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Low HB, PCV, MCV, MCH and MCHC. High Ferritin level. How to increase hemoglobin level? Feeling light headed. Taken pulse rate and blood pressure. Feeling pulse in urethra, swelling in vagina after intercourse. No blood in urine. Urinary bladder infection? Spotting after rough sex, bleeding heavier than periods. Could I have sustained some injury? Threadworm infection in pregnancy. Complications during childbirth? Mouth ulcers after taking Prevent-N and morning after pills. Is this the reason I have canker sores? Taking Loestrin pills.Will medication overdose help in stopping periods? Numbness on fingers after injury. Have ulnar nerve damage. Need medication? No facial hair growth. Prescribed with testoviron injection. Any side effects? What size should a spleen tumor that is possibly benign be considered for removal? Suffering from Rheumatic arthritis. Which specialist to consult? 4 year old having persisting cough. Medication? Having bowel movement while urinating, abdominal pain. Had vaginal hysterectomy. Spinal pain. Child has fever with pain under rib cage, No cough. Taken aspirin and hot tea. Any help? Back pain, hip pain. X-ray shows rheumatic arthritis. Suggest whom to consult for this problem? Right hand and arm are feeling cold. Why? Open sore of buttock which has grown in size. Drains after putting hot compress. What can I do at home to heal it? Lightheadedness, racing heart and tingling in hands. Taking prilosec. EKG normal. Symptoms due to GERD or anxiety? GERD Itchy hives, hot rash, chest pain and breathlessness.Blood test showed erythema. Is it clearing up? Small, white patches on lower back. Nizoral shampoo did not help. Suggestions? Reddish lump, leaking blood and yellow substance. White spots on face. Diagnosed with pityriasis alba. Could stopping thyroid and cortisol medication cause it? Sinus problems. CT scan, mucosal thickening, maxillary spine resected. Previous sinus surgery. Treatment options? Could syrinx cause shoulder and neck pain? History of sinus problems. Taking Lortab and Wellbutrin. Suggestions? Pain in the ear, shoulder and back, watery burning eyes, numbness in the mouth. Causes? PCOS, thick uterus lining. Is anesthesia normal? Coughing, red pus throat, wheezing, nasal congestion. On nebulizer. History of season allergies. Causes for symptoms? Swelling and itching on the testicles. History of liver cirrhosis and hepatitis C. Taking interferon. Reason? Sore swollen knee after injecting antifreeze. What are the complications? Having hiatus hernia, high blood pressure, fibromyalgia and placed with heart stents. Is it safe to take movicol? Severe cold and nasal congestion. Taking Montec LC. Diet plan while taking the medication? Feeling dizzy. Is it brain tumor? Want to know best course of action. Have UTI, burning urination, urge to urinate, bladder pain. Sensitive to antibiotics. Are there any risks associated with vaginal secretions and breast secretions? Dizziness, imbalance, unable to walk. On Betaserc medication. Chances of brain tumor? Child with chest pain. Due to cramps? Prolonged pain on the face, neck and shoulder. Stabbing pain in the head. Treatment? Chest discomfort, shortness of breath, white tongue. Is it due to air freshner and Lysol disinfectant? Spicy food causes stomach pain, blood in stool, feeling full, burping, throwing up in mouth. Worried about ulcer? Urine with bad odor, blood in urine. On treatment for bacterial vaginosis. Should I change my diet? Fluid filled painful growth inside vagina. What is it? Redness on outer cheeks, burning, itching. Rebounding from locoid cream? Swelling and soreness in the leg. History of DVT. Suggestions? Testicles hanging loose, occurs while relaxing. Does this cause low sperm count? Dosage instructions for Lexapro Does it take several days for increase of Flec to have an effect? SVT right atrium, scar tissue. Severe pain in the thigh and knee, stiffness in quadriceps. Tried Fentanyl patch. Advice? Could seizures be caused by titanium? Had discectomy and got flu. Allergic to metal. Constricted neck and esophagus. Acquired Aplastic anemia, flu, pale. Working as a petroleum operator during pregnancy. Any relation? Abdomen discomfort, not very painful, spasms. What is it? Diet advice while taking Warfarin Pain in flank and back, fatigue, insomnia, hair loss, low grade fever. Cushing's syndrome? Remedy for severe constipation Poor erection, flaccid penis, eager to urinate. Severe pain in the ankle. Taken Nimesulide. Causes and treatment? Child is not gaining weight. Suggest dietary supplements to balance nutrition needs. Severe abdominal pain, loss of appetite, cold sweats. Taking Omeprazole. Cure? Itching on the whole body. Treatment? Oral sex with unknown person, red rash on penis, no pain. Sexually transmitted disease? Extended tummies since birth, appear bloated, slim. Treatment? Lump behind ear, on neck, red sore scalp, slight headaches, sore throat. Treatment? Hard to get proper erection during masturbation. Worried about erectile dysfunction. Tips to reduce the abdominal fat Out of shape, getting tired quickly, no thyroid problems, no myalgia. Do I have a metabolic disorder? Should I go ahead with surgery for breast fibroadenoma? Side effects? Will fibroids recur after surgery? Breakouts with hives after taking birth control to regulate periods, respiratory allergies High heart resting rate, normal BP. Prone to asthma and bronchitis. Uses inhaler. What could be causing it? Heart pain and swelling between pectorals by taking antibiotics. Scheduled for root canal for bad tooth. Occasional ejaculation during sleep. Have masturbated. Is this a problem? Having nausea and bloating. Elevated bilirubin levels. Have to go for ultrasound. Reason? Sore breasts, orange period. Had endometrial ablation, menopausal, taking HRT. Is this normal? Do not feel full, light headedness, nausea. Family history of Celiac's disease. Anybody have a clue? Iron deficiency due to hemorrhoids. History of stent placement, hypertension and high cholesterol. Taking crestor and iron pills. Suggestions? Bowel movement after chewing tobacco, loose stools, blood in stools. Do I have hemorrhoids? Headache, High BP, low heart rate, low grade fever, elevated WBC. H. pylori positive, has rectal fissure. Any ideas? Recovering from cold, dry cough. Can go for face-lift? Dizziness, ears feel warm and congested. Taking Bystolic and Klonopin. Are they related? Normal to feel dizzy? Light headed, sweating, perception problem, peripheral vision blurriness, seen GP, Neuroligist, Cardiology, Opthamalagist, all Ok, on in-vitro fertilization. Cause? Treatment for anemia? Suffering from severe headache from the eye to the top molars. Reason? 5 year old with stomach pain and constipation. Cure? How does low semen viscosity affect fertility? Fatty liver, no scarring, high liver enzymes due to drinking. How long will it take to get my liver back to normal? Child has reactive airway disease. High RR, HR and saturation. Taking heavy medication. What best can I do? A rope like area from breast to the sternum area. Mammography stated abnormality. Is it a cyst or a lymph node? High blood pressure, high diastolic numbers. Treatment? Nausea, diarrhea and severe itching on the body. No rashes, Could it be allergy? Pain while swallowing solids / fluids or even saliva, hurts while belching, taking Nexium, Garapentin, Levethroyxn, Advair, Nasonex, have hypothyroid, ADHD 7 year old with tremor in the hands. History of seizures. Normal blood report. Advice? Eyes started to itch, burn and swell. Probable poison ivy. Why does it keep coming and leaving? Back pain radiating to the legs. Dorsal inner annular tear found in Discogram. Is the pain due to this? When in squatting position, knees fail to pull up. Why? Bloating after eating, back pain, sour taste in mouth, nausea. Diagnosed with IBS. Can this be hiatal hernia or pancreatitis? Had granulomatous disease, and a calcified hilar lymph node in lungs. Body positively receive smoking cessation? Coughing, sleeplessness, did not improve after reducing humidity level. Do you know what it could be? Breathing problem, have panniculitis, taking ativan, bronkaid. Herbs / medication? Child wet bed for the first time. Now has itch and redness. What do I do? Black mark on toes. Big toe nail has fallen frequently. Do regular running. Is this a sign of melanoma? Salty body odour. On Atkins diet. Should be concerned? Dark urine after having tooth pulled. Co-related? Nose sweats when in a crowd, when eyes are irritated or when under stress. Am I allergic to people? Heart felt like a clog in it, in a while felt light headed and unconscious. Why? Painless purple spot on the thigh with bleeding. What could it be? Fleshy lump passed with period. Was it a miscarriage? If not, what was it? Period delayed, giddiness and mild stomach cramp. HPT stated a little positive. Pregnant? Will taking Eptoin during pregnancy affect baby's growth? History of seizures while sleeping and in cold climates. Had urinary stones and UTI. Now have sever pain and dark particles from urine. Is it a stone? Hypertension and pain in the hand. Taking Tazloc. Need help in dosage correction Pain in rib cage. Is it due to deep breathing? Have COPD and GERD. Straining to pass stool, using nebulizer. X ray shows intervertebral disc of spondylitis, small phleboliths in pelvic cavity, lumbar spine shows mineralization and alignment What is the cause of swollen and sore breasts? Side effect of medication for postherpetic neuralgia? Will I have problems getting pregnant? Pelvic pain. Report says heterogeneous septate uterus. Itchy vagina after oral sex, rashes and hard surface on mucous membrane. STD or herpes? Back pain, frequent urination, gas pain, flatulence, tenderness. Side effects of Crestor for cholesterol? Was suffering from urticaria and had treatment of worms. How likely to be back? Frequent urination. No diabetes. Normal tests. Taking Ditropan. What is it and what should I do? Recovering from Hepatitis E. Diet advice? Abdominal stiffness. Taking medicine for TB of uterus although negative. How can we identify the problem? After street food had rashes all over body. On allegra. Nothing helps. Why? Diagnosed with Multi toxic thyroid nodules. On hypertension medication. Treatment? Trouble with rectal bleeding, bright red stool that clears in few days. How can I treat it? Phelgm, have been nebulising , vomiting after meal. Normal? Coughing blood and mucus. Suffer from anxiety, have panic attacks, smoker. Can you help? Brown creamy discharge from clitoris. Is it bacterial infection? Home remedy possible? Noise from ear during blowing nose, feel pressure and pain in ear while coughing or burping. Swelling and pain in ear. Worried. Suffering from acute gastritis, have painful spasm. Strong medicine to cure in a short time? Any prescribed medicine for heart burn? Swelling in foot and hands. Eaten fermented food. What can be the reason? What does it mean if heart beats only 20 percent? Severe pain in my lower abdomen during menstrual period. Scanty menstruation, abdominal pain during periods. HCG negative. Done ultrasound. Bad cold with cough, blocked nose and hearing loss with pain in ears. Sinuses inflamed? Chest congestion, vomiting, stomach pain. Mucus is white. Urine is yellow. Taking Numiex. What to do? Stomach pain, no appetite, gray stools, no vomiting, no fever. How soon after angioplasty am i able to have anethesia? Purple marks on penis, not raised or painful or itchy. Am uncircumcised. Have white powder in the inner part of ear. Is it ear dandruff? How to treat it? Hard, non-movable lump on collar bone, coughing, back pain. History of lung infection, pleurisy, atypical pneumonia. Have a twinge across right shoulder, upper arm and pain in abdomen. Related? Groin strain? Had lumbar spinal surgery. After removal of sutures and healing of incision, infrared sauna can be used? Dizzy during take off in airplane, or on high-speed bike or at high altitudes. Remedy to overcome this? Can Terbinafine affect male fertility? Weight gain due to SSRIs. Is there a medical reason for the gain and inability to lose? Bumpy rash on body after vomiting and diarrhea. Food poisoning? Seek medical assistance? Stringy mucus and sticky feeling in mouth, pressure in shoulder blade, productive cough with white mucus, weight loss. Insomnia with muscle spasms of torso and prickly skin. Due to withdrawal of morphine? Can clarithromycin cause hiccups? Prescribed by dentist as preparation for implant. Burst blood vessel in eyelid means problem? Child vomiting after drinking formula milk. What to be done? What is a fractured bilirubin test? Hard lump behind ear on mastoid process. Not movable or painful. What could it be? Baby with abnormal nuchal fold. Testing for amniocentesis scheduled. Chances of being normal? Constipated after irregular bowel movements, pain in lower back and legs. Is taking movicol enough? Thick white and yellow coating on tongue surface. Bicarb soda, menthol based cough have temporary results. Why? Sour taste in mouth and waxy feeling in throat and tip of tongue, had acid reflux. What is wrong? Unwell, sore throat, headaches, nausea, tiredness. Why has the neck swollen? Vaginal itch and tickling sensation, burns when urinating, discharge sometimes yellow. Caused due to disinfected wipe? Weight loss, frequent bowel movements. Took MDMA a week ago. Causes for loose stools? Swollen wrist after injury. What is the treatment in case of a fracture? Had a miscarriage. Trying to conceive. Confused about the results. Is it a chemical pregnancy? After sex, period pain excessive and uncomfortable while urinating. UTI? What can be done? Spine swollen, mid back and the area between shoulder blades numb, uneven hips, legs hurt. Why? Took ceftin for sinus infection. Why do I have an orange tongue now? Is it dangerous? Sleeplessness-Body becomes limp, heart races, trembling, vomiting, dizziness. What is wrong? Suffering from erectile dysfunction. Problem in-existent during masturbation. Suggest medicines? 15 year old having Bicuspid aortic valve. Will the drug abuse worsen the condition? Sleeplessness, palpitations. Diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. Taking Neomercazole and Inderal. Recovery period? Severe throat pain and heart burn. Elevated GGT liver enzymes, Vitamin D deficiency. Diagnosed with Lupus. Advice? Severe pain top of hand, X-ray says not broken. Why can't I grip anything? Could this be dementia or CNS infection? Migraine, weak eyes, joint pain, stiff neck, losing memory. Suffering from back pain, in morning and evening, cannot sit for more than an hour. Why? Unidentified sickness, tightness and rigidity around stomach area, TB negative but taking medicine for Uterus TB Brown discharge during pregnancy, tummy cramps and tightening. Other babies premature. Serious? Severe cramps in the leg after spinal fusion surgery. Is it normal? Have chest pain. ECG normal. Heart in danger? How to prevent it? Pain in lower abdomen, varying intensity. What could it be? Unprotected sex. Has taken ipill ECP. Had sexual intercourse again. Should I take another ipill? Oily skin and hair, lot of acne. On MG medicines. How to get rid of it? Headache, giddiness, sinus problems. Tightness and rigidity in stomach area, constipation, blood in stools. Done treatment for PID, taking medicine for TB of uterus. Non small cell cancer. On chemotherapy, gemcitabine, tarceva. CT scan shows malignant ascites. Life expectancy? Throat pain at night, difficulty in swallowing. Taken antibiotics. Further treatment? Received chlymadia through oral sex. Tried doxyline, azithromycin. Bacteria still existent. Why? Smoking marijuana. Why am I sweating at night? Discoloration and bleeding of the gums. Treatment? Had regular heavy cough, diagnosed with high sugar. Can I continue with metadoze and montair? Numbness in thigh, pain and lymph nodes in the area. Had unprotected sex continuously despite urine infection. Cytoscopy said tight meatus and urethral dilation. BPH or prostatitis? Child has black things in stool, child taking strained baby food, woke up with screaming, glazed eyes. Head injured behind the temple. Led to a surge of pain, dizziness. Need to be concerned? Lethargy, depression, diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Does she need hormone therapy? Why no pregnancy after marriage? No satisfaction. Musli extra power has side effects? Tight penile foreskin, Done circumcision. What is the reason for darkening of the penis skin? Light headed, tired around eyes. Not an eye infection. What is it? Can I take HCG diet with low calorie diet and take phendimetrazine for hunger control? History of post gastric bypass. Insulin dependent, PSA reading inconsistent. Sugar in blood causing this? Rectal exam shows enloarded prostate Am I in danger of rupturing a disc and becoming paralyzed? Shoulder pain, cervical fusion, nerve root compression. Is it dangerous to get pregnant with a bulky uterus? Severe throat pain after vomiting. Causes? Erection problems, cannot sustain erection. Drink occasionaly, smoke cigarette, masturbate. Permanent recovery?
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