Weight & Lifestyle Questions & Answers

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6437 17 Wed, 12 Jun 2013
Hi Everyone... I m kind of lazy to excercise... Could you people tell me things to eat and gain weight easily... I don t like junk food etc... so please tell me easy methods to gain some weight...!!
2646 14 Mon, 28 Mar 2011
How to reduce weight......i am very consious due to my weight Iam 29, working in a software company, married and mother of two. Iam overweight, my weight is increasing from 2years very rapidly.my weight has increased 14 ckgs in last 1 year. My height is 5 feet one inch. I usually sit infront of...
6965 9 Fri, 25 Jun 2010
Hello! My mother ordered VIA Ananas pills, she is fat... eirst day she started to use , she started to feel some tingling in her feet, same feeling like when you sleep on your hand and some blood was hold, and after you feel tingling.. she is afraid.. please is everything ok?
1720 9 Wed, 5 Jan 2011
i am cycling for almost 5 kms...daily from past one month i have reduced 2 kgs with in this one month..buit i wanna reduce my weight even faster...i have heard jogging will reduce ur weight faster than cycling..can anyone pls suggest??
2779 8 Mon, 12 Dec 2011
i am a preteen and my muscles wont show unless if i flex
627 7 Mon, 1 Apr 2013
Hi, I am 5ft and my weight its nearly 7 stone. My thighs are about 20 inches and my waist varies but its about 30 inches. I wondered if i was fat or healthy. PLEASE ANSWER, any honestly say what you think. THANKYOU ;-)
4787 7 Fri, 21 Oct 2011
is it true that fruta planta diet pills contain a drug called meridia and is it dangerous?
611 7 Thu, 26 Jul 2012
I need to loose 10kg of weight. How should I do that ?
17781 6 Sat, 3 Sep 2011
Hi... I am 29 and my husband 30. We take 1 glass of Glucon D every morning. My husband is fatty, so is it fine if we continue this?
299 6 Fri, 18 Feb 2011
My diet is good but still cant success to increase the weight Hello doctors,I am 28 years old and my height is 5 6 ,weight is 38.before marriage it was 45.And my diet is good but still cant success to increase the weight. on edoctor suggested me to take protinex powder with milk. please suggest...
449 6 Tue, 2 Jul 2013
how to reducce unanted water in my body?bcos look sme wat fat...my doct said i hve to reduce my unwante content of water frm my body... pls doctor can any one tel is it possible?
337 6 Wed, 21 Sep 2011
Hello, I m a 30 year old female that has hypothyroidism (i hope i spelled that right). I m trying to lose weight . I weigh 185 now, and I m wanting to get down to 160-165. How can I go about this ? Whats a health diet for me ?
529 6 Wed, 30 Dec 2009
I am eighteen years old and I have been having very weird eating habits this last year. Some days, I hardly eat anything at all, sometimes absolutely nothing and then other days I cannot stop eating, even when my stomach is full and hurting, I can t stop. What in the world is wrong with me? Then...
867 6 Wed, 23 Mar 2011
I delivered 9moths back. It was by operation they removed the baby. Now my problem is that i have put on lot of weight. Before this pregnency i was 55 kgs, now iam 68kgs. I also ffeding my child, he is also taking other things also. Iam really looking ugly. I donot whthere i can do dieting during...
956 6 Fri, 13 Apr 2012
Iam a software engineer, working in a company, my job needs most of the time sitting in fornt of the computer. I also eat lot of junk foods whic is served at our desk. I have put on some weight. I need to reduce and i also want to know what foods i can eat and what not to eat, i cannot take home...
653 6 Tue, 19 Apr 2011
I am doign walking every day, iam slightly overweight, inned to reduce around 3-4 kgs. But walking is not helpin gme any way. I also have good food, donot eat any junk foods at all. My friend told me that instead of walking to go for swimming, which is very good for weight loss. Is this is...
444 6 Mon, 26 Oct 2009
Is meditation is a stress buster ? Many friends of mine are joining in meditation to come out of stress. If so, how many times should I do per week ? After how many days I may come out of stress ?
716 6 Tue, 12 Oct 2010
Every one says that cholesterol is bad. I read in a news paper that there is good cholesterol also and there is a bad cholesterol also. Is it true. How can cholesterol can be good. It is bad and causes various health issues
10936 6 Thu, 26 Jul 2012
Hi people,what is the best way to loose weight?
124 5 Mon, 2 Jan 2012
hi im 22 my height is 58 and weight is 90 my waist line has increased from 32 to 36 in just 6 months im feeling low can u please recommend me some weight reducing pills which are effective... my waist line has increased from 32 to 36 in just 6 months im feeling low... also include the prices of...
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