sickle-cell anemia is a inherited...
Sideroblastic anemia is caused by abnormal production of red blood cells (erythrocytes), usually as part of
Signs and symptoms of food poisoning Food poisoning is a gastrointestinal disorder that results from eating...
Signs and Symptoms of Hypertension There are two types of hypertension that are usually defined i.e. Primary and
Signs and symptoms of Oral cancer Oral cancer includes cancer of lips, tongue, floor of mouths, gums, cheeks,...
Sinus surgery involves removal of diseased sinus tissue to improve the drainage of the
Baby in 16th month will be demanding and full of energy. Baby may even cry if things donot go his way.
The baby is growing proportionately now. The limbs are growing along with the head. So start...
Baby in the 6th month looks for the articles to play with. At this point of time he enjoys the little freedom given to him but parents should take...
Congratulations from most of your near and dear,sametime morning...
The function of breasts is to produce milk for the baby. Breasts are vital part of female reproductive organs. Each breast has milk producing...
Unless you are among the lucky few blessed with glowing skin round the year, chances are that the winters have left your skin looking dry and dull....
A skin tag is a common, acquired benign skin growth that looks like a small piece of hanging skin. Skin tags are often described as bits of skin-...
Sleep apnea is a serious
Sleep apnea: Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment Sleep apnea is one of the common sleep disorders. In this patient will have...
Sleep walking also called Somnambulism is a disorder of sleep...
Sleeping medications are effective if they are used sparingly for short term situations. Various medications are available to induce sleep.
Smoker's cough is a kind of cough seen especially in smokers. Any...
Snacking on Sugary Foods and Dental Care Sugary foods leading to dental caries, how to avoid
First thing to be done in case of a snake bite is to calm down the patient. 70% of snakebites are from non-poisonous species. Of the remaining 30%,...
A spermatocele is a cyst that develops in the
Spinal Stenosis Compressing The Spinal Cord Spinal stenosis refers to the narrowing of the
Stammering is an obstacle that affects the verbal communication abilities of a significant proportion of the population within our community....
Stammering is inability speak in typical fluent manner. It is a
Standard height and Weight for Indian Men and Women Standard height and Weight for Indian Men and Women
Staphylococcus is group of bacteria usually present on the skin, nose and throat. They cause...
Stasis dermatitis is inflammation of the skin of the lower legs caused by
Stasis Dermatitis- skin inflamation Stasis dermatitis is inflammation of the skin of the lower legs caused by
Status epilepticus is defined as 30 minutes of continuous seizure activity or...
Everyone wants to have a nice, clear, healthy, glowing skin. But how to get it in these days when we women are out facing pollution, toxins and...
Nothing is permanent in the world, and so is our skin. Everyone knows the feels and importance of having a clear, great looking skin. Most of the...
Now that we know about what is detox and the need for detox, the next will be how to achieve this? There are simple steps to achieve
It is one of the common symptom of the children. The common causes are infections,
Strabismus or squint or Crossed eyes Strabismus is a condition of the eye in which the eyes are not aligned with...
Stress How to Cope Better With Lifes Challenges Stress is caused by the body's instinct to defend itself. This instinct is good...
Stress incontinence is an involuntary loss of urine that occurs during physical...
Stress is a family of related experiences, pathways, responses and outcomes caused by a range of different events or circumstances. There are two...