Weight Loss Questions & Answers

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624 6 Sat, 5 Oct 2013
doc i am 22 yrs girl...m really really in a trouble.......my weight is 60 kgs and my height is 157 cms.....doc my lower body is very heavy...i want to reduce weight, but instead i am gaining weight everyday..i skip rope 2000 times daily, but i am noy able to reduce a single pound..iam also...
495 5 Mon, 18 Apr 2011
Hi my age is 24 ,weight is 75kgs,height is 5 3.I am going to get married after 4months.I want to reduce chest fat,underarms & arms fat. Since last two weeks I am doing exercise ,i find stretch marks on my chest ,underarms,inner thighs & tummy as well. I am planning to buy tread mill & workout on...
217 4 Tue, 23 Jul 2013
Hi , am a PCOS Patient . I have been taking metformin for last 1 year now . I dont want to continue with steroids as i have heared it causes infertility . With excercise i have been able to regularise my periods but am not able to reduce my belly fat . It will be a favour if you can help me with...
180 4 Tue, 16 Apr 2013
hello...my vital stats- age-25 , weight-61, gender-female. good health. I have gained 6-7kgs weight in 2yrs. Before 2yrs, i was slim and fit. But now i have fats around my waist area, arms, thigs as well as hip area. My body structure is not in proper form. I hardly get time to exercise or...
236 4 Mon, 26 Nov 2012
hello doctor , first of all i would like to thank you for your attention as i m working as A tv presenter and my weight is 50 but it was always a zero size between 47 -48 an now i need to get back to my weight 47- coz all my pants r not suitable now and i feel so bad all the time as i have my...
79 4 Thu, 15 Nov 2012
Hi i m 30 yr weight 65. Mother of 4 yr daughtr. Height 5 4 .my stable weight was 60 but from last six months i m tryng to loose 5 kg. My diet is normal i eat 2 brown bread n tea in the morning 2 roti curd n vegge in lunch nd 1 roti in diner in between i take skimmed milk n fruits n diet namkeen....
4403 4 Wed, 31 Aug 2011
sir my age is 22 female ,weight 70kg and i have consult to doctor so he advice me to take glycomet 500sr bd so it is safe for me or what can i do
115 4 Sun, 1 Jan 2012
i am 35 year old. my height is 5.4 and my weight is 85kg. i am fatty. what should i do to decrease my weight and get back to normal shape? will i ever regain my shape?
126 4 Fri, 13 Jan 2012
hi, doctor my age is 22 . and my weight is 80 .so doctor plz suggest me proper diet of every day so i can reduce my weight .to become fit
82 4 Mon, 6 May 2013
i am 34 yrs old.height 178cm.weight 79kg.i have belly.i want to reduce by food control.pls advice me
133 4 Fri, 23 Mar 2012
i am 17 years old , unmarried, i want to reduce fat in my body. i dont even eat much ,except my regular diet . what to do?
136 4 Tue, 31 May 2011
hi im 22yr old female nd my weight s 72 i want reduce soon as possible in 1 month because im getting engage next month insha allah.. plz dr help me out...
137 4 Fri, 30 Dec 2011
I am a girl. My age is 12 year and my weight is 50 kg .I am very much obese. i do many exercises but I am not able to reduce my fat please tell me how can I reduce my fat?
153 4 Mon, 12 Nov 2012
Hi, I am 26 year old, 5.7 inch tall & I would be around 63 kgs. I would like to reduce my fat on my Buttocks & thighs also on the sides of my tummy. I am not very I am average but since i would like to look skinny I would like to go for Liposuction. What kinda liposuction is suggested and I...
132 4 Thu, 14 Jul 2011
Dear doctor, I am an advocate by profession. My query is that, during the course of my profession everyday I have to run from one court to another that causes a lot of tiredness in my body and I become reluctant to work within 2hrs. It disturbs my work a lot. So please help me to overcome this...
243 4 Sun, 31 Jul 2011
Hello doctor i am 24 year old girl my height is 5.1 and weight is 61 kg doctor i wanna reduce my weight at any cost i do yoga also since last two years but no benefit plz suggest me any tablet so that i can reduce my weight till 18 to 20 kg within one or two month only plz but less harmful and...
463 4 Sun, 31 Jul 2011
Hi, I am 24 year old female.. my height is 5-4 and 6 month back i was 74 kg but now i am 64 kg due to my diet plan and brisk walking..But my skin has loosen up now and my tummy is not reduced much..Does body massage will help in getting my skin toned or is there any other way like spa..sauna bath...
315 4 Sun, 7 Aug 2011
Hello Doc, I am 31 male . I have got bulgy stomach with lot of fat. I have been asked by one of the homeopathic doc to take Phytolocca berry and ficus religiosa mother tincture combination 1 time. Please suggest what to do?? Hari
169 4 Sun, 7 Aug 2011
hello doctor...my name is abhishek.i am 22 years.i am 162 cm tall, and i weight around 90 kg.i want to loose weight as fast as possible bcoz i will get married in next 2 or 3 years.i am a bussinessman...i have to sit in my office for 12 hours.dont get tht time to excercise.i dont go to gym.i am...
154 4 Fri, 1 Apr 2011
Hi, i deliver a baby(4 and half month) by c section . my abdomen become flabby and fatty plz suggest me any exerscise for lower abdomen become in proper shape. thanks raj