Blood Disorders Questions & Answers

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2 1 Thu, 30 Mar 2023
at age 68,having been married 43 years, i know nothing,it seems. how long/large is the clitoral gland and exactly where is it s full location in a female? what does it mean when this site says below my email address i accept terms and conditions ?
3 2 Fri, 30 Sep 2022
I had thrombocytopenia 2 years ago It seems to be returning now . Current platelets went from 159 to 129 in 7 days. I am 64, female , 300 lbs. Had stomach bypass and lost 200 lbs. I have abdominal pain hepatomegaly fatigue joint pains. I feel like my diaphragm is not working and I cant get a deep...
2 1 Wed, 31 Aug 2022
My dermatologist tells me that my blood is not clotting properly. I have noticed that when I had a dog bite I had to go to the emergency room to get it stitched because it wouldn t stop bleeding. I am taking a beta blocker, lipator, welbutron and lexapro.
13 1 Sat, 4 Jan 2020
Hey - I live i Copenhagen and was diagnosed with Hemochrom.5years ago.Before that I had been suffering for 20 years from strong pains, cramps in my stomach, back, breast and much more. My blood tests are now normal, but the pain has not gone. Something has got better, but the worst Things are...
2 1 Thu, 5 Sep 2019
Hi Dr. Jain! Every six (6) months my stomach goes through a transformation. Symptoms? Nausea, feeling week, just overall sick to my stomach, the only thing that works are Rentadine and Prolosec . What is going on with stomach? Oh! I have Sickle Cell Disease !
3 2 Fri, 12 Jul 2019
Hi this is XXXX (Age 25years) is suffering from obesity and fatigue. I am Thalassemia trait. My B.P is 140/88. I have gone for some tests . Reports attached for your convenience. Kindly advice some medicines if required. Presently I am not taking any medicine.
3 2 Thu, 11 Jul 2019
My mother is 94+, weighs 113 lbs., and was seen by a physician today. Based on her labs & symptoms (constantly cold, no energy, lack of appetite), he said that her bone marrow is no longer producing new blood, that her blood factory has shut down. She is ready to go , so we won t be seeing a...
2 1 Fri, 28 Jun 2019
I am currently seeing a hematologist for low platelets. my abdonial ultrasound can back good today, only 2 tiny liver cysts. My platelets 2 days ago was 61(previously were 40 and 47) Today she recommended a bone marrow biopsy and aspiration to check for cancer, I think. If that is clear what...
4 3 Tue, 11 Jun 2019
I’m a year old female Long medical history Blood clot disorder 2011 Chronic pancreatitis Endoscopy stents in pancreas 2018 cyst on pancreas Last period was March 2018 Got my period with stomach pain Oct 24 Still have it with heavy bleeding it’s Nov 6 today Should I go to ER
3 1 Tue, 30 Apr 2019
I am diagnosed with anemia, iron deficiency. I wake up frequently at night to use bathroom. Sometimes when I get up , i am sweaty n dizzy n heart races. Sometimes I get up n am okay but when I lay down , I start sweating, heart races, feel nausea, sometimes body aches. Then I get chilled n have...
2 1 Mon, 8 Apr 2019
I have a 32 year old son who was diagnosed with hereditary spherocytosis shortly after he was born. He received blood transfusions up to the age of 4 when they removed his spleen. Just a few days ago he contracted chicken pox. Should we be concerned?
3 1 Tue, 19 Feb 2019
Hi I recently been diagnosed as severely anaemic my ferritin level is at four and I was wondering what should I do them is taking iron pills enough or should I be getting a blood transfusion of some kind or shots or something?
2 1 Tue, 12 Feb 2019
I got lab report todat with rbc 4.69 , also listed was acanthocytes, polychromasia , ovalocytes, burr cells and anisocytosis present. the primary doc said there is nothing to be concerned about, but I am , as this is the first report I have gotten that list these different type cells, cytes, etc....
11 1 Wed, 30 Jan 2019
has my daughter nhas been sick with something like this for about a year.the doctors don t seem to know what it is. she had an mra it shows shrinking of the blood vecial but they don t know what it is . she has the allover her body on her arms the legs allover her back.she gets stripthrout alot...
2 1 Wed, 16 Jan 2019
My husband has cirrhosis. He hasn t drank in a year. We finally got his hemoglobin up. Recent blood work showed it dropped 6 points in less then 3 months. No old or fresh blood found. Doctors put him back on iron pills twice a day. We ll have his blood checked in 6 weeks. Do you think this is...
2 1 Mon, 31 Dec 2018
I have the same complains like what others say.. I have been suffering from severe headache for one week now.. I went to check my health status but I found the results were normal!! But I forgot to check Hb, the next day I went to check my HB. It was 19. I told the doctor that I used to drink...
3 2 Thu, 20 Dec 2018
I recently had to have two separate blood transfusions due to anemia. My hemoglobin was 7.2. Came up to 9.1 then dropped again so I was readmitted for the second blood transfusion. I have been having leg cramps sense this time. Concerned as to why these are occurring
2 1 Tue, 11 Dec 2018
Hemoglobin 10.7 hematocrit 34.7 Been anemic for over 20 years nobody can figure out was is causing this....few years ago my he,oglobin was 5.8 Some previous capsule test show bleeding in small intestine, diagnosed twice with Crohn s disease then told don t have it. Been in hospitals NJ, super...
11 1 Mon, 26 Nov 2018
Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here... My 79 year old father is suffering from recurring hemorrhagic episodes due to radiation cystitis (radioactive seed implantation for prostate cancer 7 years ago). 6 weeks ago he had a clot which required a trip to the...
11 1 Mon, 26 Nov 2018
Dear sir, My husband is Type 1 diabetic for the past 15 years and nephorotic for the past 3 years, he is 36 years old now. He is supposed to take ACE inhibitors for the proteinuria. But his body is reactive to ACE inhibitors. So he is not taking any of the drug to stop the worsening of the kidney...
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