adverse symptoms.I don t suffer from any other heart or any other ailments. My xray chest is OK, echo shows abnormal septal movement, EF is 65%, angiogram is...
18 1 Wed, 3 Oct 2018
I have been taking the HCG drops from omnitrition and have irritable bowel syndrome , I constantly go the bathroom, I hate it, I m eating normal now but still have to go to the bathroom after I finish a meal. Besides I could not do the diet because I felt like passing out, and my blood sugar will...
19 1 Wed, 3 Oct 2018
i have been diagnosed with IBS for a few years now. i have recently come across acai berry daily colon cleanse. reading through ingredients and what the product is, i thought i could be worth a try. would it be adviseable? also im on the Femodette contraceptive pill, would the above product...
7 1 Wed, 3 Oct 2018
I am suffering from IBS as per gastroentrologist. Main symptom is bloating, gas & fatigue all the time. Had relief with clolospa retard and Lesuride for last three months. But now it is not working. At present I am taking normaxin which is giving little relief but feeling digginess/sleepy all the...
7 1 Mon, 1 Oct 2018
Hi, i am writing on behalf of a friend. He had been diagnosed with having IBS when he was 13, without a colonoscopy, and now he is 25. He has been having abdominal pain and interchanges of diarrhea and constipation all these years but a month ago it suddenly got really worse (after having some...