Hypoglycemia and reactive hypoglycemia
Hypoglycemia is a condition characterized by an abnormally low level of blood sugar (
glucose). Hypoglycemia is commonly associated with
diabetes mellitus. However, there are variety of conditions, many of them rare, can cause
low blood sugar. Hypoglycemia is not a disease by itself; it's an indicator of a health problem.
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Screening of heart disease
In many patients, the first symptom of coronary
artery disease is
heart attack or sudden death, with no preceding
chest pain as a warning. Screening tests are of particular importance for patients with risk factors for
coronary heart disease. The gold standard for coronary artery disease is coronary angiogram, used to identify the exact location of disease, anatomical details and the severity of disease.
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Prevention of heart disease
Heart disease is the one of the leading cause of death in men and women. The modifiable risk factors are the key in preventing heart disease. Avoid heart problems in the future by adopting a healthy lifestyle today.
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Coronary heart disease
artery disease (atherosclerotic
heart disease) is due to accumulation of atheromatous plaques in the coronary vessel walls. Coronary arteries are the major blood vessels that supply the heart with blood,
oxygen and nutrients. Fatty streaks or plaques will narrow the coronary arteries and reduce the blood flow to the heart. Because coronary artery disease often develops over decades, it can go virtually unnoticed until it produces a
heart attack.
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Risk factors for heart disease
Risk factors are classified as modifiable and non modifiable risk factors. Knowing the risk factors for
heart disease could reduce the chance of heart attacks.
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Treatment of insomnia
The treatment of
insomnia depends on the cause and severity of insomnia. For many simple life style modifications like regular sleep schedule and avoiding caffeine, avoiding
nicotine can help.
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Signs and Symptoms of Hypertension
There are two types of hypertension that are usually defined i.e. Primary and
Secondary Hypertension.
Primary Hypertension is also known as
essential hypertension. Primary hypertension or essential hypertension will not have any cause predefined while the secondary hypertension will be secondary to any other medical causes like some tumors or some systemic diseases.
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Medications used in heart attack
The main way to prevent progressive damage is to restore blood flow quickly. Antithrombotic agents are initial treatment of choice and need to be given as soon as possible. It reduces the morbidity and mortality rates.
Thrombolytic therapy is highly effective if given with in 30 min to 1 hr.
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Medication and Prevention of Hypertension
Hypertension is also known as
high blood pressure which is a medical condition in which a person?s blood pressure in arteries in the body remains chronically elevated. Many types of hypertension are there like systemic or arterial hypertension and
portal hypertension and others but the word Hypertension in general implies to systemic or arterial hypertension.
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Indigestion in infants
Indigestion is due to over feeding, wrong feeding, over excitement, overheating, chilling too much of milk
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