Congenital Heart Disease Questions & Answers

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271 4 Fri, 19 Aug 2011
I recently had a small stroke and a TIA apparantly, one on either side of my brain . I have an ASD and ASA, they mentioned about maybe getting this fixed, I am concerned that going through surgery would just create more issues. I have been on blood thinners for 6 yrs after they discovered I had...
1020 4 Wed, 9 Mar 2011
Hi, My father (Age 58 years) went through a CABG X 2 on november 2010. When he came for his first checkup in jan 2011, x-ray report showed fluid accumulated in his lungs and hence went though pleural effussions. Yesterday was his second checkup and again some amount of fluid is accumulated. This...
502 4 Tue, 29 Dec 2009
I heard my sister had a female baby with tetraology of fallot in which the heart is reversed. can people with TOF lead a normal life?
843 3 Wed, 1 Feb 2012
how many times angiography & angioplasty can be done
796 3 Wed, 1 Feb 2012
hi gud day my cousin has a rheumatic heart disease . i would like to ask if what is the meaning of MR severe and TR severe. FC II which part of her heart is damage due to this findings
89 3 Fri, 8 Jul 2011
How long should I leave my angina attack before seeking medical advice In 2008 I had a stent put in and then April 2011 I had a triple bypass which I found out in may 2010 that two of the grafts have failed and is being treated with maximal medication over the last two months the angina attacks...
393 3 Sun, 27 Mar 2011
is angiography removes the blockages from the heart
221 3 Thu, 1 Aug 2013
what is ASD ? what precautionns to be taken while dental treatement? what is ASD? what precautionns to be taken while dental treatement?
3 2 Fri, 7 Jun 2019
ihad a leg prcedure blocked a bleeding vein then went to the hospital2 days later with congestive heart failure they changed my medications one to lopressor which made me feel sick. lasix and potassium for holding water but feel weaker....urine and sweat has a sweet vanilla smell
92 2 Thu, 28 May 2015
Your information has been very helpful and very informative. I had a stroke in 2009. I was born in 1956, so I am not old. I come from a family of congestive heart failure patients. When I wake up every day, I am blessed. Any direction you can lead me in for more information could be very helpful....
8 2 Tue, 5 Jul 2016
I am 56 female with an ongoing cough for sometime. My dr ordered a chest X-ray and said it shows increased density in the upper left area. I have never smoked ! I was diagnosed about 2 years ago with slight copd. What might the results be?? Of course I think the worst!!
55 2 Thu, 14 Apr 2016
My Dad is 73 and sufferers from congestive heart failure He is on Warfarin/Carvalilo (approx Spelling) Statins and blood pressure tablets and he has just had a tatto done in New Zealand and will be flighing back to the uk in 10-12 days time I am concerned what affect this will have on his health
189 2 Fri, 23 Oct 2015
Why are CHF palliative patients not managed with Lasix right up to the end, or at least close to the end. I had a patient who was palliative with CHF, not eating, bed riden, only responding by making eye contant. This patient was SOB with morphine and oxygen therapy. I gave the patient Lasix IM,...
201 2 Mon, 30 Nov 2015
sirs good evening, i am male of age 41 yrs. since from last six-seven months i am suffering from little pain in chest particularly on left side. on consultation with doctor took ECG and X-ray chest PA view. ECG is within normal limit, however, x-ray speaks subtle right paracardiac pneumonitis....
108 2 Thu, 26 Mar 2015
My mom is 45 years old. She has had Type 1 Diabetes for 11 years. She was just told that she has Congenital Heart Disease and they are also checking her for Lupus. How will this affect her? What can we do to keep her healthy? Thank you....
97 2 Wed, 24 Jun 2015
Ever since i was born i had 3 flaps one over the heart.I was hospitalized for 10 days.A couple days later they found out i ahd a heart murmur.Even when i m not stressed i get really bad chest pains.When ig et upset they get worse and i can t breathe.Im being serious night i grasp fro air...
241 2 Sat, 16 Mar 2013
I was diagnosed with ASD (2.4 cm) at the age of 26 and went for ASD closure 1 month before. I am now 26 years old. I was an athlete and loved to do vigorous activities. But after the operation, I couldnt really do the activities like i used to do. Even if I could them, I ll be having some pain...
106 2 Sat, 16 Mar 2013
Hello , my big brother has a small hole in his heart , i found out today as i was reading some of his papers , i dont know how big the hole is but he has known about it for 3 years , and goes to the hospital 2 times a year because he becomes breathless . All i wanted to ask does this little hole...
111 2 Wed, 8 Feb 2012
How long should I leave my angina attack before seeking medical advice In 2008 I had a stent put in and then April 2011 I had a triple bypass which I found out in may 2010 that two of the grafts have failed and is being treated with maximal medication over the last two months the angina attacks...
188 2 Wed, 18 Jan 2012
my baby is having small hole in heart vsd.5month baby
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