Heart Rate and Rhythm Disorders Questions & Answers

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2 1 Thu, 1 Dec 2022
months and All have been clear how ever I was taking my blood pressure with a home cuff the other day just for fun and my blood pressure was normal 114/70 but the irregular heart beat thing came up so I took it again. Over the past couple days I’ve taken it multiple times and every time I get...
11 1 Thu, 28 May 2020
Have I very low pressure and heart rate. Failed the table test in less than 2 minutes. Had so many test and no hel, Had a monitor put in above my heart and found nothing. Been in Enmergency room several times and usually have the crash cart by my side. Had heart rte drop as low as 15 beats...
7 1 Tue, 26 May 2020
what is the effects poisonous beens on humen body specially on heart? age:23 years, height:5.14ft,weight:53kg, ?:I have consumed one poisonous powder 4times excess then normal dose by mistake which is used to diagnose(remove) chrome from the stomach,which has led to rapid increase in my heart...
11 1 Thu, 21 May 2020
82 year old male, history of diabeties, copd, heart disease. He had a cath put in around 3-21-11, and taken out around 3-28-11, then on 4-13-11 he had some kind of spell were he said that his chest was hurting and couldn t catch his beart and got sick vomiting. Had ems to come check him and all...
13 1 Sat, 9 May 2020
Hi I’m not sure if I am being overly concerned but I feel as though I may be having some heart complications. Normally, I would consult with my physician but I have recently retired from the State of Florida and am on the Cobra insurance plan. Although costly, I have 18 months to find another...
7 1 Sat, 9 May 2020
Hi, I am a 41yr old bulimic male for many years, otherwise generally fit and exercise regularly. I got diagnosed with BPV 4 months ago after having gone in to A&E and actually passing out, in and out of hospital over 2 weeks and various tests. Anyway 4 months down the line having recovered from...
224 1 Fri, 1 May 2020
My name is ahmed and i am male of 25 years old boy.My weight is 44kg.I have been suffering from problem when heart rate goes fast after taking food. one day i returned home from university in summer and i felt breathless and pain in chest.from then onwards my heart started pounding and i feel...
10 1 Fri, 1 May 2020
Last Friday After working out I had this weird sensation below my left ribcage and all of sudden my heart started racing and I felt shortness of breath I felt dizzy and feint chest felt tight but no pain and I was scared out of my mind I calm my self down and it went away but those same symptoms...
13 1 Wed, 29 Apr 2020
I am 23 now 85 kgs athletic build, average daily heart rate of 75 bpm and sleeping around 55-60bpm.. When i was 16 playing football one day suddenly i had a huge thump in my chest (no pain) heart rate slowed after a minute or two i was fine. i went to the hospital where i had a ecg and blood and...
7 1 Tue, 24 Mar 2020
Good Morning, My mother currently has many health issues including COPD, coronary artery disease, torn rotator cuff, and degernative disc disease. She is also on 3 liters of oxygen. She is currently on 22 medications including inhalers. Her PCP has a tendency that every time she has an issue he...
20 2 Tue, 21 Jan 2020
Hi my average Systolic pressure is 152. Dyastolic 60. Pulse pressure 92. I have a leaky Heart ? which valve. get breathless. am on Diltiazem 240mg. Atorvastatin 20mg.Isosorbide Mononitrate 30mg. GTN spray. Lanzoprazole 30mg twice daily. normally very active (have an Allotment did walk up to 70...
9 2 Tue, 21 Jan 2020
Please type your query here. Since this query is directed to our panel of specialists and super-specialists, please mention your problem in as much detail as possible. Do not forget to highlight your Age, Gender, Medical History and Treatment History of the problem you are facing.49 year old...
13 2 Fri, 17 Jan 2020
I am a 64 year-old-woman in good health, my pulse, however, runs in the 80s. A few months ago I started exercising on a stair treader. During exercise my bp will go up over 150bpm and my bp will go down to around 90/53 and I begin feeling nauseous. Naturally, I slow down and things even back out...
71 1 Fri, 17 Jan 2020
I contracted the flu on December 28, fever,chills,headache,bad cough with lots of greenish phlegm. It took almost 2 full weeks and a prescription of cerufoxime to get rid of the cough. I had constant bouts of racing pounding heart during this period which I thought was due to fever, The racing...
6 1 Fri, 17 Jan 2020
yesterday after taling avil injection in my vein my heart beat become v fast , it was almost like my heart is fluttering inside me. later i was hallucinating, i kept on seeing things around me which were not present there. moreover every incident that has disturbed me emotionaly so far was coming...
8 1 Thu, 12 Dec 2019
hi there im a 28 year old male ive had a heart murmor for all my life. for the last 4-5 days ive been getting like extra heatbeats. it beats normal then in between a i get a thump or maybe 2. im getting at least 6 every minute but after an hour or so they stop. then another hour or 2 will pass...
6 1 Tue, 10 Dec 2019
I am a 2nd year med student who attends Mac master University in canada, trying to get into the surgical internship program.Three weeks ago I experienced a sinus tach which lead to what I thought to be an anginal pectoris. At emerge the on call did a cardiac work up, sans an echo or EKG. Some...
11 1 Thu, 26 Sep 2019
I ve had a five hour energy and a monster this morning. Ive been trying to keep myself awake so I can handle some important things for my mom who is currently in ICU after suffering a stroke and massive brain bleed Sunday. I also have high blood pressure. And for almost half a hour now I felt a...
12 1 Thu, 26 Sep 2019
yes...I take 2 high blood pressure meds...and ran out of one about a week ago...then the other 2 days ago...but have an appt with my Dr this Tues. However...right now my heart is pounding really hard...and I feel really shakey! And I m extremely tired and feel like falling asleep...What should I do?
18 1 Thu, 26 Sep 2019
MY UNCLE IA 70yrs old .operated for his heartattack with bypass 16yrs back now he is having supraventricular ectopics holter study done showed 3240 singlebeats in 24hrs .he is using ecosprin, aten25mg,dilzam,once dialy. sometimes while having cold extremities