6 Harmful honey combinations that one should know!
Honey known for its medicinal purpose for centuries of year. Honey comes with great potential especially when we mixed it with super foods. But do not add honey with any food you like, some of the mixture could be worse to your health rather than nourishing your body. Let’s know more about honey, its health benefits, harmful honey combination and the best honey combination. Honey is a sweet, golden liquid substance, sticky in texture produced by bees from nectar of flowers. It is used in almost every household from ancient times. Besides, adding lovely sweet taste to your food it provide number of health benefits.
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Can’t Sleep: Assessment and Management of Sleeplessness
Do you think that a good night’s sleep is a luxury that is beyond your reach? At times, most of us occasionally encounter circumstances that make it quite difficult to go to sleep. The clinical term for
sleeplessness is
insomnia. It's the most prevalent
sleep disorder that causes difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or getting restful sleep. Getting a good night's sleep is not only crucial for physical and mental wellbeing but is also fundamental to brain health, energy levels, and immune system function. You are suffering from sleeplessness, if you have the following: Face trouble falling asleep Stay awake for long periods of time at night Wake up multiple times during the night not feeling rejuvenated upon awakening Wake up early in the morning and find it difficult to fall back asleep Find it difficult to nap during the day even though you're tired Feel tired and irritable during the day and have trouble focusing Most sleep disorders can be effectively treated. Let the sleepless nights be only for lovers and loners, as happiness is a nice lengthy nap. Let’s dive deep to understand the factors that can disrupt your sleep and how you can fix sleeplessness.
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Are You Getting a Lot of New Moles Suddenly? Know Why it's Happening and When To Worry.
A typical mole can have the following characteristics: • Shape: They can have a round or oval form. • Color: They are often flesh colored, reddish brown, or medium to dark brown in color. • Size: The size of
moles can vary greatly. They might be as little as a pinhead or cover an entire arm.
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A Deep Dive into How Scurvy Can Affect Your Health: Causing Dental Problems, Low Mood, Pale Skin, and More
Scurvy is a nutrient disorder that results from a severe deficiency of vitamin C (
ascorbic acid) in the body. Vitamin C is a vital nutrient that performs a multitude of functions for our bodies, including immune system support,
disease prevention,
wound healing, and the synthesis of collagen (the most abundant protein) in the
connective tissue. Connective tissues are necessary for structure and support in the body, including the structure of blood vessels. For adults, the recommended daily intake (RDA) for vitamin C is 90 mg for men and 75 mg for women. The daily dose rises to 85 mg during
pregnancy and 120 mg during nursing. Smokers should take 35 mg more than the recommended daily allowance.
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Emerging Medical Devices to Benefit Patient and Healthcare Providers: Smart Trends in Healthcare
Technology and healthcare are entwined, pushing the healthcare sector towards creative breakthroughs. In an effort to increase industrial efficiency and minimize patient suffering, health technology is being incorporated into a wide range of procedures, from hospital administration to drug development to cancer research and surgery. The most exciting and fastest growing fields of healthcare technology include the development of medical robotics, artificial-intelligence driven diagnostics, Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled remote patient monitoring and
telemedicine solutions, and the potentially revolutionary power of digital health tools. In a world where patients want immediate assistance, utilizing cutting-edge technology for healthcare is pivotal. In order to remain relevant in the upcoming years, both healthcare professionals and patients must adopt modern healthcare technologies to achieve optimum health. In this article, let us discuss the new healthcare trends that are revolutionizing the healthcare sector.
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Entanglement in relationships
is loyalty, marriage, psychology or
meditation an answer to all this?
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What are the Different Types of Personal Hygiene and Environmental hygiene during VIRAL INFECTION!
Maintaining proper hygiene has always been emphasized to keep away the germs. There are two types of hygienic practices namely personal and environmental hygiene.
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ADHD: Foods To Eat And Avoid
What is
ADHD - Attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a behavioural disorder in which the person can seem restless, may have trouble concentrating and may act on impulse, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a
neurodevelopmental Disorder that affect both children and adults, ADHD can affects to an individuals social Relationships and work and school performance effective treatments are available to manage The symptoms of ADHD.
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Pneumonia - Community acquired.
Pneumonia is a serious respiratory condition. It is one of the leading causes of death in children and newborn. Some estimates suggest pneumonia affects close to 150 million children under 5 years of age annually. It is also one of the common reasons for hospitalisation especially in the under-developed as well as developing nations.
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Just when we thought that nutritional deficiencies were a problem of only the poor children, it was found that majority of these children are in homes which are not poor. In 2011, 52 million children under 5 years of age were moderately or severely wasted Worldwide. The reason could be negligence of working parents, disinterest in raising children, child abuse, behavior problems in children, lesser outdoor activities, infections and so on.
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