Hiatus hernia is a condition where the stomach herniates into the
Hiatus hernia is a condition where the stomach herniates into the
Hidrosadenitis Suppurativa is a chronic skin condition characterized by swollen, painful, inflamed lesions in the axillae, groin, buttocks and...
High blood pressure in pregnancy Gestational diabetes is also called as
High cholesterol is the presence of high cholesterol in the blood. It?s not a disease but a...
High risk during pregnancy in next trimestor High risk during pregnancy in next trimestor BabyMagic is the most complete...
High risk pregnancy is defined as one which is complicated by factor or...
High risks during pregnancy BabyMagic is the most complete online resource...
AIDS was first reported in the United States in 1981 and has since become a major...
When should an HIV test be done after unprotected intercourse?
Thanks to concerted efforts by international agencies, NGOs and the government, the awareness about
Home remedies for cough and cold Symptoms of common cold can be alleviated with some
Home remedies for relief from constipation Constipation can happen due to many causes and addressing the cause is...
Hormonal changes during Pregnancy Hormonal changes during
Hormonal methods of birth control In this method hormones are used for contraception.
Hormone replacement therapy is medication containing one or more female hormones.
How Bad Are Sweets (Sugar) for Your Baby? Newborns and infants are unaware of the taste of sugar, but as parents, we attempt to introduce it to our children in the hopes of increasing their...
How can allergy be managed at home Allergy is an overreaction of the immune system to a foreign substance such as...
HOW CAN WOMEN MAINTAIN SAFETY IN RELATIONSHIPS? In order to have a fulfilling relationship, a woman needs to feel safe during intimacy and sexual intercourse. Important parameters that can make...
Brushing teeth is important and can prevent tooth and gum related diseases. Proper brushing takes at least two full minutes.To brush properly, you...
Ovulation is the time where the eggs are released from the ovaries for fertilization.
How to choose toothpastes and toothbrush Today in market we have so many dental care products, from toothpastes to tooth brushes to mouth...
When doctors talk about depression, they mean the medical illness called major depression....
How to increase your sperm count A sperm plays a vital role in creating a new life. The quality and quantity of sperms in the semen are the next important factors that have a...
How to manage migraine type headache in children? Migraine is one of the causes for recurrent
How to overcome the habit of masturbation Occasional masturbation is normal in both males and females, but it can...
How to prevent computer related injuries The computer is a vital and most important tool in many different occupations at present. However, long periods of working at a computer in an...
How to reduce pain during labor How to reduce pain during labor BabyMagic is the most complete online resource for new and expectant parents featuring resources such as unique...
How to tackle premature ejaculation Premature ejaculation is the most common
How to wash your hands the right way Washing hands is the most common thing that we do daily ever since our childhood. Washing hands will also reduce the risks of getting sick. It is...
Condoms are the only form of protection that can both help to stop the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as
Hydrocele or processus vaginalis Hydrocele is a fluid filled sac surrounding a testicle that results in...
Hydrocephalus occurs when excess fluid builds up in brain, most often...
Hypertensive retinopathy is the damage of the
Hyperthyroidism is a condition in which the overactive thyroid gland produces excess of thyroid hormones which circulate in the body.
Hypoglycemia and diabetes mellitus Diabetes mellitus is the most common cause of
Hypoglycemia and reactive hypoglycemia Hypoglycemia is a condition characterized by an abnormally low level of...