Blood Disorders Questions & Answers

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318 5 Fri, 19 Apr 2013
Hi, My reports just came in and i don t have an appointment till next week. I was a little worried seeing the results and looking for an answer. My blood reports show that my MCH is 25.1, and My RDW is 18.2 and My TlC count is 11.8.These are abnormal. The rest are: Hemoglobin 12.5 g/dl 11.0 -...
288 4 Mon, 6 May 2013
I have extreme thirst and extreme fatigue. Headaches and neck/back aches. Just recently fever is associated as well. Mind I can t keep things straight. Blood work showed very low iron levels, but all else comes back ok. Blood pressure ok, sugar ok, oxygen levels ok.... I m 38 F...
953 4 Mon, 22 Apr 2013
i have high ferritin count in my blood test 350, I eat super healthy food no meat but lots of greeen leafy vegetables like kale quinoa, nuts and dried fruits, I drink a few glasses of red wine every night, I am more of a vegeterian, I have stopped eating rice and gluten for the last 6 weeks, so...
206 4 Sat, 20 Apr 2013
Hello, I m a 38 year old female and just got my blood test results for iron binding capacity. I have been having very heavy menstrual flows. Here are the results, but my doctor is not in the office until next week. Could you give me a general idea of what they might mean? Thank you. Iron (FE)...
160 4 Mon, 25 Mar 2013
I am hemalatha 42 years.i am having low heamoglobin of 6.7 hematocrit 23.3,mcv 59,mch17.0,mchc28.6,rdw22.6 and my leukocytes are all in normal ranges.platelets also in normal.but smear study saysmicrocytic and hyprochromic in appearance,elongatedand teardrop...
77 4 Thu, 9 May 2013
hello sir, my name is Siddhart . My blood group is O+ve and my marriage has been arranged with a girl having the same blood group O+ve . can you please tell me in detail if our baby may have some disability after some years. Actually i have seen a few O+ve cases before where, when the child is...
170 4 Mon, 15 Oct 2012
Hi dr. my name is David, age 22. i love a girl who has sickle cell anemia . she has much complications, she had regular pain in legs and hands, swellings, pain killer do not relief her? what is the better treatment ? how much is the possibilities that my child will have sickle cell anemia?? i...
4 3 Tue, 11 Jun 2019
I’m a year old female Long medical history Blood clot disorder 2011 Chronic pancreatitis Endoscopy stents in pancreas 2018 cyst on pancreas Last period was March 2018 Got my period with stomach pain Oct 24 Still have it with heavy bleeding it’s Nov 6 today Should I go to ER
4 3 Mon, 8 Jan 2018
halo im very helthy sports man 60 years old i like to now one thing im on trt meny years but throw time of meny flebotomys my feritin levels when low i reduse my trt dosege end i take iron tablets to bring back my feritin levels but but after 8 weeks of iron pils my hemoglobin levels when to hige...
52 3 Thu, 29 Jan 2015
doctor,my blood platelets count is below 150.and i have black spots in my penis and when i consulted a doctor she said that it is annular lichen planus,and the co-doctor said that this is a symptom of HIV .im bothered as of now..what is the reason for this disease?
27 3 Thu, 22 Aug 2013
I have interal blood loss. In Aprial 2013 I received 2 units of blood while in the hosptial. I had low H&H, 7.6. I have had blood test, bone denisty, upper and lower scopes. Still no cause. Taking iron supplements which increase my Ferritin level. What can you tell me about my condition? Thank...
215 3 Mon, 29 Apr 2013
Sir, I am a male aged 44 years. I am a regular blood donor. Today when I went to donate blood I was diagnosed that my HB level is 11.9. I was advised iron supplements. Which medicine I should take to have normal HB value. Further is it also necessary for me to take calcium supplements as I am...
48 3 Thu, 25 Apr 2013
Dear Sir, I am 31 male from India ,my BMI was 30.2 ,two months back due to offshore site requirement i have to go through complete tests,In that tests everything was OK but my fasting glocuse level shown 217 mg/dl after 9 hours of fasting (before 9 hour I had few chocolates and cigrate as i was...
45 3 Fri, 19 Apr 2013
My blood has been very dark in color lately. I am a bit concerned because I have not changed any of my habits. I still eat regular and as healthy as I can, I guess. I exercise daily and take regular vitamin supplements. I am a 25 year old man and I am bothered by my lack of knowledge in regards...
50 3 Mon, 15 Apr 2013
My little girl has been to the dr. For blood work a couple of time because her liver enzymes are 84 an she is only 4 now she is brusing all over they dont hurt but im worried what could be goin on ... every time she checked her blood work her liver enzymes were always high she hasn t been sicm or...
136 3 Mon, 8 Apr 2013
Hi, I had blood work done and it showed that I was anemic, my ferritin level was at 8. This was back in early february and I have been taking iron pills since. For the first month I was taking 65mg and I had another blood work done and my ferritin had only risen to 12. I am a college distance...
40 3 Sat, 20 Apr 2013
Hi I m rhesus negative and have read a lot about the anti d jab and having a blood test to see if rh sensiziation has taken place in body, I have had 1 child that was rh positive then had a jab after giving birth. I have just miscarried for the second time and not had a blood test to check anti...
148 3 Sat, 30 Mar 2013
My HB is 9.5. I am Type 2 Niddm with fasting levels around 150. My ferritin is low at 4.5 and so are haematocrits at 34.4. The serum iron is 14.3 and MCV at 71.6. The MCH is at 19.8 and MCHC at 27.6. The RBC show moderate anisopoikilcytosis. I have been diagnosed with Microcytic Hypochromic...
69 3 Mon, 15 Apr 2013
Two days ago, both of my big toes began itching intensely and later that night before bed I noticed they were numb. They were numb all day yesterday at work ( acute care physical therapist) and any time that I sat down to write notes for more than 1 minute, I felt like I had to constantly curl my...
62 3 Wed, 27 Feb 2013
I have a close friend in Germany, he just turned 60, and about 2 years ago he was diagnosed with some sort of blood disease, I cannot remember the name, but it is causing his white cells to increase and red cells to decrease so they are both falling outside the normal limits. They have told him...
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