Diabetes Questions & Answers

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1846 13 Thu, 4 Aug 2011
Friends I am very upset today as I was informed by my doctor that I had developed diabetes. I had heard the term several times but new to the disease in terms of the knowlede. No one in my family has ever had diabetes. Two days back I had went to my coorporate doctor for the routine examination...
4091 12 Sat, 13 Aug 2011
I believe that diabetes is a curse for all who are the sufferers. It will never allow the patient to eat in a good manner, neither in quantity nor in quality. I have to leave my much loved Pizza because of the diabetes. Now I am relying more upon the fruits as they taste atleast good compared to...
3485 11 Sat, 31 Dec 2011
Is there any permanent solution to this diabetes that I am suffering from the age of 49 from the past 6 years I have tried a lot of medicines and tablets and ayurveda and siddha and unani and you name it I have tried but it doesn’t seem to help my sugar level goes down comes up but is never...
668 9 Sat, 6 Apr 2013
Hi... my mother was diagonised with diabetes last week with 203 (fasting) / 306. Is it on higher side and what needs to be done to bring it under control ?
2530 8 Tue, 5 Jul 2011
I heard that there is a new medicine for diabetes which can be taken by breathing insulin instead of injecting. Is it true?
102 7 Mon, 15 Apr 2013
Hi, Last year, I had diagnosed with high sugar. I am a male.My age is 32.My height is 5 10 . My weight at that time was 89 Kg with major weight around waist and on tummy.I took metformin 500mg for three months on doctor s advice.I lost 19 kg of weight in 9 months period. My sugar level is now...
131 7 Mon, 16 Apr 2012
Dear doctor, My blood sugar and urine sugar levels were high when once tested after getting a blister but visiting my doctor she put on drug and asked me to take everyday but after that more than twice my sugar levels are within normal limits should I continue with the drug or can it be...
631 7 Wed, 31 Aug 2011
my fasting blood sugar was 118 and pp is 231 is this bad what type of diabetic I am type 1 or type 2
2140 7 Sun, 29 Jan 2012
Hi, Some body informed me that there is one ayurbedic doctor in Drug who can treat diabetic problem by giving just a dose of medicine.Is it true? If it is true can I get his address and contact number ?
7949 6 Wed, 28 Aug 2013
I am a diabetic patient for last 8 years. My PP has been for last 2 years average 160-200. Taking anti-diabetic drugs regularly with some diet control. For last 2-3 months, my knee is giving some problem only during climbing or getting down by stairs. Other than this,there is no other problem in...
284 6 Mon, 6 May 2013
Dear Sir, I am 37 yrd old from Delhi Recently I am diagnosed diabetic and my first test only fasting shows 435 and I lost almost 12 to 14 kg in a month so I visited Dr. and asked me to take Galvus Met 50/500 and after 15 days reading was like 113/298 and later on it become 127/160 and revisited...
1465 6 Sat, 23 Feb 2013
i am 52 years old male suffering from diabetes . i am taking 1 tablet glimisave m1 since last 1 year; but mu blood sugar is not coming under control. its figure are 140 - 172 fasting & 160 - 212 after meals. kindly inform me the dosage & tme of taking these tablets. is it necessary to change...
113 6 Tue, 27 Sep 2011
my father is 63 years old. he is suffering from 102-104 degree farenhite fever since last 5 days. dont know what to do. plz help. he is diabetic as well as heart patient...
111 6 Tue, 24 Jan 2012
Why diabetes patients become fatty?
281 6 Sat, 14 May 2011
which fruits are advisable for a diabetic, and which fruits should be avoided
200 6 Mon, 21 Mar 2011
Hi doc. i went for blood sugar test yesterday. fasting blood sugar came to 116. went back for postprandial after 1.5 yrs of food, it came to 204. pl suggest am i diabetic. im 33 yrs. My dad is having diabetics that too he found out at the age of 40 hrs. I was down with typhoid in jan 2011. post...
240 6 Mon, 20 Jun 2011
Hi, I am shukla. I have some query about chest pain . Infact I got a pain in Dec and got addmited at hospital. Even after doing many test ECG ,ECHO,TROP-T,nothing find out but still I am having pain in centre and right side mostly. Some time in Arm Joint. Please get me some solution.
350 6 Thu, 21 Apr 2011
I am a 17 yr old female, diabetes runs in my family and id like to know what my average blood sugar should be, my sugar is always below 80 and alot of times its at 50 or 40 im aproxammitly 5 9 and around 270
872 6 Fri, 6 Aug 2010
My fasting sugar is 133 tell me tretment ?
3960 6 Sun, 20 Nov 2011
My fasting blood sugar is 122 mg dl Am I a diabetic . hi i have a fasting blood glucose nearly 122 ,,what can i do ,,please help
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