Lump Questions & Answers

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3 2 Wed, 26 Jun 2019
Hello, 3 weeks ago I noticed a small lump on my lower knuckle on my right ring finger. There is no pain until I hold something that puts pressure on it. When I googled this, it said it could be a cyst and it might go away. How long should I wait to see if this goes away before consulting my...
3 2 Wed, 5 Sep 2018
Hello, I just noticed a squishy lump above my collar bone and below my neck on the left side. I have hypothyroidism. I take synthroid at the present time. I feel it is more effective than the generic. I have not been able to take them, however the last week. What do you suggest I do.
3 2 Fri, 1 Feb 2019
Hi I am a 18 year old female. I have had this pea-sized hard bump on my head for as long as I can remember. Its very ugly, and it doesn t hurt. The bump is very annoying in a sense that it can be clearly visible at times if I part my hair a certain way. I m very sick of it and I often contemplate...
3 2 Mon, 30 Apr 2018
I ve had a lump on the back of my neck for about 3 weeks. At first I thought it was just a very big pimple because I ve had them before, but it doesn t seem to be getting bigger or smaller. Pretty concerned about it. It doesn t itch or burn but sometimes when pushing it, it can become painful or...
3 2 Wed, 25 Apr 2018
My Grandson (2 years old and a triplet) has a quarter -sized nodule at the base of his jawbone and the top of his throat that his mother noticed x 1 month ago. His Mom took him in for a check up and they did a sed rate, it was mildly elevated @ 17. The nodule is not painful, we are hoping it is...
3 2 Wed, 25 Apr 2018
I got some lumps on my pubic area not real bad but they usually come and go seem to have pus in them one got real bad and busted so I kept it clean for a week or two and bandaged up it went away but I got two more seems to happen with pressure against that area with my belt I wear it as less as...
3 2 Fri, 23 Feb 2018
I have a hard bump in the entry of my auditory canal on my right ear. It s very painful and is also causing discomfort on my jaw joint. The beginning process was a pimple which when I popped it provided me with a short relief. However, about 2 days later was when I noticed the hard bump. And then...
3 2 Fri, 15 Dec 2017
I have a lump in my arm pit. I just noticed it tonite but it’s about 3-4 cm so I’m guessing it’s been growing for awhile. I had surgery on my rotator cuff about a month ago. My fiancé said it doesn’t look like an ingrown hair. What could it be?
3 2 Fri, 15 Dec 2017
WE have a 15 month old boy whom had shown no signs of illness other than a cold. On Thanksgiving his right side of his face below his ear but jaw line had a knot. Over the holiday it got larger and burst just before going into the doctor. Doctor is treating with Clindamycin and Amoxil the one...
3 2 Thu, 30 Nov 2017
My 22 year old son had a lump about 1 inch below his armpit painful had for about a week thought was zit tried to pop but it just got bigger finally went to dr an$ they said it’s mersa huh? I thought mersa was detected through a nose swab test should I be concerned?
3 2 Fri, 8 Dec 2017
Hi I used to be 411 lb lady but I have lost 160 lbs my problem is I am finding very hard knots in my lower belly that range from dime size to quarter size and they hurt when you touch them and they feel like they have a hard center that when you pinch sends pain all over my lower belly.? What...
3 2 Fri, 23 Feb 2018
My husband has a hard knot on the front of his leg and when touched leaves a significant indention and does not go back normal, the indention stays there. He has been having pain in his legs due to two bulging disc in his back that he will be having surgery on but was just concerned about the...
3 2 Mon, 23 Oct 2017
I have a lump in my left armpit that is the size of a nickel, it is purple and fairly painful. I have had it almost a month but haven t had the time to go to the doctor. When i touch it, it feels hard around the edge and the center feels squishy, what could cause this?
3 2 Tue, 12 Sep 2017
I have a very red and enlarged lump in my armpit. I went to general practitioner on Thursday. He prescribed G. E. Sulfamethoxazole twice a day for 7 days. I have followed instructions and have washed with Hibiclens and warm water under that arm and have not used deotorant. The lump is getting...
3 2 Mon, 4 Sep 2017
I did something stupid and don t really know why. I injected fish oil...not much,less then a capsule into my foreskin. Thinking nothing of it being just skin. And now its a hard lump and I can t retract the skin. What should I do..very worried. I did it 5 days ago...the hard lump appeared 2 days...
3 2 Tue, 1 Aug 2017
Hi I have a swollen lump under my right collar bone, I believe it s my right lymphatic duct. Or however you spell it, I ve got a bard chest infection so it could be fighting an infection, but it s worrying me as I ve researched on google and it s shown me the worst.
3 2 Tue, 25 Jul 2017
i have large cyst on either side on my lower back i want to know what would be the name of it. I have had it for over 1 year and are they is causing a great amount of pain I am not able to stand upright without bending over it is very irritating. i am at my wits end it showed up in my...
3 2 Fri, 2 Jun 2017
Hi there. After I had my blood drawn, I developed a little pea sized lump on my arm at the draw site as well as a little bruise on the area of the lump. If i touch it, it hurts pretty bad. Is this something to worry about? What caused it and how can I make it go away?
3 2 Fri, 2 Jun 2017
I found a marble size lump on my Brest can t fet a diagnostic mammogram for two weeks and then I went to the plastic surgeon , who put in my implants, I told him I had a full physical and a mamofram was the only thing I had not had. I just turned 65 and my Md had told me that I could go two to...
3 2 Mon, 5 Jun 2017
I have a small lump in the back of my neck it doesn t hurt or anything it s just there I just realized I had it on my body about 20 minute s ago when I was in the shower washing my neck what could it be ? Can we get pimples on the back of your neck ? It feels like a lump but it s small like a...