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Can circumcision cure short frenullum ? If TORCH results show positive am I infertile ? How do I know whether my tubes are working fine or not ? What could be the reason of swelling in the foreskin of penis ? Why i feel pressure below heart sometimes ? What dose of thyroxine should one having diabetes and hypertension take for a TSH of 0.26 ? I am getting some hissing sound in my ear, is this any symptoms of deafness ? How can i get rid of addiction to masturbation ? What cream should I apply to retain my original skin color ? 61 years old suffering from pancreas tumor,taking ayurvedic treatment but not satisfied with the treatment Whom should i consult as my hand doesn't working properly ? What does MR severe and TR severe mean in rheumatic heart disease ? What can be done for breathing problem ? Can I take Ornidazole with Cefuroxime after being operated for anal abscess ? What is the precautions for my uterus, when it is slightly elongated ? Will Barkert and Miprogen help me conceive ? Suggest to take Tab Rizora 5 mg for migraine Could i be pregnant if i had intercourse on the day of my egg rupturing ? How to heal an injury for a person who has diabetes ? High TSH Level associated with pregnancy. Can Rx Thyronorm cause any side effects on the child ? I have chronic diarrhea, have taken Orin Is there a chance of pregnancy if I have unprotected sex during periods and also take unwanted 72 ? Can an online doctor suggest why i get my periods only after stopping contraceptive pill ? How to put my 3 year old daughter to sleep ? I ate mtp kit after 56 days of sex, will it be clear from inside ? Is there any substitute of dialysis ? Why do my hands shiver while doing dissection and making diagrams in class ? Can vasectomy affect sex life ? What can be done to remove a lump ? What are fat balls and how they are formed in human body ? Does low iron and gestational diabetes cause sudden headache,dizziness and blurred vision during 30 weeks of pregnancy ? How can I make my shy child bold ? Lump behind knee with calf muscle pain Why do I vomit after taking food ? 15 year old and 30 weeks pregnant suffering from gestational diabetes and feels very week with low blood pressure My 14 years old daughter is not able to concentrate on her study Can Dacron patches for heart surgery help growing children ? Will growth hormone deficiency have any affect on my pregnancy ? How to control uric acid in body ? Deep itch inside calf muscles after leg stretch What can be the reason for the nipple soreness, discoloration and hardening ? What contraceptive measures are there other than copper T ? 4 year old has a red mark on eye and its growing larger. What is it ? Got period after unprotected sex. Is there any chance of pregnancy ? Can primolut N prevent pregnancy ? EXERCISE TO TREAT VERICOCELE What is this painful bump below my 5 month old daughters left rib ? I am bleeding after c-section. Do i have cancer ? Can inhaling aerosol result into burning sensation in my nose ? What are these little things which are itchy and pink in color ? I am 16 years old suffering from erectile dysfunction. How i got it after random erection ? Suffering from laparoscopic cholecystectomy. When can i star the abdominal crunches and abs exercise ? I am feeling like shivering and having fever Swelling above collarbone on both sides with tiredness. Any ideas on what this might be ? I got vaginal sores and yeast infection I have a black spot in my mouth and swelling on roof of mouth I am going through irregular bleeding. My stomach hurts a little. Is it normal ? What is a pacemaker ? Can I go for an operation as my son is diagnosed with hand,foot and mouth disease ? Can I have TB without any symptoms ? Is it possible to concvice again with All 9 ? Is there any connection between nose bleeding and stressed talks in a 5 year old ? Is it normal to have muscle strain for more than a month ? Is there any way to make my forehead big ? Which is the best medicine for heart attack ? 39 yrs old having BP of 115/85. is it normal ? What are the effects of having contraceptives after one month of having sex ? Why are my bones paining a lot after taking Omnacortil 10 tablets ? Other than tetanus toxoid what else should be given for a patient who is bitten by a monkey ? What causes stomach pain and loose stools with gastric trouble ? How are these prevented ? Why do I experience pain in the vagina during sex ? What can I do to avoid the feeling of being a hypothyroid when I am not ? Tissue under tongue turning white Suffering from leg pain before menses Can i get loose motion for taking tablets for cold and cough in pregnancy ? Is passing stools with blood normal after tonsilectomy surgery ? Is my hormone test report normal : LUTEINIZING HORMONE:10.05 FOLLICAL STIMULATING HORMONE:9.53 For what ME/ECG/CBP(w/o ESR) tests are done ? What could be the reason for peperish sensation on my face and anus ? What medicine should I take for my chin facial hair which turns grey and red in color ? 16 weeks pregnant experiencing blood in voimit Please give me a diet chart based on my height and weight Is masturbation harmful for health ? 22 years old and missed periods for 20 days. Took hpt but all lines disappeared Why do I have cramps even after my periods ? How can I control my cholesterol ? What could be done for my skin which was pulled out while waxing ? Is mintop a good solution for hair loss ? Why does my heart rate increase and feel pain ? Can stopping of atenolol cause erectile dysfunction ? Which doctor to consult regarding Klinefelter's syndrome ? Is it possible for a Ab+ve to get married to B-ve ? Does lemon water diet affect my patch contraceptive ? How will low hemoglobin affect sex ? How can i get rid from spots on skins ? What treatment should I take for type 2 diabetes mellitus ? What is the best body whitening cream available ? Thick white foam coming vagina. What is it ? Felling pain after a head injury of a 3 years baby Does horsegram help in gaining weight ? I have red and grey hairs on mustache. Is i fungal infection ? How to control red and grey facial hair in male ? I have red and grey hairs on chin & moustache. What should be done to control this ? What causes graying of hair on the chin and upper lip in men ? What medication is suitable to treat this ? Is there any problem if a boy touches his genitals and touch my face and eyes ? Will pain killers after mole removal on bum help to be comfortable and reduce pain ? Will my eyes be infected after a boy touched my eyes after he touched his genitals ? Why is my 6 months pregnant sister having a white discharge ? Why my penis is inwards during relaxed position ? What is bilateral cystic ovary ? Will it affect pregnancy ? How can i avoid limping post an ankle fracture ? Is it ok if there is delayed periods ? Is it OK to have delay in periods by 10 days ? Does breast pain in a 40 plus women mean cancer and should she see a doctor ? Bleeding not normal, could i be pregnant? What is this painful spot on my right breast near my armpit ? Can loose bowel movement affect the functioning of birth control pills ? How is carnisure 500 for the treatment of sperm motility ? Will contact of urine into eyes cause any disease ? How much time does one take to recover from torn ligaments and slight damage to the Achilles tendon resulting in 12 stitches ? Can I contract any disease if somebody's feces touch my eye ? Is it necessary to do Ultra sound? 19 years old female suffering from fungal throat infection and oral thrush What treatment should I take for heart burning ? Tell me the details about nebulizer What will have it AB- and A+ people get married to each other ? In a 32 day cycle, when does ovulation take place ? What vision problem do I have in my eye ? If follicle ruptures on the 15th day. Does it mean that my tubes are working properly ? What does the follicular report indicate ? Why am I having diarrhoea a t40 weeks of pregnancy ? Can you suggest any exercises for lumbosacral Spondylosis ? How to confirm pregnancy test at home ? Is it safe to travel when the Bilirubin level in blood is high ? What measures should one take before trying to conceive ? How will I come to know if intake of cough syrup has harmed my sperm ? What is the cause of kidney swelling and what are the chances of recovery ? Which is the best alternative supplement to choose if I stop breastfeeding my 15 month daughter ? Can vaccination due at 6 weeks be given at 3 months ? What are the signs of being of diabetic ? What could be the cause apart from pregnancy for delayed and scanty periods ? Will I get full vision by using drops alone or should I go for a surgery for white layer formation in my eyes ? What is Rheumatoid Arthritis and how can it be cured ? What medicine can be taken for dust allergy ? Is it normal to have gastritis and UTI at the same time ? What is the charges of vaccine for children ? Why was my vomit color black ? I am 15 weeks pregnant I have no itching / burning. What are the other symptoms for Bacterial Vaginosis? What could be the cause of infertility if I have a history of low abdominal ,neck and back pain ? What methods are there to avoid pregnancy other than condoms ? Multiple nodules on both lungs with a high white count How safe are ebexid and ovigyn-d ? How to diagnose uterus problem ? Discharge with odor and feeling very nauseating with chest pain. Are they symptoms of pregnancy ? What is the best thing to do for thickened endometrium ? Sudden nosebleed in a 7 year old. Is there anything to worry about ? Kindly give me information on fimbrial end clumped Why am i getting brown discharge after period ? Does entering menopause cause hair fall and how can it be controlled ? I had chest pains in my upper left chest, and hard breathing What treatment i should take for chest pain and hard to breath ? Can fibroid in uterus be cured without surgery ? Please tell me the treatment of sleep disorder Do we get burns and pain in the breasts during ovulation time ? Is fertomid 50 helpful to conceive ? Will botox result in delay of periods ? Can a scar be removed by any means other than by surgery ? What is the cause of increase in the wbc count ? My head was bumped under the stairs and now its paining Suffering from stomach pain while having eggs. How to avoid it ? What changes should I make for high TSH level ? How can my neck pain be cured ? Is headache related to hair fall ? Is a C.T angio safe for a chronic kidney disease patient who is on hemodialysis ? Lack of interest in work which has negative impact on my progress 5 year old is sleeping a little more after head injury with no bumps or bruises. Is it normal ? What is the treatment for frequent urination in children ? How to treat bed sore in a patient with Chronic lymphocytic leukemia ? What are these tiny white strings in my urine after undergoing catherization? What should be done when you have irritation behind the eyes,nose and in the brain ? I am having sharp pains in my rib cage and left side of chest. Do i need a medical attention ? What creams can I apply to remove wrinkles, dark circles and puffiness around my eyes ? Why my wife has no periods even after taking MTP Kit ? What should i do if my child swallowed some clotrimazole ? Calculi in left parotid gland and enlarged level 2a lymph nodes What is vitrectomy eye surgery and when must it be performed ? I have blood clot in my brain. Will it be cured totally ? I just wanna know what illness do I Why am I getting pain when I pass urine ? What does it mean when the child has fever and vomits ? I have a history of cancer. Should I be concerned ? Why am I having pain in my right knee and foot after an injury 2 years ago ? 16 months old baby has white patches in nail, is this because of any deficiency ? What treatment should I take for female priapism ? What should be done for a trouble free abortion ? What is the treatment for my swollen upper lip with a slight cut ? What is the possible treatment for a cortical prominence measuring 3 cm in the mid pole of the left kidney normal variant vs mass lesions ? Suspicious for DEMYELIMINATING DISEASE Does spotting a marine coil in a scan mean complications in pregnancy ? Is it possible to have a muscle tear twice? What treatment is there for baldness ? Will I get HIV if the condom burst during sex ? What medicine should be taken for joint pain and swelling after attack of chikungunya ? Suffering from itchy pigmented lump on shoulder I have patches on my head with lots of dandruff What does a swelling in the right ankle of my child indicate ? How can i strengthen my muscles and get rid of knee pain post an arthroscopic surgery ? I got headache after smoking again. Is headache because of smoking or miscarriage ? How to Detoxify lungs ? What causes Severe d dandruff and hair loss ? What are the after effects of recovering from flu ? What treatment should be done for dog bite for 11 year old child ? Where can clexane injections be taken apart from the stomach region ? Is there any treatment for lypoma in the right shoulder ? Sometimes i get a sharp pain in my chest which lasts for about a minute. My stress and heart test reports are normal Will scanty periods post a treatment for thyroid and ovary issues cause complications in pregnancy ? My periods are delayed by 3 months but all the pregnancy tests show negative. Can an online doctor help me ? Why am i getting strain in calf muscles after restarting activity ? Hazards of discontinuing Rabies vaccine (RABIPUR) course Predominance of coccobacilli consistent with shift in vaginal flora, what does it mean ? Is having white pimple on scrotum normal for men ? Is it normal or a case of STD if I get white pimples on the scrotum after safe sex ? Having underactive thyroid for 10years and had a miscarriage. How often should thyroid test be done during pregnancy ? Is sleeping tablets harm on health and which sleeping pills should i take ? Should I get tested for all the STDs after having sex with a prostitute using a condom ? Is having small white pimple on the scrotum normal or any kind of STD ? Will my boyfriend be able to walk without support after an operation for Avascular necrosis ? Can folic acid help me in irregular bleeding ? Do you have any treatment of gall stone of 1.6cm in homeopathy? Which cream should I apply for speedy recovery of hyper pigmentation ? How to attain sexual fitness for men ? Does taking Panadols for headache have any side effects ? Diagnosed with bulky uterus with myoma also having thyroid Could hypothyrodism cause ocular rosacea symptoms ? Am I experiencing hormonal imbalance or symptoms of pregnancy ? How long does it take for MTP pill to make complete abortion ? What does bulky cervix with multiple nabothian cysts mean ? Suffering from premature ejaculation, hair fall and weakness. How can i be cured from hives on my tongue ? Is excision the only way to remove lump from my G spot ? Is meftal p ok to give to a 3 year old child? Does taking medicine for headache cause hair loss ? How effective is ayurveda for chronic migraines ? Does jaundice cause itching ? Will steroids have any effect on my sex life and what are the side effects ? why has facial hair not grown in me ? How long does cramps lasts while on duphaston ? What is the reason for red spots on ankles ? Can my pregnancy be terminated by eating pineapple ? By mistake I took 5 Normaxin out of them after dinner, What are the effects ? How do i get rid of acne bumps on face ? How to increase height at 19 years of age ? Why am I having unbearable pain during periods at 43 years ? How can these clots be removed ? What is the reason for miscarriages which happened twice ? Why have I missed my period even after testing negative with an mtp kit ? I have headache since one year and now Why do I have headaches and bleeding through the right ear ? Why am I having pain in my eyes and head while using traction machine ? As I have bilateral polycystic ovaries is it possible for me to conceive ? What medicine should I take to stop my hair growing grey ? What could be the reason for involuntary movement of stomach ? Which Thyroidologist i can consult for my TSH level ? What are the common side-effects of allercet dc ? Boils and blisters inside of the legs Getting white discharge in 40 weeks pregnancy Which contraceptive pill is effective for a nursing mother ? Which contraceptives should a breastfeeding woman opt for ? What is the best method of contraception for me as I'm a nursing mother ? Is there any home remedis for semen motility ? Dizzy, nauseated, numbness in head. These are getting worse Why is my penis glans painful and bent in the center after a circumcision surgery ? Does fluoxetine have harmful effects in a person having cocaine habit in the past ? Why is the tip of penis red and hurting ? Should an unmarried be worried if she gets scanty periods ? What can I do get regular periods ? Why am I not able to enjoy my sexual life ? Will I get pregnant after having unprotected sex after which I got my copper coil removed ? What could be the reason of belching ? What are the symptoms of implantation and what we should take care of after ovulation ? What treatment do you suggest for a persisting back pain ? Is it possible to become TPHA non reactive ? What is the medicine to remove black marks on face ? Which fat burner can I take to burn fat ? Treatment for reactive TPHA ? Is there any treatment for hair loss ? Can a patient drink aloe vera gel post angioplasty stent operation ? Removing crews to reduce pain after a graft operation for scaphoid wrist fracture Which combination dionil/atenolol and germa 1/aternolol would be beneficial for a diabetic with high BP? Can femi plan pills cause missing of periods, lack of appetite, abdominal pain and nausea ? What is the treatment for sciatica pain ? What treatment should I take for back and leg pain ? What medicines apart from Algera can one take for recurring rashes ? Will I get pregnant since I missed my period ? Can tuberous sclerosis be treated ? Is random stabbing pains around the liver a result of heavy workouts and exercise ? Is there any other medicine instead of Proxeed Plus Powder for the treatment of semen liquefaction ? Why do I get a burning and tingling feeling in my right thigh ? How can I make my loose breast tight ? Is the watery discharge is the sign of breast cancer ? How to use mifeprin kit for abortion ? Does IgM TB value of 1.24 mean TB and will it affect my ability to get pregnant ? Having itching in testicles and in penis groin area. Can it be because of scabies ? I am having frequent running nose from many years. What should i do ? What treatment is good for hard motions problem ? I have spotting and some discharge. Can I have cervical cancer ? Why my BP comes to normal but my pulse is high ? Can having i pill affect my chance to conceive after marriage ? What are the chances of getting HIV in unprotected sex ? What are the chances of getting pregnant if I have sex during periods? What are the chances of getting pregnent if I have sex at the time of my period ? I have afibroid 2cm diameter in the neck of uterus. Should i be worried ? 5 year old has headaches everyday and vomiting tendency after head injury. Is there anything to worry about ? What is the best treatment for allergic cough ? What is the name of the table which indicates blood group match for marriage ? why do I have rashes all over the face,chest and back ? By taking ibuprofen for muscle pain my tummy developed and was taking omeprazole. How long should I take this ? Can controlling the timely nature calls be a reason for uncomfortable bowel movements ? What diet should i give to my 4 months old baby ? Taking thyronorm 75mcg for thyroid. How to control the high blood pressure ? I am 17 weeks pregnant but still not feeling baby's movement,taking folic acid and livogen Has my breast sagged due to fondling it ? What medication can effectively treat melasma ? Is it necessary to take folic acid tablets along with thyroxine 25 to improve chances of getting pregnant ? Could i be pregnant as i am taking thyroxin for thyroid problem ? I have a marble sized mass in the left side of my scrotum, can it be the early stage of testicular cancer ? Why does TPHA test remain positive even after treatment ? What are the home remedies to lower creatinine ? When can I start exercising after removal of a ovary ? GETTING HAIR LOSS IN FRONT OF MY HEAD TO MIDDLE Why does my son get red eyes while eating eggs, beans and milk and what is the treatment ? My lips are white in color as are my gums Can I travel by bus during early stages of pregnancy ? Why is there feeling of freezing on the arms ? What are the chances of pregnancy if my periods are irregular and I have unprotected sex ? What could be the reason of burning sensation on body ? What is PMS ? What is the reason for hair loss in a women who is going through menopause and applying 1ml of HAIR4U for hair fall ? Does drinking water or having sex in the morning be considered as fasting or random for a diabetic test? Can 2 slipped discs in the lumbar part of my back cause pins and needle sensation in my feet ? 4 year old high fever, headache and vomiting after swimming How can i remove black dirt on groin ? I am suffering from thyroid which is hereditary. Is my TSH level normal ? Can breathlessness be caused by dislocated discs in the lumbar region ? What could be the reason for hair loss and irregular period, how long will this continue ? I have unexplained bruises, Should I be worried ? Are there any medicines for treating breast, chest burning during hot days ? Is it normal for a female having PCO and hyperthyroid to have scanty periods after delivery ? What is androgenetic alopecia and which type of specialist can treat this condition ? Can Atenolol and Dionil be used simultaneously to cure diabetes and do they have any side-effects ? Can my heart valves be opened by any method other than surgery ? What medicine can i take in severe cold and fever ? Can an 8 year old girl get periods if she had sex ? Can we come to know through a pelvic ultrasound whether a girl is a virgin or no and whether she had an abortion ? What diet should be taken during the 10th week of pregnancy? Why am I feeling tired and dizzy and getting dots in front of my eyes ? What oral contraceptives to take for ovarian cyst? Should I seek medical help as my husband had chest discomfort and numbness in his hand ? What does SQU,UR, and canc with RBC in an urine analysis for a type 2 diabetic indicate ? Should I stop taking fefol medication when I am trying to conceive ? I have chronic warm patchy skin spots that occasionally leak How long does it take for a 5th metatarsal fracture to heal ? Is oval shaped sclerotic lesion seen in an x-ray a serious problem ? Are the bath salts safe? Inside my ear canal I have a large dark green thing. What this might be ? What do parallel lines in the earlobe of a person suffering from arthritis , hyperlipidemia and hypothyroidism signify ? Action, adverse action, effects of inj and tab What does parallel lines in the earlobe signify ? What treatment should one take for constipation and white discharge in stools ? Why am I feeling numbness in my buttocks after taking neourin injection ? What might be the reason for not testing positive even after experiencing pregnancy symptoms ? What is the maximum power of acitrom ? What diet plans to follow to overcome reflex ? 1 year old high fever and diarrhea for 6 days. Is there any thing to worry about ? Is it safe to have sex with a person suffering from hepatitis b ? What will happen if swallows a very big amount. Is it harmful ? Is neurofibromatosis type 1 curable ? If one has two wombs can she get pregnant in one and can the other still get period ? What does brown color vaginal discharge mean ? What medicine is there to control skin from growing because of neurofibromatosis ? What treatment should I take for missed menses for a span of 3 yrs after taking depo ? What health risks are caused by chemicals in inverter batteries ? What are the recommended beta blocker medications for a diabetic ? How can proliferative retinopathy be treated ? What is the dosage for sysflu tablet ? How can I relieve low back pain ? How can I make my breast firm and equal size after lactation ? Can overdrive in nerves be a sign of stroke ? Does Zoladex injection for 3 months for fibroid put me on menopause ? Uneven breast size after breastfeeding. Is it normal ? What are these white patches on the foreskin and tip of the penis ? Dark labia minora after an intercourse Can a diabetic with high BP take Atenolol and dionil ? Can you go for swimming before iguinal hernia surgery ? What do longer menstrual cycles and reddish brown discharge in urine indicate ? 17 year old female having skin discoloration due to shaving What treatment should one take for asthma ? What treatment is there for snoring ? Can a head injury cause twitching of eyelid ? The top of my butt crack started peeling, i am 19 years old female I am 25 years old, what is the right age for me to get pregnant ? How many tablets of Azithromycin should I take each day for Bacterial Vaginosis ? Can abdominal and lower back pain be because of implantation ? Why am I getting pain while passing urine ? How can I reduce weight after delivery ? Abdominal and lower back pain with white watery discharge What are the causes and remedies for severe burning pain and piercing pain during urination ? Having severely burning and piercing pain while urination. But no bacteria growth is there Why am I getting pain while passing urine and sitting on hard surfaces ? What can cause severe pain while urination when culture tests show negative results ? I have wear and tear in my neck disc and history of IBS and now iam suffering with sciatica in left leg. Are these symptms related ? What are the solutions for rashes on my stomach and on my arms ? Do reconstituted antibiotics loose their efficacy if not stored in refrigerator for hours ? What is the best medicine for de worming ? Is it normal to have weight loss in the first trimester of pregnancy ? Can a 6 year old kid take udiliv for abdominal pain ? Can I impregnate my wife ? Can a lump in my breast that shrinks in size when poked be cancerous ? What is the best possible treatment for coronary artery disease and what is the usual prognosis of this disease ? Will Oxy Elite Pro increase my high blood pressure ? What combinations of food can help me gain weight ? Is raliflo tablet useful for frequent urination ? Will I be able to put on weight if I eat horse-gram, beetroot, and carrot ? Why do i get heavy bleeding after having sex ? How can the breathing problem of my husband be cured ? What causes nose bleeds coupled with chills and nausea post a workout at the gym ? My tsh is 32.4, do i need to worry ? Stomach problem after having anal sex Does a yellow smelly discharge during pregnancy affect the baby ? What medicine should I take for strong bones ? How to readjust the size of breast? Is there a possibility of getting leucopenia due to long term use of migraine medicines ? Is there any permanent cure for epilepsy ? Do undescended testicles cause bad breath ? Does digging the nose too much cause nose bleeding ? 4 year old kid have some allergy. Should I take him to paeditrician or try syrup ? What is the difference between PCOD and cyst in ovary ? What treatment is there for phimosis ? How to treat skin blemishes on the face and cheeks caused due to pregnancy ? Is there any chance to replace the leg after it is amputated after the surgery ? How can I develop my growth at the age of 20 ? How to get rid of belly button discharge ? What can cause haematuria ? Could avomine have caused my miscarriage ? What are the underlying causes for weight gain and hair loss and what medication can counter the same ? Will Letroze tablet help me conceive ? Does it mean I am pregnant if I have bleeding after taking i-pill ? Can I get pregannat after having sex on the 5th day of my periods and taking the i pill on the 7th day ? What medicines can I take for vaginal itching ? Is it possible to get pregnant without penetration of the penis into my vagina ? Can i take bicosules daily to get rid of pimples ? Swelling in gum, had scaling Is there any way to reduce weight for a patient suffering from milod asthma ? Does ipill cause a delay in period ? What type of allergy am I suffering from as i get sneezing and cough during night ? What does these reports say : FBS 91mg/dl, fasting insulin levels 2mcIU/ml, 2hrs postprandial sugar is 78 mg/dl, Insulin 89mcIU/ml.. I got bleeding like a normal period after taking pill. Is my abortion done ? What is the problem with my Lumbo-sacral spine ? What should I do to get rid of acne problem ? Can heparin and ecosprin be taken safely during pregnancy ? Suffering from nevus of ota since i was 3. Is there any treatment to cure it ? It it good to have IUI treatment for follicle ? What is this brown discharge from last 2 days ? Iam taking Microgynon 30 Does strenum inflammation cause recurring pain in the arms ? What do you mean by PCOD ? Vomiting sensation, loss of appetite, not able to take food. What these symptoms suggest ? What is meant by pcod ? I have pain in the whole left side of my body. Can an online doctor help me ? How to diagnose recurring mouth ulcers ? What is the reason for not getting periods for the last 2 months though the pregnancy test is negative ? How can I get rid of black spots on my tongue caused by drinking hot tea ? Which is the best shampoo I can use for my long and thick hair ? If nordette 21 is skipped once, can it be taken after 24hrs together ? What is the cause of cramps after stopping intake of gynaset ? What could be the reason for acne problem ? Is tingling in fingers and slight muscle pain due to exercise ? I am 54 years old and suffering from chronic kidney disease,i am not on dialysis and i feel very weak Can i mix loritab with oxyelite pro to treat an annular tear ? My biopsy showed no sperms. What can i do ? How can I get rid of irregular periods ? How early can a doctor feel a pregnancy during internal examination ? Why am I feeling pain in my tummy and chest with bad taste from my mouth ? Can I get pregnant if we follow the withdrawal method ? Will the baby be normal after taking cytotec tablet ? Is it possible to get pregnant if I had intercourse using the withdrawal method and if my periods are delayed ? CAN EXCESSIVE MASTURBATING CAUSES INFERTILITY TO MEN ? Suffering from head ache, itching and sharp pain after having the sex, are these HIV symptoms ? Why do dengue hemorrhagic fever patients get incubated ? Side effects of Meftal P Can a strain in the pectoral muscle cause discomfort after a few days ? Which diabetes supplements can be taken by sportsmen ? Due to the pimples I have dark spots on my face and also having dark circles Does an abortion by MPT method have side effects as I'm having problems to conceive again ? 6 months old suffering from frequent vomiting and lack of appetite Could you suggest good ear surgery institutes in Delhi What is the cause of 2 periods in a month for one who is taking pills and having unprotected sex ? Which cream is best to get fair? Why do I have stomach pain while passing motions ? Is there any problem if we use fluorine containing water for head bath ? What diet should I take if I am planning for pregnancy in a few months ? How long it will take to get cure from pneumonia ? What treatment or medicine should one take for migraine ? How many dosage of zentel should be given to a 8 months old baby ? Is there any problem in taking naturogest during pregnancy ? What is the home remedy for tinea versicolor ? Are there any home treatment for tinea versicolor ? Will Phyllodes tumour be cured by homeopathy medicine ? What diet or exercises would prove beneficial for weight gain ? What is human papillomavirus and is there any cure for it ? What could be the cause of bad breath, tooth ache and swelling around the cheek in a person with partial root canal ? Why am I feeling numbness in my foot after taking daphne pill ? What is the cause and the cure for the red bubble on the floor of the mouth ? How risky the surgery is for jaw plate removal ? What is the proper medication for skin allergy ? Why is the blood in my pad have a foul smell and why do I have a pain in tummy and under my rib cage ? Can pulling hair without actually plucking it, cause bald spots ? Why is my mom feeling dizzy with pressure of 145/57 ? Why do I have abdominal cramps, frequent urination and brownish discharge ? Feeling sick after abscessed molar removed Is it a matter of worry if I get abdominal pains during sex and get relief only after its done ? Why am I having stomach troubles ? Is it safe to take solupred 20mg and slim extreme ? What is the chances of being pregnant when pill has been missed ? Will a bridge connecting the head of the penis to the shaft reduce penis growth and how to remove it at home ? After how long of stopping drugs can I pass a hair test ? What would be the problem in low white blood count? Does a change in the uterus indicate pregnancy ? How to cure smelly nose with yellow stuffs inside? Why do my legs shake after having sex ? I got blood in my stool during 28 weeks pregnancy I feel numb and tingling foot after neck surgery. Is it because of neck surgery ? What is this lump inside vagina ? Can a obese female having poly-cystic ovary and thyroid get pregnant ? Can i ask an online doctor why I am having light spotting instead of heavy bleeding during my periods after a 6 week miscarriage ? What exercises do you suggest to relieve the pain in hips due to bulging disks ? What could be the reason to have dark vagina ? At what point does the liver fail with elevated ggt levels ? What can be done to make the child understand that urination should not be held ? Swallowed the canesten vaginal pessary by mistake, what will happen to my stomach ? What causes dry patches to appear on the penis and how can it be cured ? What is the treatment for pink spots around neck ? Why am i getting lemon taste in mouth after having mangoes ? What does whitish plaqueserosions at ge junction in a gastroscopy report mean ? What is the effect of Risdone and Nexitoforte drug Is there any treatment for stuttering ? Is it normal for a 6 month old child to pass motion over 5 times a day ? Can zincovit increase semen ? What are the side effects of rcinex ? Why do I have burning sensation and pain while passing out urine ? What does 24 free cortisol urine test of count 130 indicate ? Is there any medicine to treat hair fall after hair rebonding ? Fluttering around the liver or gallbladder How can I stop the leaking of potassium in my kidneys ? Is there possibility of nerve and phycological problem in the absence of intercouse ? Can i take follic acid with thyroxine to get pregnant ? Is it advisable to give Ofloxacin suspension for two month baby? Can CT PNS detect throat, nose and head cancers ? Which cancers are detected by CT PNS ? How can I regularize my period and what folic acid medicine can I take ? What can be the cause of throat pain that I am having for the past 4 months ? What treatment should I take for throat pain ? Does Metformin 500mg have any side effects for PCOS ? What medication can be taken to treat nerve and physiological problems ? Can i complete a rabipure vaccine in a one month duration ? Having pain during intercourse. I had lichen sclerosis Are tests like CT PNS Navigation CD FLP Scopy and Polysomnography to find out cancer ? Are the tests CT PNS - Navidation CD, FLP Scopy and Polysomnography used to detect cancer or tumors ? What is the best medicine to prevent rabies by dog bite ? Does Big plus and Bupronxl300 help in curing nervous problems to have a normal intercourse ? Suffering from piles. I took CDM tablet but problem remains. Please suggest me Does application of betnovate help in stretching the fore skin ? Should I consult a psychiatrist as I am unable to forget my husband cheating on me 4 years back ? Where can i get ivf clinic in Bangalore ? How can chronic acne be treated ? What diet or cream will reduce adult acne ? What is the success rate for IUI with one blocked Fallopian tube ? Is my blood report normal bilirubin is 24 and sgpt is 250 ? Which is the best IVF clinic in Bangalore ? What cream can i use to make my vagina wet ? What treatment should be taken for foot injuring leading to difficulty in moving the knee ? I feel itch and hot inside penis after stopping masturbation. What is causing this ? Deviated Nasal Septum, what is the treatment ? Why do I have symptoms similar to my earlier pregnancy ? Can I take Duphaston 10 mg instead of provera ? Can I conceive if my CMV IGM is negative after 2 miscarriages ? whenever I sneeze flakes of paint always comes out How to over come erection problem ? What cause of white discharge. Is white discharge leads to back ache ? Want to know the permanent treatment for wrinkles around eyes When is the best time to take the pregnancy test ? Will disco multi-purpose bath salts show in urine tests ? What could be the reason to have nose itching ? What drugs can be used to counter severe stomach cramps during menstruation ? Is there any solution to stop hair fall ? Why do I have water retention in my feet, stomach and hands during hot weather ? Please tell me about my follicular study How to remove ptb scar ? PCO patient trying to conceive on Letroze Is there any product to test sperm count at home ? Should the semen test be done only after 3/4 days of intercourse ? Is the application of Betnovate advisable along with stretching in order to retract my foreskin ? How long it will take to cure PCOD ? Medicine for deworm for children White patch 2 cms away from my angle of mouth. What can it be ? Why does my hand get stiff and painful after doing little work ? Stomach pain with blood in bowl movement and little fever Can any Online doctor please suggest me about my x-ray Why does the breast and chest burn when the weather becomes hot ? Side effects of Finabald I am not bleeding after taking 2nd abortion pill. Is it normal ? How can I have penis erection for a long time ? Can pain in one shoulder migrate to other ? How can I restore the appetite of my husband post surgery and also he is not able to move his one arm ? Does pain in one shoulder induce pain in the other ? How long it takes to complete Modified Brunelli procedure ? What are the side effects can i get from contraceptive pill while on Microgynon ? Can i undergo laser treatment for dark circle under eye ? Will homeopathy medicines help me cure blood clot in brain ? Is a feeling like rubbing and knocking on the heart abnormal since the cardiologist has said that this is because of mitral valve not closing fully ? How effective is ipill after unprotected sex ? What precautions must be taken when a person has high TSH levels ? What is the reason for erectile dysfunction and how can it be rectified ? What will happen if i stop to go for gym ? I took divery and registron to get periods but confused about pregnancy. Is it because of divery ? What treatment should I take for the red, itchy and dry skin on the tip of my penis ? Is it an std ? Is it OK to take iron injection during pregnancy ? I have allergic cough,taking antibiotics but not satisfied with the treatment I have red rash and itch on tip of penis. Is this STD ? Chest x-ray report says lll-defined hazy opacity in right paracardiac region What is bipolar disorder and how can it be treated ? Is there any side effect by taking thyrox tablet ? Does semen come out of vagina after one hour of resting ? Should I give my son another oral polio vaccine as he vomitted which was given to him ? I had appendix operation leading to hear loss Why am I not able to conceive when all my reports are normal and my husband's sperm motility is 30% ? Is there any treatment for hearing loss ? Does bilateral oophorectomy make one feel bloated and how long does it take to get back to normal ? Is hydro ureteronephrosis a dangerous condition and what treatment options are available ? Which is the safest and convenient way to remove the pubic hair so that it does not grow back ? My hands are very sweaty. Please suggest me any anti-perspirant ? How to prepone the period by taking PremolutN ? How long should Althea pills be taken by gays for its effects to show ? Does continued stomach ulcer lead to cancer and what treatment can be taken ? I am suffering from typhoid fever I have burning sensation on vagina due to nair What treatment should i take for Stomach ulcer for the past 8 years ? I have itchy bumps on under arms. Could this be eczema ? I have constipation and pea sized node near anus which is itchy. What should i do ? Is vitmin e 400 iu good for glowing skin ? I have bumps on my UA it is itchy took medicines itchiness has gone but bumps it there. How to cure the bumps ? Can a pregnant woman take LIV 52 to avoid jaundice in the new born ? What is the max months to take althea pills ? What treatment should I take for stretch marks ? Does the ovulation date fluctuate for a person with regular cycle ? Can my partner doubt my virginity after sex ? Can anyone know if his partner has lost virginity or not ? What is ovanac plus? Is it safe for gay men to take birth control pills ? I feel numbness in my knees and severe leg pain. What is causing this ? Is it good to get a negative result of Mantoux test ? Can eating protien shake cause weight gain ? Can my husband identify that I am not a virgin ? Is it safe to take BCP for long time ? Will taking althea pills for 7 days for the first time ensure birth control 8th day onwards ? How to cure allergy ? What is this soft pink lump on inside of my lip ? Is benadon ,solonex and ergovita tablets good for hair loss ? What medicine should I take for running nose and sore throat during pregnancy ? Why is there itching and bad smell from my calves after doing exercise ? Does late periods which lasted for a little over a day with heavy bleeding indicate pregnancy ? What is the treatment for Nightfall ? Is bad breath related to enlarged tonsils ? Why does hypothyroidism causes hunger ? Is there any medicine to cure black spots on the skin for a person suffering from bell's palsy ? Does exercise cause muscle tears and further exercising affect the previously torn muscles ? Can I bathe my child who is suffering from chicken pox ? Red circular perineal rash How can pain in my leg be reduced which got a massive bump of blackish green color ? Can some medicine be taken to avoid the cramps during menstrual cycle ? What can a teenager do to correct his erectile dysfunction problem ? Why am I bleeding and spotting after taking yasminelle ? What weight loss programs can one take after bone marrow transplant ? What are these patches of small bruises on my leg ? What causes frequent vomiting in a 3 year old ? I got periods 4 days after taking the i pill last month. But this month I haven't got my periods. Can an online doctor help me ? Is it because by taking Pantoprazol 40mg. Metronidazol 500mg tablets that my stool color is black ? Is it safe to use tanning bed in stent ? What is the use of pet scan ? Does not eating meat cause stomach pain ? I am getting headache with nausea. Can it be for eye power ? What treatment is suitable for my mother for osteoporosis as she is diabetic and has undergone chemotherapy for breast cancer ? My Thyroid stimulating hormone is 11.6 and also a PCOD, what do you suggest ? What could be the cause of swollen breasts, pains and cramps before periods due in a person practicing unsafe sex ? For how long will vomiting and diarrhea persist after gall bladder removal surgery ? Is inflammation of sternum related to constipation and lower back pain ? Does Masturbation lead to hair fall ? A period can be late by how many days for a person having thyroid ? How to diagnose thalassemia by Ayurveda ? Blisters in my stomach with burning sensation in left groin to thigh What is the treatment of holes on face due to pimples ? I had been on Lexapro(10 mg) for 2 years and quit, but my anxiety problem is relapsing. Is it okay for me to begin the medication again ? Why am I having pain and burning sensation while passing urine ? What treatment is there for urine infection and kidney stone and bleeding from penis during intercourse ? What medication should I take for my twisted knee which hurts a lot ? What happens in phimosis ? Irregular menstruation cycle.For what reason this thing is happening ? I have less menstruation, what should i do to start ovulation ? How can typhoid and arthritis be cured ? What are the chances for me to conceive with PCOS ? Can i use rantac for gas problems ? I have sever knee pain after sex, i am 23 How can hypothyroid be treated and what are its ill-effects ? How helpful is sperm to the human skin ? What medicine to take for low blood pressure ? What medicine should be taken to balance blood pressure ? How is snepdol for Chronic Pancreatitis ? Numbness in arms and feet. Is this any serious problem ? 49 years old female suffering from stone in GB lumen and umbilical hernia Will there be any side effects after removing fibroid inside the uterus ? What is the reason for painful and irritating headaches ? What could be the reason for my painful and irritating headache and how can it be treated ? What are some ayurvedic and homeopathic treatments for lichen simplex chronicus ? Can online doctor suggest me on internal fever ? I got grey stubby worms and blood like discharge. What is this and what do I do ? Why am I having painful headache which makes me feel irritated ? I have itchy clitoris when on fertomid. Why is this happening ? How can my abdominal pain be cured ? Why does my back and sides hurt. Is it from doing meth ? How to treat sleep disorder ? Is Koragon hp 5000 safe to take during pregnancy ? What should be done for pimples on the face ? Suffering from morning diarrhea. I have poor diet and nutrition Having unbearable pain while urinating Why is there puss coming out from the suture area with a bad smell after circumcision ? 46 years old female suffering from autoimmune disease Are dry cough, painful throat hoarse voice symptoms of tuberculosis ? Is it serious if I get spots after 15 days of my regular periods ? What does left testicle pain after CABG indicate ? Can you please tell me about my follicular study report ? My follicular study result Can i get ear problem if i use head phone 6-8 hours daily ? Is it safe to conceive while on atripla ? Who is the best orthopaedic doctor in Mumbai for knee replacement ? How can one deal with the side effects like rashes due to medicines for primary complex in children ? How can I remove darkened skin from my lips due to smoking ? Suffering from severe recurring headache. Is it because of mental strain ? How to avoid birth defects during pregnancy and which are the test to detect birth defects ? Can loose motion be a symptom of taking rabikind-20 ? I have been having thrush after taking weed Can i have ESWL for kidney stone ? Does my semen analysis indicate I am fertile enough to father children ? How can I lose my weight without quitting whiskey ? What is the best treatment for pores ? I am bleeding after taking duphaston Can an online doctor check if my smear tests are normal ? Having extreme vaginal discharge What medicine should be taken for depression so that my BP is stable ? Am i suffering from typhoid or it is any other infection ? What could be the reason for no improvement in the eye of a diabetic post accidental cracker burst ? How can breast size be increased naturally and through medication ? I missed to put brain fever vaccination to my child. Is any problem in future ? I have swelling on foot. What is it ? My complexion is getting darker due ti savings, how to cure this ? How did I get itchy rash on face and temple ? What does it mean if anti-dsDNA test is positive ? Why am i feeling dizzy,cramps and getting blood in urine ? How to cure a itchy rash on left side of temple ? Having pain in abdomen during pregnancy. Is there any problem ? I am 47 years old female with hair fall problem, whats the best remedy ? What treatment can be done for hair loss ? What medicine should I take to stop hair fall ? What is niltan cream & will it work on my face ? Why is my foot still swelling even after changing my BP tablet ? Is their any substitute to acitrom which does not require regular monitoring of INR ? Will i have any problem in pregnancy if my pus cell is 6-8hpf ? What is Panderm plus cream? Is there any substitute for acitrom which does not need regular monitoring ? What is the cause for urine of a pregnant lady to smell like rotten egg and what is the remedy ? How can I enlarge the penis size ? Why is there swelling in my right foot ? Why does my baby have frequent motion ? Will i get pregnant after the treatment for PCOS ? How many period cycles should I wait to conceive after taking siphene 50 ? Had frenulum tear 4 weeks ago. Will it be possible to fix the problem and will i be able to have sex in future ? White seed like structures in stools Low grade fever.What is the matter with me? I began noticing a small open scar on my lip & a hurtful bump on my tongue. Is it herpes or something else ? Can i take salmon omega -3 supplement as i am diabetic ? What are the chances of having spina bifida with hydrocephalus for second child ? Is there a risk of breast cancer associated with duphaston ? Blisters below the penis head Will taking duphaston tablet cause breast cancer ? Will gluconorm sr & rozavel-f both 1 pil daily can make your sugar levels down ? What are these black color bits in my stool ? PCOS and completed medication. When should I have intercourse? What cream should I use to remove the black mark on my chin ? What medicine should I take for cough ? After taking arbonnid capsules and siphene 50 mg 5 tablets, will it help to get pregnant ? I am 15 years old and i have something like ulcer with white pus in back of my throat Can i ask a dermatologist about a black rash on my thigh which is going worse day by day ? Swelling gums with lots of pain Does gastric food or anxiety cause heartburn ? What type cream helps for pimples and spots ? Is it possible for me to conceive as I am having ulcer and had a miscarriage ? Why is there pain and blood when I pee ? I have small rash on penis. What is causing this ? What is the reason for getting unbearable vaginal pain after sex ? Suffering from skin infection where the skin turns in white color ? Is there any other way than surgery to find out whether u have cancer in uterus ? How to make heat body to cool ? How can my sister conceive as her husbands sperm count is less ? What medicine can be taken for a low fever coming on and off ? Is it alright to take Lortab tablet while on Nexium tablets ? I had a fall on my right knee and doctor gave me a half plaster and told not to stand on my knee for 2 weeks Can I fly to mountains while having pressure in my ears & is that a sinus infection ? Are swollen breasts and fatigue symptoms of pregnancy ? What treatment should I take for the dark spots I have on my ankles ? What causes poor memory and low IQ in children ? How are these treated ? What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating peanut, butter and beans ? Can a girl lose virginity without bleeding ? How can I increase the penis size and what objects are safe to insert in the butt ? I am getting continues headaches,double vision and dizziness,taking diamox but not satisfied with the treatment How can I lower my LDL as I am suffering from high blood pressure also ? What does prompt biliateral excretion of the contrast into the normal pelvicayael systems and uterus in an IVP indicate ? Swelling and lump in eye. Do i need to worry ? Can high level of Rubella affect pregnancy ? How much it will cost for Kidney transplantation ? What is the solution for fever along with diarrhea in kids ? What is the best way to remove body hair for men ? Is there any problem for sperm test at the age of 29 years ? Can I impregnate my wife if my sperm count and motility are 256 and 30 % respectively ? Body aches with swelling after a bed bug bites What medicine should I take for back bone pain ? Is wheat bran good for tonsillitis ? What can be the reason of vomiting followed by severe stomach pain and unconsciousness at times ? What are these symptoms of fever, sweating, vomiting and light head of a diabetic patient ? Having black line on my foot with swelling and pain but all test says normal. What this could be ? Why do I have frequent urination with foul-smelling urine after having sex ? What diet chart should a woman in her late forties follow for healthy and glowing skin ,hair ? For what ADHD is done in children and what is the advantage ? Why i am getting brown discharge in periods ? I am not sexually active What are the remedies for erection problems ? Can I have sex after undergoing test for Tuberculosis ? Can I have intercourse 2 days after 2 days of TB test ? Does de-worming pills help to increase the body weight ? Are these symptoms of pregnancy of breast becoming bigger with yellow fluid coming out of it and feeling tired ? What type of food helps to increase the semen quantity ? Is there any link between abdominal pain and facial boils ? Is my height normal ? Is my weight correct for my height ? How can I control pus cell in urine ? I have hypoechoic fibroid and i think i am pregnant Can we fix bilateral moderate sensorineural hearing loss ? What are the side-effects of eltroxin ? Can it be safely taken during pregnancy ? What causes blood in stools and how is it prevented ? Fibrocystic condition. Electric shock feeling in chest. Could this be related to stress? Am I suffering from TB as my IgA report was 818.20 ? How can i control my facial hair ? I am HBsag positive. Which tests are sufficient to confirm HIV status ? What should be the ideal weight of a person whose height is 5'1" ? What medicine and diet should be taken for spondylolisthesis ? What diet should I consume to treat hair loss and PCOD ? How can I manage increased uric acid without medicines ? What is the treatment for rheumatic fever ? Is it because of PCOD that I am experiencing hair loss ? Stoped drinking but now stools are black. Is this normal? How can I delay ejaculation when I am having intercourse ? What medication can help me with this ? Can anyone tell me about my current stage of TB and am i taking the right medication ? Is it normal to ejaculate spontaneously while watching sexual content ? How harmful is overdose of calcium while suffering from Spondylosis ? What should be the schedule of taking bigomet while on crisanta ? Red strings in my 3 months old baby stools Can mirenas cause any problem in gallbladder ? What is the right method to wash and clean penis to avoid irritation ? Does eating cerelac at 27 years make me fat? Is there a chance for me to conceive as I have bulky ovaries with multiple cysts ? What causes nasal congestion and dizziness ? How can it be prevented ? What diet should I have to control ECR ? What diet should one take to control ECR ? How to control ECR level ? How is ECR controlled to avoid bone pain ? Why SGPT is not decreasing after maintaining a proper diet ? What is the cause for missed periods PCOD or pregnancy ? What do the symptoms weakness along with head and leg ache, sweating ,nose block indicate ? What cause of skin rash under belly ? Pus cells are 05-06/HPF. What does it mean ? What treatment is there for the sore under my belly ? How can i remove my foreskin which is attached with glans ? Are there any chances of pregnancy since I am suffering from poly cystic ovarian syndrome ? What is Acidosis and other related disorders ? Is it because of migraine that my daughter is suffering from headache ? Suggest me about my stool analysis report. When should a kidney dialysis be started after an infection ? Effect of drinking of super vasmol 33 What treatment should a person in late twenties take for alopecia ? I have red patches on head of penis. How to cure? Why is there itching in the breast after undergoing a operation 4 years ago ? Can masturbating regularly cause softness of penis ? When should be Pneumococcal (PCV) vaccine given to a child ? I am 19 years old. How to increase height ? How to remove dark spots and pimples ? I am suffering from lack of sleep and taking stalopalm but when i stop it the problem remains I am 23yr old girl, am suffering from mental depression. Feel like loosing myself Is Leukemia curable ? What medicine is there to cure migraine ? What measures can I adopt to reduce weight of my obese child ? Can you chart out a diet plan as my weight is 68 kgs ? What diet plan should I follow to reduce my weight ? I had been operated for appendicities 6 yrs ago Why menstrual periods happens after menopause ? What causes coughing of blood and how is it treated ? How to reduce weight? Why do I have pain in the back of my head with nausea and blood in stools ? What treatment should be taken for IPF after 60 ? Dr. ayurveda working or not ? Can pcod be treated and cured ? Which mental hospital in India is there which will admit a patient without any guardian with them ? What should a diabetic with severe kidney problem do to live longer ? Can you suggest any remedy for frequent urine infection ? Why should I do as my menstrual cycle is regular and I'm also on Thyronorm ? I got severe body ache with fever which didnt reduce after taking paracetamol.Do I really have typhoid ? What is the medication required for treatment of Herpies skin disease ? Is there any side effect by taking lexapro for anxiety ? What analobic steroids can i use for height ? Suffering from PCOD and I have been taking treatment for 2 years. What else can do for getting pregnant ? Does getting scanning result of mildly low lying placenta and multiple small subchorionic haemorrhages mean danger to the child ? I have been using Minoz-OD for drastic hair fall Can I take Avil, while I am breastfeeding 4 month old baby ? I smoked meth three days ago and i have swollen lymphnodes and swollen lips i also have chills and paranoia. Is it normal ? Can i use skinlite cream to become fair ? What is the most effective way to treat shin splins ? How long can live with lymphoma ? Pain and erectile dysfunction after lithotripsy. No medical history or previous ED What is the relationship between articular fluid and masturbating or ejaculation ? What precautions should I take so that hernia does not recur ? What precaution should I take after operation of inguinal hernia ? Had hip joints replaced now suffering from sinus tract where liquid comes out daily with no pain or discomfort What further effects can a diabetic expect after taking glimestar m1 ? What medicines can be take for sore nose and nasty taste in mouth for a 4 year old ? What causes sores in nose and red swollen eyes in children ? How can they be treated ? What is the cause of sore nose and red eyes leading to vomiting ? Can warm soaks and ibuprofen cure ruptured ovarian cyst and large amount of fluid around the pelvis ? What can I do for tricuspid Valve Problem and Palpitations ? Bad odor discharge from my vagina What are the benefits of taking nyzela in small amounts ? What happens if cat faeces gets into your blood ? What treatment can be done for a itchy patch between upper lip and nose that has yellowish sticky discharge ? As my pregnancy test came positive should I see a gynecologist immediately ? Low platelet with a history of hepatitis B in past, what should i do now ? Reddish brown discharge in semen. is it related to high cholesterol ? Why the semen color is red in color ? who is also having a kidney stone and high cholestrol levels Small, painless bump on the front of calf I am not getting my periods for last 3 months. I dont have PCOD How long does utovlan take to stop period ? Can I feel a pectoralis muscle tear ? What measures can I take to overcome fear of getting pain on removal of penis skin and have good sex ? Is it necessary to quit smoking prior to plastic surgery ? I have pain in my lungs and also trouble while taking breath Will ayurveda medicine help in increase height growth ? What causes bad smell and leaking from sores under arms in a kid ? 30 year old woman having fever around 100-101 with cold & temperature didn t come down. What medication should be taken ? How to solve thyroid problem ? Can I test HIV positive after 3 months when I have tested negative now ? Is thee any harm in consuming primolut-n ? Is it normal to feel weak after recovering from flu ? When should one use a pregnancy tester ? How can I loose weight post pregnancy ? What measures should I take to get twins ? What treatment can be taken for erection and testicle problem ? How do I get rid of Charlie horses which turn up only on exercising ? Is St Dalfour whitening cream and thai rose cream helpful for getting healthy skin ? Periods for 16 days with vomiting and lose motion how to prevent enlarged lymphomas ? Can any online doctor help me with the MRI scan results of the knee joint ? Is there any side effect of using amlopine ? Can I conceive naturally after having successfully completed the AKT-4 course ? Can a seizure occur when someone has high counts on creatinine ? Why is pus getting formed in the legs even after getting operated and taking antibiotics ? Can I ask a doctor to check if my medicines for hypertension & Type 2 diabetes must be changed as BP is now under control ? How to cure umbilical serous discharge ? Does duphaston give side effects of cramps in the abdomen and bloating sensation ? What is the reason for my father to get high fever who is also a diabetic and heart patient ? Is there irregularity in cycles after one tries for conception ? Should a 19 month old baby undergo surgery urgently for VSD:left to right shunt sinus rhythm or will it subside on its own ? I have brown discharge while on mirena. Do i need to worry about it ? Can I give ragi if my baby has atopic dermatitis ? Having hypothryoidism and experiencing rashes. Can probiotic capsules cure the problem ? Is there any other medication for diarrhea, other than enterogermina oral suspension ? Does punch on the scalp lead to baldness ? I had unprotected intercourse after ten days of MTP. What are my chances to conceive ? Is it possible to conceive in one time intercourse ? What supplements should be taken to increase the penis size ? Is it safe to have sex during the pregnancy ? Can any online doctor tell me about my thyroid report ? What are the causes of not having a period for a person with irregular period but on provera pills ? Will excess intake of postinor birth control pills make future pregnancy complications ? can a beta blocker low the levels of testosterone ? What is the cause for me to have irregular periods ? Is it possible to be pregnant even after getting periods after sex ? Why am I feeling hot after a week of my ovulation ? Whenever change in weather i infected from throat pain, why ? Will there be any side effect of tab dysmen taken during periods in future ? Does taking tab.Dysmen on the first two days of periods cause any side effects ? Severe back pain. Is it necessary to go for surgery ? What treatment should be done to cure sunburn ? Can massive varicocele in LT side be the reason for me not getting pregnant ?
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