Achondroplasia The Commonest Cause Of Dwarfism Achondroplasia is characterized by abnormal bone growth that results in...
Acid Beta glucosidase Deficiency Acid- beta glucosidase deficiency is the most common of the lysosomal storage diseases. It is caused by a hereditary deficiency of the enzyme...
Acid ceramidase deficiency is a extremely rare autosomal recessive
Acid maltase deficiency is a neuro muscular, autosomal recessive disease metabolic disorder characterized by an excessive accumulation of
It is one of the common problems in the infants. It occurs mainly after taking feeds, but also can occur during coughing, crying and while...
Acidemia Isovaleric is a classical type of organic acidemia. It?s a rare autosomal recessive metabolic disorder which prevents normal
Acidemia propionic is an autosomal recessive metabolic disorder classified as branched chain acidemia. It?s an inherited genetic disorder where the...
Acne, commonly called pimples or zits is a localized
Acne scarring is common but surprisingly difficult to treat. First, examination of...
Acoustic neuroma, also called a vestibular schwannoma, is a benign...
Acrodermatitis enteropathica (AE) is an
Acromegaly is a syndrome that results when the pituitary gland produces excess
Action of garlic in high blood pressure and high cholesterol How garlic acts to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol
Appendicitis is a condition in which the inflammation of the
Acute sinusitis is most commonly caused by
Add prunes to your diet to get key nutrients essential during pregnancy
Adenoid cystic carcinoma is a rare type of cancer that affects...
Adenoid cystic carcinoma is a rare type of cancer that affects...
The adenoids are lumpy clusters of spongy lymphoid tissue that help protect kids from getting sick. They sit high on each side of the throat behind...
What is ADHD - Attention deficit
Adrenal Hyperplasia Congenital (General) The term congenital adrenal hyperplasia encompasses a...
Adult acne (facts, types and causes) Adult acne is known to affect 25% of all adult men and 50% of all adult....
Adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a...
Aerobic exercise is any rhythmic activity that uses large muscle groups and makes your heart...
Agenesis of Corpus Callosum is a
Aggressive child usually have low self-confidence. They are attention seekers and enjoy the attention they gain from being aggressive,...
Air travel in pregnancy is one of the safest method of travel during...
Social drinking is common, but difference between social drinking and alcohol abuse is when alcohol becomes your focus. Increased dependence on...
ALCOHOL AND FATTY LIVER DISEASE Alcoholic liver disease is the liver injury that happens as a result of alcohol consumption above threshold limits. The chronic alcohol consumption...
All about Cesarean section BabyMagic is the most complete online resource for new and expectant parents featuring resources such as unique baby...
All about Swine Flu (Novel H1N1) Seasonal flu occurs every year but many people have some immunity against it which protects them from getting sick. The
80- 90% of all asthma sufferers have allergic asthma. Allergic asthma is...
Atopic dermatitis (AD) is an immune-mediated inflammation of the skin, often with a...
Hay fever, also called
Allergies are common in children. Commonly skin, gut, respiratory system and cardiac system are commonly invilved in allergies.
Allergy is a condition characterized by a level of sensitivity greater than normal to a specific substance or group of substances. These...