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Can’t Sleep: Assessment and Management of Sleeplessness

Do you think that a good night’s sleep is a luxury that is beyond your reach? At times, most of us occasionally encounter circumstances that make it quite difficult to go to sleep. The clinical term for sleeplessness is insomnia. It's the most prevalent sleep disorder that causes difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or getting restful sleep. Getting a good night's sleep is not only crucial for physical and mental wellbeing but is also fundamental to brain health, energy levels, and immune system function. You are suffering from sleeplessness, if you have the following: Face trouble falling asleep Stay awake for long periods of time at night Wake up multiple times during the night not feeling rejuvenated upon awakening Wake up early in the morning and find it difficult to fall back asleep Find it difficult to nap during the day even though you're tired Feel tired and irritable during the day and have trouble focusing Most sleep disorders can be effectively treated. Let the sleepless nights be only for lovers and loners, as happiness is a nice lengthy nap. Let’s dive deep to understand the factors that can disrupt your sleep and how you can fix sleeplessness.
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6 Harmful honey combinations that one should know!

Honey known for its medicinal purpose for centuries of year. Honey comes with great potential especially when we mixed it with super foods. But do not add honey with any food you like, some of the mixture could be worse to your health rather than nourishing your body. Let’s know more about honey, its health benefits, harmful honey combination and the best honey combination. Honey is a sweet, golden liquid substance, sticky in texture produced by bees from nectar of flowers. It is used in almost every household from ancient times. Besides, adding lovely sweet taste to your food it provide number of health benefits.
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MIND and Mediterranean diet

There are many diets available that helps in fighting against different kind of disease. The MIND and Mediterranean Diet is special diet that is mainly for brain health and is very helpful for elder people with symptoms of Alzheimer.
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Calcium is essential for women after the age of 30 particularly for bone health and overall health, women are at higher risk suffering from bone related illnesses like osteoporosis, we all know bones are the structural part of our body so it is more important to keep our bone strong.
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5 Best and Worst Food To Eat In Breakfast

Breakfast is the first meal of the day usually eaten in the morning the word breakfast refers To breaking the fasting period of the previous night various typical or traditional breakfast Menus exist with food choices varying by regions and traditions world wide .
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In this article author is trying to find answers to questions like: - Why is my partner not loyal to me? - When is the right time to be married? - Is falling in love with many people “bad”? - What happened to the true love?
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Tips to stay motivated to do workout during the winter season

Cold days and dark, long nights during the winter season make it quite difficult to stick to a regular exercise routine. Relax, it is not only you who finds it difficult to stick to a regular exercise routine; it is quite hard for most people on winter days, as we all love to snuggle in our cozy beds.
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Main symptom is loneliness in the age group of 35- 60 years for midlife and > 60 years for old age. They are usually single, divorced, separated, widowed or lonely despite having a spouse.
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Ginger: A Magical herb in Ayurveda

As we are in the winter season, the cold, chilly weather and extreme cold temperatures makes us more vulnerable to many health issues like cold, cough, stomach ache, vomiting, nausea, fever. Ginger—fresh or dried—have special healing powers that can help with all these issues. It is a natural remedy that can boost our immune system, improve digestive problems, and help clear up respiratory issues, making it a safe home remedy for staying healthy during the winter months.
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5 effective approaches to lose weight without diet and exercise

Being consistent with any restrictive diet may be a little difficult for us in the long term. In addition, sticking to a regular exercise routine could also be challenging in this fast-paced life.
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