Cholesterol Management
The triad in the management of
high cholesterol is dietary life styles, exercise, and medications. Several diseases and drugs can cause high cholesterol, but for most people, a high-fat diet, obesity, a sedentary lifestyle,
smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, or inherited risk factors are the main causes.
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Congenital cataract
Cataract is opacification of
lens. Congenital cataract is diagnosed at birth. If a cataract goes unnoticed in infancy, permanent visual loss may occurs. Not all
cataracts are visually significant. If a lenticular opacity is in the visual axis, it is considered visually significant and may lead to
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Cluster Headache
If headache comes in groups it is termed as cluster headache. The pain is most severe and intense compared to other headache type. It lasts less than one hour but sometimes it may last for several hours. As the name suggests it will recur after some time in succession. It generally occurs during the morning or late at night. One cycle can last weeks or months and then can disappear for months or years. The headache is usually unilateral and generally sticks to the same side of the head.
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Causes of Headache
Pain in any region of the head is termed as headache.
Headaches may involve both sides of the head at the same time or it may be isolated to a certain location. It may radiate across the head and neck region also. Defining in terms of nature of pain headache may be a
sharp pain, throbbing sensation or dull ache. Headaches appear gradually even suddenly the time the patient will suffer will vary from few minutes to several hours.
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Kidney Stones
Kidney stones are deposits of small, hard, non-metallic minerals due to concentration of minerals and clubbing up of them present in the urine which starts up with excruciating pain in lower back or under the ribs and radiating to thighs or lower abdomen and trouble in voiding urine
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Hemorrhoids is one of the commonly affected condition in younger and older age groups, also called piles, are swollen and inflamed veins in anus and lower
rectum resulting from straining during a bowel movement or from the increased pressure on these veins which most of the times can be relieved from symptoms using home treatments and lifestyle changes
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Hair Transplantation
transplantation is a surgical procedure which involves taking skin containing hair follicles from one part of the body called as donor site and placing it to bald parts also known as the recipient site. This procedure is used to treat
male pattern baldness which results due to the hormones which lead to falling of the hairs from the follicles in response to hormones.
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Diet for Hair Fall
A diet rich in silica, calcium and iron, is helpful in reducing and preventing hair loss. Green, leafy vegetables, sea vegetables, have good mineral content. Raw oats contain silica. Dried fruits and cherry juice are very rich sources of iron.~
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Causes of blood in stool
Blood in stool is caused by harmless conditions such as
stress, oily foods, and medicines to some serious conditions like hemorrhoids and
rectal cancer which can vary in colour from terry black, red, brown or even may go unnoticed to naked eye
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Motion Sickness
A feeling of uneasiness to a cold sweat,
dizziness and then vomiting during travel.
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