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Had surgery for wisdom tooth extraction. Diarrhea after taking augmentin. What to do? Scrotum area cut while shaving. Is this serious? Shoulder blade in pain, pins and needles in arm, neck pain. Taking motrin. What is going on? Faint pink discharge during ovulation. Is it hormonal? Took Istavel 400, Azulux 4 to control sugar. Nausea, appetite loss, tasteless mouth, energy low. Side effects? Reason for sudden increase in TSH level? Have low grade fever, TLC high, antibiotics not working Missed period, cramping. Had Tubal ligation. Chances of pregnancy? Over weight, delayed period. Have PCOS. Was taking primoult. Help? Back ache. MRI showed Discal bulge, broad based paracentral protrusion, annular tear. Meaning? Suffering from pigmentation, foof allergy. Using melacare. Solution? Have under eyes darkness, been stressed. What can help get rid of them? Have dizziness. Have ear infection. What does this denote? Have dizziness, sore throat, pressure in ears. Have lipoma. Help? Have dandruff in the scalp, hair fall, itchiness, redness. On protar K shampoo. Sufficient? Lower abdominal pain. Drinking water. Blood and urine test normal. What is wrong? Felt numbness in ankle, noticed a bigger than pea size lump. Is it dangerous? Felt dizzy after donating blood. Severe cramps in legs. Is it related? Vagina and upper thigh is becoming very dark. Had itchy blister in upper Labia. Solution? Child has headache, feeling to throw up and looks pale. Recommendations? Have painful bumps on back of tongue. Have difficulty swallowing. Had allergic Bronchitis. Related? Is undergoing chemotherapy and has loose motion vomiting and nausea. How to control side effects? Have weight increasing on daily basis. Have hyperthyroidism. How to reduce weight? Have trouble swallowing. Parathyroid gland level is high. Cure? Had sex and took I-pill. Have been bleeding for 8 days. Menses? Have brownish discharge after sex. Did Pap smear, hormone and STD tests all normal. Suggestions? Child has frequent urination. Digestion appears fine. Reason? SFA test morphology shows 61.00% head defects. Advice?
Constant coughing due to post nasal drip allergy, causing body ache, chills and fatigue. Cause for these symptoms?
Sinking feeling in chest, when doing squats or on trampoline, unable to move with the pain. Suggestion? Swelling in labia, due for periods, UPT negative. History of taking birth controls. Am I pregnant? Unable to swallow, painful. Given ambroxol and levocetrizine. Help? Back injured, suffered herniated discs. Having difficult menstrual periods. Due to ruptured lumbar discs? Unable to sleep soundly. Rapid thoughts come, feel frightened, have hallucination. How to cure? Have Charcot Marie Tooth disease. Half toe darker than rest. Due to poor circulation? Thigh banged, swelling, bruise, lump formed. Head throbbing. How will it heal? Detached retina repaired by surgery. Shadow coming across vision path. Is it re-tear of retina? Child having pimples outside vagina, butt area. Severe pain. Reason and cure? Bone on top of spine sore, swollen for months. What is causing this? Had unprotected sex. Forgot mini pill. High risk of pregnancy? Frequent urination, burning sensation, stomach burns on holding, bladder irritation. Possible causes? Creatinine level high, hemoglobin level low, undergone several dialysis. How to proceed treatment? Unable to eat, vomiting sensation, lost weight. What is going on? Headaches, nausea, tiredness, dizziness. Have stents in heart arteries, Have pulmonary issues. Help? Had hysterectomy, wearing a nephrostomy, fever. What can help the pain? Had slipped disc, leg pain, numbness. Had lumbar discectomy. Help? Tying to conceive. Stopped birth control. Had short period. Why? Imbalance, sickness. Had laryngitis, bronchitis, asthma, What may be wrong? Child has cough, cold, phlegm, running nose, ear pain. Given montair. Will it help? Fever, shivering. Done urine test, RBC present. Taken zantoid, calpol. Serious? 76 year old has dizziness, blurred vision and loss of balance. Should we see a Neurologist? Child injured knee. Has swelling and pain. Cant put weight on knee. Class II sprain? Upper teeth ruined. Have low platelet count. Had chemotherapy. Suggest? Roof of mouth is discolored. Have swelling near throat and bumps on tongue. Mouth Cancer? Have pain on knee. Cannot straighten or bend. Had ACL replacement and broken femur. Treatment? Have raised wart like bumps on legs. Advice? Had a fall. Injuries on ribs, back, lungs and abdomen, change in urine color. Reason? Abortion, had infection. Had toxoplasma. Can I try getting pregnant again? 90 year old, has nausea, vomiting and low BP. Has Mitral Valve Prolapse. Cause? Have burning of skin, hot flashes and sweating. Had Radical Mastectomy done. Suggestions? Joint pain, migraine, sore throat, red streaks on throat, difficult to swallow. What is wrong? Flare on forehead, gets red and itchy. Given antibiotics. Will it be okay? Burning sensation in feet. Have had laminectomy, total disc replacement. Help? Tonsilitis. On Levofloxacin. Cough, sound during forceful expiration. Reason? Cramps, bloating, rashes. Had food poisoning. Is it candida? Child having sudden sharp pains in different parts of body from right to left. Reason? Could not extract wisdom tooth completely. Gum behind molar swollen. Fever, stomachache, dizziness, tiredness. Reason? Elevated monocytes. Arthritis in both big toes. Surgery required. Caused by elevated monocytes? Nausea, spitting up bloody saliva, bloating, diarrhoea, weakness, headache. Suggestions? Pain in knees. Wearing knee braces. What could this be? Sperm test indicates weak motile, morphology abnormal form. What does it mean? Had breathlessness, sweating. Stent in arteries, diabetic, blocked artery. Help? Swollen lymph node with pain behind ear. Hair falling, balls on hair strand. Is it parasite? Treatment? Scalp, behind ear itchy, red, swollen. No relief with benadryl, hydrocortisone cream. Cure? Blood pressure high during day, at night it drops. Is it normal? Engaged in foreplay. Rubbed penis on vagina. Ejaculated outside. Took contraceptive pill. Pregnancy chances? Presence of blood, white pieces in stool during pregnancy. What could it be? Broken ribs, right lung filled with blood after accident. Discoloration in hip area. Internal bleeding? On insulin, tablets, walking for controlling sugar. Having cholesterol tablets. Sugar level in morning? Screws inserted during spinal surgery. Bone sticking out from surgery area, vanishes on standing. Worried? Chest pain, left arm pain, foot pain. Done EKG, Chest X ray, Normal. Help? Sharp pain in right groin. Painful to drive, walk. Ball hurts. Suggestions? Lump behind ear. Tender to touch, moveable. Not infection. What could it be? Baby having intermittent fever. Eye crusty, runny. Cough, tiredness. Suggestions? Frequent pain, cramps in stomach. Feeling nauseous, light headed, frequent urination. Pregnancy test negative. Cause? Have increased belching, GERD, gastritis. Taken aciphex, librax. Is it cancer? No change in basal temperature, feeling dizzy, hot flashes, hungry, nausea. Pregnancy chances? Headache, bump on head, weakness, shooting pains in legs, arms, blurred vision. Possible reason? Had unprotected sex. Ejaculated in mouth, did not swallow. Any early test to detect HIV? Have abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding on drinking alcohol. Taking contraceptive. Solution? Does masturbation many times a day. Will it damage sperms? Boyfriend has folliculitis in groin and scrotum. Can my lotions cause this breakout? Have swelling in maxillary sinus area, in the neck. Have headache and neck pain. Suggestions? Have hot spots on top of feet. Remedy? Taking medication for high BP. Pinching feeling in upper shoulder, chest. Medical attention required? Had hit forehead. Have hard bump on forehead. Will this bump go down? Severe upper abdominal pain and vomiting after eating. Had a gastric bypass surgery. Reason? Had fell on floor. Unable to move. Neurofen not helping. Advice? Suffer from pins and needles pain after skin grafting due to burns. Solution? Pain in the tooth after getting root canal treatment. What is the further treatment? Child has bacterial pink eye and raised rash on arm. Cause? Tenderness in the knee after a complete knee repair. Is it normal? Diarrhea, vomiting and body ache. Notovirus infection? How to control masturbation habit? Pain in back bone, eye sight weak. How to rectify? Excessive fat deposition on buttocks and thighs. How to get rid of this? Suffer from chiari malformation and disc herniation. Have headaches and facial fasciculations. Is there a chance of having vertebral artery dissection? Big bruise, numbness in fingers after injecting meth. Why is it happening? Persisting lower back pain. Have splotchy redness at the back of the neck. What is causing this? Trying to conceive. Have PCOS, cramps, painful movements, thread like discharge. What should I do? Tumor on the waist getting bigger. Cancer? Severe pain in left lower abdomen. Taken ibuprofen. Pap test normal. Help? Had walking test. Had heartrate of 200bpm. No picture of the left end of breast during transthoracic ECG. Reason? Itching in the vagina and anus, coughing up blood. On TB treatment. Bruises on the body. Side effects? 23 year old having dark skin around the upper lip and chin. Would it be due to the birth control she is using? 17 year old with lump in the stomach near the belly button. Feeling pulse in the stomach. Could it be due to overuse of drugs? Dizziness and pain in the spine after an accident. Spinal stenosis? Black bumps on vagina, gets flat on washing, bleeding after pricking. What is it? Feeling twinges in chest, bump in the arm. Diagnosed with superficial thrombo phlebitis. Pain in the arm. Reason? Trying to conceive, took clomid. Ovulation test positive. Cramping, clear discharge, dizziness after intercourse. Pregnant? Pregnant with pressure and burning in lower abdomen, vaginal discharge. Back pain. Pre- labor symptoms? Painless lump near belly button. What is it? Going through menopause. Feeling dizzy, unable to stand, weak, face swollen. Why? Healing vaginal delivery. Notch of skin found at vaginal opening, stingy, white. What is it? Swollen and painful small finger after spraining. How long will it take to heal? Sore throat, coughing and chest pain with loss of voice. Swollen stomach. Need to see a doctor? Feeling vibration in the chest. Pain in the chest while exercising. Reason? 21 year old with diabetes. Low hemoglobin levels. What is the treatment? Swelling in the calf and ankle. Reddish blotches on the knee. Any suggestions? Had endoscopy. Stricture muscle enlarged. Had biopsy on red spots. Have vomitting, diarrhoea. Virus or gall bladder issues? Chest, back pain occurring randomly at any time. Reason for pain? Severe vaginal pain. Ultrasound report showing free pelvic fluid in the ovary. Need surgery? Myomectomy done for fibroids Strep throat. Took antibiotics. Having pain in ear, swelling in neck, fever, blurred vision. Suggestions? 12 year old with chicken pox despite taking vaccination. Is it possible? Pus filled blisters Pregnant, experiencing some pregnancy symptoms. Is it normal? Pain after urinating. UTI symptom? Excruciating pain, dizziness after hitting coccyx. Area bruised, taking Aleve, Lonol. Possibility of coccyx broken? Recurring raised slumps on back of tongue. Choking cough, sore throat, nasal congestion. Are they related? Pregnant, having minor problems. Prescribed ecospirin, FOZ9, lupigest. Ultrasound normal. Need for many medications? Headache, nausea and increased heart rate. 16 years old. Why? Infant with reddish chunks in the stool. Constipation. What is happening? Bruised painful toe after an injury. What to do? Severe constipation after a surgery to stretch the esophagus. MS relapse? Elevated liver enzymes during pregnancy. Normal ultrasound reports. What is wrong? Diabetic, BP high, sensation in legs, hands, chest pain, breathing problem. Reason for above symptoms? Itching in the vagina. Yeast infection? Infected throat, bumps on tongue, swollen mouth. Tongue, right lip pierced. Infection by piercing? Have PCOS. Conceived before with clomid. Will it help in future. Chances of conceiving naturally? Shin hurt, bruised. Feel tube like tissue on skin surface, shin bone missing. Possible cause? Suffered pelvic, knee fracture during accident. Skin having rashes, extreme itchiness. What could it be? Hyperactive child feeling lethargic, body warm, appetite loss, sleepy. Sign of flu? Light fever, stomach pains, appetite loss, stomach bloated. Reason and cure? Hysterectomy done. Severe constipation, nausea, vomiting, smelly burps. Took dulcolax, had diarrhea. How to treat? Child born premature, drooling, chewing fingers, sucking pacifiers. Can give calpol for teething pain? Left abdominal pain. Chronic bursitis in left shoulder. History of cancer, thyroid. Reason for pain? Severe diarrhea after changing to healthy diet. No improvement with lansoprazol. Reason? Root canal done twice in same tooth. Still having issues. Pain worse after therapy. Permanent cure? Child had fever. Fainted. Nauseous, vomitting. Prescribed antibiotic. What could it be due to? Itching below the penis. Why? Dizziness after stop taking ciprolex. Is this a side effect while tapering the medication? Pain in the neck and upper back after an abortion. Stress related? Had oral sex. Rubbed penis with precum on vagina. Took plan B pills. Chances of pregnancy? Watery discharge after pap smear test. Pelvic exam suggested. Anything to be worried? Swollen painful leg after a fall. Is this a sprain? Reduced blood circulation to hands, low heart rate. Is there anything to be worried about? Had D&C for polyp removal. Irregular periods after surgery. Will I be able to conceive? Had dental procedure. Having abdominal pain, diarrhoea. Caused by irrigation, suction? Child having temperature. Told due to virus. Not urinating much, grabs genitals, constipated. Stomachache. UTI? Delayed periods. Had cough. Took medicines. What effect will it have on baby if pregnant? Trapezius muscle swollen, pain in neck, shoulder. Burning in arm. Chiropractor adjusted neck. Having temperature, sweating. Reason? Recently underwent chemotherapy. Nodules on both sides of head. Painful. Tongue swollen. Food tasteless, weightloss. Suggestions? Gums overlapped molar, swelling, soreness, had white spots. What is wrong? Severe diarrhea, gas, cramps in abdomen, bleeding. Worry'? Have tender breasts, short period. Had c section, had tubes tied. Help? Regular menstrual cycle, missed periods, UPT negative. Best time to check? Hollow feeling in chest, feeling of emotional pain. How can I stop it? Toddler with running nose and cough, sudden diaper rashes and fever. Is it due to ear infection? Teenager being pregnant, have pain in ovary. U/S shows not ectopic pregnancy. Cause for pain? No periods after finishing Minigyon. Missed few pills. Reason for delayed period? Suffering from dry throat and pricking sensation, painful to touch, tonsils bit swollen. Solution? IBS, sweats, nausea, rapid heart beat, chest pain, diarrhea. Cure for symptoms? Small child, itchy rashes on hands and feet, bumps on skin. Prescribed hydrocortizone cream. Cure? Chronic anemic. Safe to take five hours flight? Excessive salivation throughout the day, bitter taste in mouth, no fever or cold. Treatment for symptoms? Is it advisable to take centrum with lutein while taking heart medication? Inflammation of the stomach and oesophagus, diarrhea, chest pain, stomach cramps. Cure for symptoms? Stomach bulging. Not experiencing any taste. Pregnant? Herniated disc, nerve damage in leg. Using elliptical trainer. Cause more damage? Redness, swelling, itching after applying pressure on any part of the body. Reason? Having big cavity in tooth, horrible dental hygiene. Painful, swollen jaw. Numbnesss in mouth. Solution? Taking Nyquil for cold. Feeling drowsy, sleepy. Sudden scary seizure feeling after falling asleep. Solution? Bodyaches, fatigue, severe headaches, sore throat. On amoxicillin, metformin. No relief even after 3 days. Reason? Smoked a lot of cigarettes. Throat hurting. Take treatment? Spots in the retina. Taking tamoxifen after cancer treatment. Is that the reason. Will Anabrez work? Reddish eye. Should I take antibiotic eye drops? Bleeding during orgasm. Reason? Hard knot on the foot due to injury. Bruised and swollen. Any fracture chances? HIV positive. Frequent urge to urinate without actually urinating. Overactive bladder? Had sex with condom. Condom slipped. Chances of pregnancy? Can get pregnant with precum without ejaculation? Liver abcess following whipple procedure for neuroendocrine tumor of pancreas. How long should the antibiotic therapy taken? Heavy smoker. Experiencing chest pain several times a day. Reason? Had winters shunt procedure to relieve erection. Penis not returned to normal size. Painful. Cause? Painful itchy rash from anus to scrotum. Sometimes peels, bleeds. No improvement from creams. Solution? White head spot on posterior lateral tongue. Painless. What could it be? Is it safe to give ragi and orange juice for a 5 month old baby? Wrist, humous broken. Bone dropped. Told to lean on elbow to push bone. Healing time? Frequent neck sprains after restarting workouts. Cause? Child having severe stomachache, vomitting. Prescribed medicines. Solution? White thick discharge from vagina. Itchy clitoris. What could this be? Frequent diarrhoea, cramping, constipated. Food poisoning? Addicted to corex. Trying to quit. Going through withdrawals. Solution? Missed periods,no unprotected sex. Not pregnancy but lactational amnorrhea. Suggestions?
Handle bars of bike hits stomach, bad bruise. Hurting. Recommendations? Heavy bleeding, dark clots, period ends abruptly. Bloating and fuller boobs. Need to ask a doctor? Cysts in ovaries, trying for children. Bloating during periods. Possible reasons and cures? Got depo shot no blood only pains and symptoms for periods. Time for action? Two months pregnant, consumed norcutin tablets any affect on baby. Suggestions? Removed gall bladder, persistent pain, stool smelling chemicals. Cure for symptoms? Sore throat and ear, dizziness. Steroid shot and amox tr-k clv 500-125 mg, no relief. Cancer? Intermittent pain on lateral sides of abdomen, reduced rate of urine. Blocked uterus? Weak eyesight, yellow spot next to pupil, red veins. Possible causes and remedies? Milky white discharge from vagina. Pregnancy or yeast infection? Smoked meth, drank alcohol. Having sore throat, cough, hoarse voice. No help from home remedies. Take antibiotics? Wheezing, coughing, nasal passages burning, toothache, clogged ears. Go to emergency? Have pressure in right ear, feel woozy and head spins while waking up. Treatment? Have headaches, hot flashes and feel irritable. Had Hysterectomy done. What to do? Has abdominal pain, depression, stress, combination of constipation and diarrhea with blood. Cause? Have itchy blisters on palm on drinking alcohol. Liver disease symptoms? Child has abnormal bowel movement, mucoid stool, stomach pain and gas. Suggestions? Have degenerative disc disease and Spinal Stenosis. Have trouble standing, sitting and laying down. Cure? Have shortness of breath while doing anything. Heart is under control. Remedy? Have burning sensation over back, breasts, abdomen and arms. No rash. Treatment? Had drunk alcohol causing excessive vomiting. Hurts to breathe and lung feels tender. Related? What are the chances of getting HIV from a leaked condom? Suffering from bad breath. Told due to GERD. Taking medicines. Burning sensation in stomach. Curing time? High FSH levels. Started estrogen, progesterone. Shakiness, weakness, nausea. Caused by hormones? PCOS. Trying to concieve. No results. Get periods only after taking Progesterone tablets. Suggestions? Have Mirena for heavy periods. Mirena coming out. Having continuous bleeding. Pull out Mirena? Child having dried blood in ear after cleaning it with q-tip. Possible cause? Taking tryptomer 10, flunil 20 for depression. Stopped flunil. Quit smoking. Can I stop tryptomer? Pneumonia treated. Drained out mucus. Coughing again. chest x-ray shows lung infection. How to treat? Undergoing IVF procedure. Prescribed regestron tablet. Not getting periods. Pregnancy chances? Blackish brown spots on face, neck and hands, diagnosed as LPP. Prescribed vitamin capsules. Cure? Prickly sensation on tip of right toe, intense right sciatica, right foot gets colder, symptoms occurred after dancing. Treatment? Had HSG, pinching, spotting, bleeding heavy. Whats going on? Rashes all over body, changed mattress. Could this be allergy from it? Had nasal polyps, taking tabs, smoke, drink alcohol. What could be cause of loss of singing ability? Have fast heart beat after sleeping on left side. Had spasm in left arm. Cure? Severe aggravating pain in left leg, can't walk, developed groin soreness. Any permanent solution ? 22 weeks pregnant got dark red blood in stool. Do i need to worry? Have eczema on testicles, prescribed Clobex spray. Suggestions? Taking pregnacare in first trimester. Any side effects? Both earlobes oozes pus and blood alternately. Possible causes and remedies? Bulky uterus, have thyroid. Want to conceive. Do i need to be concerned? Pregnant, stress, vomit, short breath. Should i be concerned? Infant with bout of gastro, runny stools, vomit, dehydration. Is this hormones? Have bronchitis, high WBC count and high CO2 in blood. What does it mean? HSG report shows evidence of lower segment uterine cavity stenosis. Advice? Have white particles in urine, watery discharge and pain in abdomen. Infection? Have erectile dysfunction, early ejaculation and penis becomes loose during intercourse. Cure? MRI shows oblique tear through the medial meniscus posterior horn. Should I undergo surgery? HPT was positive but blood and urine test came negative. Can I still be pregnant? Had fallen on stomach. Have pain while laughing, lying down and coughing. No bruise. Advice? Brother has Lungs Fibrosis and is on oxygen. Lung transplant recommended. Suggestions? Am 5 weeks pregnant and taking Mifepristone. Had small bleeding but stopped. Normal? Can one take Flaxseed if on hypertension medication? Child has reflux. Has stomach ache, vomiting sensation and sore throat. Anything serious? Am pregnant. Have painful pus filled blister in vagina. Had it during last pregnancy. Cause? Fell from bike with right foot under. Have bruise, swelling and is painful. Remedy? Sperm analysis shows sperm count 110 million per ml. Normal? Have blighted ovum, hyperthyroidism and delayed ovulation. Partners sperm count is 15 million per ml. Guidance? Can high BP cause ringing in ears? Have back ache. Left breast is bigger than right and have pain. Breast cancer? Had unprotected sex. Took Regestrone pills. Still no periods. What to do? Feeling pill is stuck in throat. Able to breathe and swallow fine. Have pain. Suggestions? Period is late. Am underweight and prescribed to take protein supplement. Advice? Have growing skin tags. Travoderm cream not helping. Recommendations? What are the chances that Pre-cum can cause pregnancy? Infant with fever, loose stools, taking antibiotic. What more can be done? Irregular periods, HPT positive, took gynaecosid tablets, pregnant. Will tablet have side effect on foetus? Taking Birth control pills. Had sex. Have brown spotting, cramps and back pain. Reason? Wife is pregnant. Had miscarriage earlier during normal delivery. Doctor suggests C-section. Advice? Have periods once in two months, runny blood. Trying to concieve. All tests normal. Suggestions? Child with spots on cheeks, bleeds. Concerned. What should i do? Child with fever, typhoid, taking cap. How much time will it take to recover? Mild-moderate acne, dry eyes, thinning hair. Came off COC, discontinued zineryt. Related? Is there any cure for PCOS? Hard lump in the side of nostril. Had abcess on buttocks previously. Related? Unable to take breakfast after taking insulin. Suggestions? Having short periods, clear discharge from nipples. Fooled around with partner without penetration. Low T4. Reason? Had circumcision took 20 days to heal. Normal? Used Dettol and burnt skin. Cure? Pregnant. Having low leucocyte count. Prescribed medicines. Suggestions? Prescribed Novelon. Had light spotting. Normal bleeding 2 days later. How to determine 5th day? Child has recurring cough and cold. Asked to Nebulise as SOS. Is that good? Vagina is very tight. How to treat this? Have thick white watery vaginal discharge after period. Have abdominal pain and back pain. Reason? Weight is increased after pregnancy. Can I use Orbitrek to lose my weight? Have painful acne on sides of forehead after herbal facial. Treatment? Have abnormal period, nausea, back pain, cramps, headache and dizziness. Pregnancy test negative. Cause? Have muscle cramps in torso and charlie horse in leg. Have Fibromyalgia. Related? Have tingling sensation while urinating and urinate only few drops at night. Reason? Have cold with green discharge and congested nose. Remedy? Right knee pain. Whom i should consult? Applied garlic paste on face, turned brown. Are these scars permanent? Cure? Difference between Psychiatrist and Cycatrist? Suffering acute rejection of liver transplant. On UV Medrol. Bilirubin levels dropped. Suggestions? Loose motions, contractions. On zanocin. Further? Have itchy and painful throat. Taking antibiotics. Recommendations? Have piece of skin hanging from vagina after birth. Is this normal? Have gastro problems and cough. Diagnosed as reflux. Treatment? Has Ca. Breast with bone metastasis. Had palliative radiation therapy. Help? Period is late. Have back pain, little cramps in belly, fever and dizziness. Pregnancy? Have lump in gum above front tooth. What could it be? Child has burns on stomach. Took Augmentin and has vaginal discharge. Cause and cure? GERD, heartburn, breathing issues, suffocation, mucus in saliva. Did MHC. Further? Have pimples on face leaving dark spots. Medication? Have irregular periods. Taking medication. Have light bleeding. Can I get regular periods? Have red and painful outer labia after rubbing it. How to speed up healing? Prolactin level increases on taking allopathic gas pills. Reason? Period is late. Can Gynaset cause any problem if I am pregnant? Calculus in mid pole with no evidence of hydronephrosis, contracted gallbladder. Treatment? Child has cough. Medicine not helping. Advice? Sand in eyes, nose and mouth, irritated. What can be done? Architectural distortion on breast. MRI scan showed diffuse glandular enhanscement, Bilateral fibrodenosis. Meaning? Undergoing treatment for tuberculosis in anus. Feeling weak. Medicine side effects? Urinalysis showed Pus cells, RBC, epithelial cells, amorphous urates. Is the report normal? Have irritating dry skin on side of testicles. Creams not helping. Cure? Dark circles around eyes due to stress, incorrect studying habits. Taking protein with selenium vitamin zinc. Cure? Sharp pain above left ear, feels like a vein in the brain will burst. Infected wisdom tooth? Child teething. Fever, diarrhea, green stool. Given ibuprofen. Suggest? Child has one MCDK and other has stones. Taking oral antibiotics. Life threat? Child had hiccups and started vomiting. Anything to worry? Have swelling and green veins in upper mid chest after delivery. Suggestions? Have Gamma GT 6400 U/L. Is this very high? Stomach pain, watery stool, constipated. On Norflox, omeprazole, ciprofloxince. Suggest? Lump on upper palate, swelling, pain radiating to tooth. Should I visit a dentist? Any natural way to get TSH levels in normal range? Child diagnosed with Situs Inversus Totalis. Urinates frequently and has fatty globules in it. Advice? Ultrasonography report showed urinary bladder distended and diffuse thickening of wall with trabeculations. Treatment? Buttock injury due to fall, mild pain, tingling on sitting down. Cause of worry? Scar on toe after being stepped on it. Bluish line in the nail bed. Matter of concern? Had stunting in Right coronary artery. Taking Lowplet, Lescol, Carsel. Help? High ALT reading, fatty liver. Started non oily diet, exercise routine. Normal time taken for level to reduce? Lost erection. Taken tuberculosis medication. Had unsafe sex. Using viagra. Suggest? Have overgrowth in WBC in vaginal discharge and irregular periods. Suggestions? Had hurt knee. Have swelling and pain. Is this a sprain? Imbalance, lightheadedness. Have cervical spondylosis. Homeopathic medicine? Suffered with typhoid, malaria and alopecia areata. Health in future? Have painful swelling on left mastoid bone and left ear canal is more pink. Mastoiditis? Child has fever and breathing problem. Is it safe to take Omnacortil syrup? Have pain in upper chest and minor flu symptoms. Solution? Child has fever. Taking antibiotic and sleeping a lot. Is this normal? Scan shows uterus is heterogeneous in echo texture, irregular in contour, cystic cavity, fibroid lesion. Meaning? Hair loss on frontal scalp, receding hairline. Taken saw palmetto with biotin. Will mintop help? Excessive stress at the workplace, at home. Wants to take revital tablets for women. Will they cause weight increase? Have bipolar disorder. On risperdal and epilim. What does the situation sound like? Have white discharge. Had chlamydia. Urine culture revealed pus cells. Is it the bacteria? Frequent urination. Had a urine examination, nil sugar, nil acetone. Worry? Have tender breasts. Done colonoscopy. Oil threads were cut. Pregnant? Injured leg, knees in pain. Can I start doing splits? Rashes on body, itchiness, allergies after having a baby. What happened? High BP, pain in left arm. Given ultracet. Take tramadol? Has jaundice, liver cancer. Stopped chemotherapy. What now? Have seizures, fever. Done blood tests, EEG. Taking epilex. Is it safe? Headaches, nausea, fatigue, delayed period. Had spotting. Pregnant? Pain in scapula, breathing difficulty. Tried massage therapy. What is wrong? Have discharge from wound, thick and orange. Had morphine pain pump inserted. Infection? Gallbladder cancer, jaundice. Inserted plastic stent. Insert metallic stent instead? Pink discharge from vagina. Diagnosed with GBStrep. Help? Forgetfulness, tensed. Kidney issue. Undergoing dialysis. What does report suggest? Clitoris has burning sensation, pain, bladder fullness. Had sex. Related? Suffering from severe anxiety, fear of being in a closed room, seeing crime stories. Cure? Have TB, viral infection, fever, cough, bleeding. What is wrong? Trying to concieve. Soreness after sex. Solution? Red itchy rashes, swelling. On anti histamine cream. Will it be okay? Tonsil like thing on gums and molars, sore tooth. What can be done? Pregnant. Hymen layer still intact. Will delivery be normal? Infant with watery stools and occasional vomiting, causing delay in vaccination. Is it infection? Increase in weight, flabby stomach. Used duromine. Is it liver disorder? Dull pain close to hip bone, feel like blocking of colon, symptoms of nausea and diarrhoea. Solution? Chest pounding, finger tips numb, panic-stricken. Was that a heart attack? Suffering from chesty cold and bad cough, unpleasant taste in mouth. Suggestion? Child with Autistic, had cold, fever and runny nose. History of Kawasaki disease. Suggestion? Had unsafe intercourse. Have itchy throat, cough, itchiness on penis tip. Why? Taking Epilim, developed symptoms of Nausea, itching and Headache. Should I reduce the dosage? Suffering from sore throat and fever. History of Jaundice and Typhoid. Treatment? Pain in tail bone after flying in an aircraft, difficulty sitting. Treatment options? Have hair fall. Taken scalp tone tablets. Regrowth possible? Feel blurriness in eye, wear OTC reading glasses and RX for distance and night driving. What could this be? Suffering from Congestive heart failure, with difficulty in breathing. History of heart attack and pneumonia. suggestion? Pregnant with distolic notch+ in the left uterine artery, prescribed Ecosprin. Why does this happen? Had implanon inserted, not had periods since then. Feeling Dizziness, hot flashes and Bruising. Suggestion? Child with bruise on his spine, looks like a bubble. Is it normal? Suffering from severe skin allergy, diagnosed with Urticaire. Had Food Intolence test, still allergy persists. Right medicine? Stabbing pain in abdomen and bleeding in left nostrils, itchy dark patch on left eye lid. LFT bilirubin slightly elevated. Could it be a cancer? Had heart attacks with 2 stents, taking Warfarin, feel breathless and lips blue at times, ankles and fot swollen. Suggestion? Accidentally hit the toe nail, began to bleed. Cause for the clear liquid coming out? Back pain, spinal cord pain. muscles cramps, stiffness. Done Xray. Help? Suffering from cerebral palsy, had a Nissen fundoplication done, had a slight vomiting. Something wrong as a result of operation? Have flu symptoms. Ampulla of vater tumor. Had chemo, part of pancreas removed. Suggest? Had protected sex, missed periods, tested for pregnancy positive. Any medicine to stop this pregnancy? Frequently blocked one nostrils, problem with left Eustachian tube. Fullness feeling, mild tinnitus in both ears. Solution ? Took morning after pill, had slight bleeding, have pregnancy symptoms, missed periods. Am I pregnant?

Lightheadness, unconsciousness, signs of epilepsy, vertigo. Had EEG and brain scan. Help? Dark green or black phlegm from throat, coughing up plaque particles. Symptoms of pharyngitis and tonsils? Had operated deviated septum and turbinectomy of inferior turbinates, have mucus from nose and noise in ears. Suggestion? Regular problem in right side hydrocele, feel erection in toe and right leg. What could be the cause? Feel soreness in ovaries, had a lot of drinks without food. Suggestion? Had an ACDF surgery with decompression, with artificial bone graft done, burning and pinching pain. Suggestion? Have thick frothy saliva and itching, tested for Sjogrens and siccas normal. Is it reaction to Levothyroxine? Diagnosed with barrets oesophagus, low platelets count. Given Emeprazole. Side effects of Emeprazole? Suffering from painful muscle spams and burning sensation. Taking Lipitor and Diuretic for cochlear Meniere disease. Suggestion? Suffering from high ESR rate, no results of improvement. Suggestion? Feel electrical shock in upper left body, radiating to left arm. Cause for this symptoms? Laypo mesh repaired for large umbilical Hernia, developed a large firm lump, feel tight but no pain. Is it Sernoma? Due for periods, have pregnancy symptoms, UPT negative. History of birth controls. Am I pregnant? Wisdom tooth appearing, causing problem in molar tooth, very painful. Is pain due to wisdom tooth? Have an ideal weight, except the tummy. What are the advantages of going to gym? Severe pain in rectal area, feel pressurised when standing on left foot, with loose stools. What could this be? Suffering from cold and sore throat, hearing loss in right ear. History of Bronchitis. Should I take Antibiotics? Suffered from Heart attack, feel pain around heart. ECG normal and taking regular medication. Suggestion? Had a Hip replacement, constantly suffering from soreness in hip, tingles in ankles. Is it an internal bleed? Suffering from mouth sores and ulcers, stinging pain in urethra with discharge. Right medicine? Limited diet, diarrhea, pink mucus in stool. What is wrong? Suffering from constipation, getting loose stools, vomiting after eating excessively. Suggestions? Numbness in arms, legs on bending for long, pain in feet, arms. Using pregalin sr. Treatment? Dry eyes, joint swelling and pain, asymptomatic pain in eye movement. Lotemax. Help? Small lump in front of ear, headaches, shooting pain. Should I visit a neurologist? Infant with rashes all over body, after using Enfamil formula. Cause for rashes? Broke fabula, tibia fracture. Had a cast. Will I heal? Swelling in shin. Have lidocaine patch, ankle brace.Will I be okay? Child with vomiting and loosemotion, prescribed Taxim-O and Ondem. Is it the right medicine? Had U/S result shows large complex Ovarian cyst, with partial septations and grainy internal echoes. Treatment for concetion? Blurred vision, tingling arm, abdominal discomfort. Tested for celiac. Stress related? Infant with cough and cold, prescribed Levolin and Budecort. Is it safe to use this medicine? Suffering from dry kin and itching,taking Fexofenadine tab, itching more in evening. Cause for itching?

Had a Depo shot and later with Nexoplanon, missed perids , have pregnancy symptoms. Am I pregnant? Vision is getting bad, ALT, AST levels deteriorating, sleep, loss of energy. Why? Virgin, severe abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, loss of appetite. Causes for symptoms? Infant having bowel movements many times a day. Stools are bright yellow with a foul smelling jelly. Recommendations? Planning for baby. Have PCQD. Took Duphaston and had periods regularly. Does it help to conceive? Had TVT surgery. During intercourse partner feels scratching sensation on penis. Could be suture in vaginal fold. Would Premarin cream help or go for OBGYN? Twitches in spine, neck, elbows, ankles and knees. What is wrong? Since c section having pelvic pain, abnormal bleeding before period. Ultrasound showed small pedunculated fibroid, uterus heterogeneous. Cancer? Had pulmonary tuberculosis. Sputum and cultures normal at the end of the treatment. Will it affect conceiving a baby? Diabetic, increasing sugar level. On ecosprin, T.metola. Now? 10 month baby with TB. Extended lymph under arm. Clear lungs & no fever. Prescibed Macox kids plus. Side effects? Taken Ovutrig HP shot. Doctor prescribed Endogest 200 & good result on follicles. Chances for pregnancy? Dark patches on skin. Took treatment from dermatologist. Not cured. Now? Girl child not yet menstruated. Severe tiredness afternoon on wards. Recommendations? Bumps on two knuckles. Feels like lump beneath skin. Remedy? Stomach ache and cramps in hands. Also experiencing headache. Reason? Fluttery feeling below left ribs without pain. Parasite or issue with intestines? Significant bleeding from belly button and soreness felt. Reason? Irritation and bleeding in clitoris. Severe pain. Treatment? Dark Skin on Upper side of elbow. Suggest cream Pain in left wrist. Hurts on lifting objects. Doctor suggested pathological test. Is it in the right path? Rising HCG levels. Yolk sac detected on US. What is ectopic? Poor erection. Taking Magalis and got results initially but unable to impregnate wife. Treatment? Had unprotected sex with an escort, have sore throat, nausea and fever. Are these symptoms of HIV? Ultrasound report shows anteverted uterus, small echofree area within endometrium. Have abdominal pain, spotting. Pregnant ? Unable to pass urine, lost consciousness. Urine test normal. Causes for symptoms? Pregnant, hcg went up then dropped. Will i miscarry it? Had a tubal ligation with irregular periods. Had hot flashes, headache and tiredness. Could I be pregnant? Suffering from low appetite, headache and minor blisters, Mpv low. Suggestion? Ankle pain after beginning treadmill. Suggestions? Trying to conceive. Accuracy of Dettol pregnancy test? Burning during urination. Cramps & heaviness in lower abdomen. No UTI. Prescribed Bactrium. Suggestions? Had Shingles and while walking hurts under his arms, with terrible pain. Any solution to ease his pain? Diagnosed with subclinical hypothyroidism,. Thymoglobulin antibody and anti microsomal positive. Is surgical history related to hypothyroidism?
Have dentures with frequent sore mouth and ulcers, used Colgate peroxyl mouth sore rinse. Solution?
Suffering from Hepatitis-B, regular increase in serum bilirubin, sgpt, sgot. Cause for the problems? Pulsating pain in internal part of vagina, with bloody discharge. Is it an infection? Had Angioplasty, prescribed Atorvastatin, Ramapril and ASpirin, feel uneasiness in chest. Is it normal? Terrible pain in neck and back, causing nauseas and lump behind ear. History of cancer x2. Suggestion? Diagnosed with PCOS, with irregular cycles, pulsating feeling in lower abdomen and vaginal discharge. Am I pregnant or ovulating? Red spots on leg with headache, sore throat and varying temperature. Negative tumbler test. Cause and treatment? Finger swollen and severe pain after hit by a ball. Treatment? Pregnancy confirmed through UPT. Having urine infection, prescribed Zinoximor and Busopan. Will it affect the baby? Suffering from recurrent kidney infection, kidney function declined, liver and blood for cardiac stopped. Suggestion? Lost control over right wrist after accident. Now better, using for writing. Recover in future? Unable to conceive, report shows right tuble block. Adviced to take Siphene before HCG. Will Hcg test harm the Eggs? L5 spondylolysis is seen on the right side without any evidence of listhesis. Meaning? Suffering from nightfall, doing exercise the problem begins. How do I get rid of this? Taking Electroxin for hypothyroid. Have PCOD complaint too. Advised Glycomet 500. No metformin is another advise. How to proceed? Suffering from short of breath, difficulty in breathing. What could be the cause? Burning sensation and pressure on bladder, after drinking wine, started after numerous bladder infections. Suggestion? Infant had sickness bug recently. Now circular bruise on shoulder. Connected to ringworm which he had in the past? Dermoid cyst on left eye, removed it and sent to pathyology, results were not normal. Is it cancer? Cured from swine flu. Took Zocef 500. But voice is heavy and mild coughing persists. Recommendations? Suffering from high blood pressure, with extremely cold feet which when warming up gives bad pain. What could be the cause? White discharge in thick or thin format, with pain in vagina when excited. Is it normal? Diagnosed with PCOS, prescribed Melmet, unable to conceive. Will medication and diet bring PCOS under control? Suffering from high fever, diagnosed with Flu. History of Renal stone in the ureter, removed surgically. Is it transient hematuria? Suffering from fatty liver, with SGPT and Uric level high. Suggestion? Lump under the skin on right rib cage, with occasional discomfort. Is it psoriasis in bone? Child with fever after vaccination, with hands and feet cold. Is fever due to vaccination? U/S of abdomen shows, simple cortical cyst in left interpolar region, post void residual urine. Any cause of concern? Child with cold, cough and fever, tonsils looked bulged, given Imol syrup. Cause for frequent fever? High cholesterol and BP, three stands in heart, one of them in mid lad before they put stints, locked 98 %. Chances of survival? Changed to Oxycodone from Lortab,considering osteotomy, shoulder replacement. Have swollen legs and hands, ankles puffy and white. Could be drug interactions ? Child with stomach upset, cough and lack of appetite. Ring shaped patch on arm and cheek. Cause for symptoms? Unable to conceive, taking Clomid and Folic acid, due for periods. What should be my next step? Suffering from Tuberclomas in brain, lost his vision, giving Anti Tuberculoses medicine. Suggestion? Had intercourse for first time, have pink spotting with burning sensation. Is it normal? Bedridden patient, out of COMA, cant move or speak. What are treatment options? Protected sex, delayed periods, wants to abort pregnancy. Is primolut-n safe to use? Scan result shows the echo patter is largely homogeneous. Meaning? Gurgling in stomach, stomach bloating on left side. Tried omeprazole, antacid. Cure for symptoms? Suffering from glands swollen, pain and heaviness in chest, diagnosed as Mono back. Is it an infection? On Oxycontin, Lorazepam for chronic pain issues, tested positive for cocaine, methadone. Why am I testing positive ? Noticed a small white ball when passing urine, when stood up went inside. Is it a cyst? Have bilateral polycystic ovaries. Is it a serious problem? Will we have any problem in having baby? Want to increase height, doing stretching exercises. Any medicine to boost growth hormone? Had hysteroscopy done, feeling unwell, nauseous, low back pain and slight palpitations. Is this usual? Chest x-ray showing cardiomegaly, mild pleural thickening, evidence of tuberculosis. Need to be concerned? Had vertigo and uncontrollable sneezing. Have congestion and dizziness. What to do? Acidity, gastric problems, burning sensation in stomach. Endoscopy done. Treatment options? Sore, dryness of throat all day, nose bleeds, lightheaded, snore loudly. Could this be adenoids ? Received vaccinations, severe pain in right arm, difficulty lifting arm. Pain due to muscle damage? Tightness in chest, pain in left arm, numbness, tingling. History of high BP. Cure? Small red spots on inner thighs, turning dark after a few days. Causes for symptoms? Opium addiction. Feeling guilty of taking xanax. What to do? Faint ringing in the ears, pain, blocked nose and dizziness. Infection of the eustachian tube. Symptoms persisting after treatment Have fatigue and shingles. Do I have to go for a thyroid test? Irregular periods, heavy bleeding. How to get regular periods? Had D&C and ablation for cyst removal, another cyst on ovary large, elevated CA125, history of ovarian cancer. What to do ? Bad cramps. Found big piece of skin on tampon. On pills, taken two packs together. Reason? Can I ask gynecologist to tell mom I am a virgin? Suffering from mood swings, have suicidal tendencies, migraines, no family support. How to recover? Fever, major anxiety, fatigue, high BP, breathing problem. Prozac, xanex not helping. What to do? Small child, nasal discharge, dry cough, fever. Taken crocin drops. Correct medication for treatment? Have itchiness in leg and burning in vagina. Could I have got Gonorrhea from boyfriend? Have itchiness and tingling in vagina. Cause and cure? Sharp pain on left side of upper body, pain is located around ribs close to left armpit. Causes? Unprotected sex, small swelling under penis, occurs again after having sex with partner. Symptoms of STD? Child has severe snoring and sweating. Blood test shows high Nuetrophils. Any need to worry? 34 year old and have BMI 18.4. Am I underweight? Can Duphaston cause weight gain? What are the side effects of taking Lithosun SR and Qutan 25mg? Unable to digest meat and poultry. Have adhesion causing blockage of colons. Suggestions? Pain in right hip bone, feels like it is bruised, no injury. History of lupus. Cause of worry? Rashes on legs, arms, joint pain, tiredness. History of chronic urticaria. Recurring symptoms? Diagnosed with Endometrium Hypertrophied. Did D&C. How to regulate period after this? Child has fever, vomiting and loose motion. Taking medication and is weak. Advice? Have growing painful red lump on left side below ribs. What could it be? Suffering from stomach pain due to infection. Unable to cure. Suitable treatment? Had unprotected vaginal, oral sex. Concerned about HIV infection, having weak immune system. Any remedy? Sore throat, stuffy nose. Diagnosed viral infection. Vomiting after having decongestant. Due to sinus drainage? Strange feeling in penis, testicles. Tested negative for urine infection, clamydia, prostate. Possible cause? Recurring swelling above penis, discomfort. Taking medication of prostate. Reason and cure? Been smoking. Anxiety, unconsciousness, emotional rush. Why? Suffering from asthma. Prescribed seretide evohaler, aerolin, weakness, dizziness. Cure for asthma? High BP, diabetes, painful limbs and scrotum. Done CT scan, MRI scan, US. What may be wrong? Color of glans penis change color when erect. Swollen black veins in urethra. Is it thrombosis? Having dietary supplement. Headache, pain in neck, shoulder, back, elevated heart rate. Are they related? Suffering from cirrhosis. Diet plan to follow? Recovering from severe gallbladder attack. On antibiotics, no fat diet. Can have plant based fats? Acne problem, using momate cream. Skin become rough, irritated on not applying. Effective treatment methods? Brown discharge after first time rough sex. On birth control. Should I be worried? Constant irregular cycles since menarche, overweight. Having multiple cyst in ovaries. Absence of period. Remedy? Had turbinate reduction, nose bleed. Taken prednisone. Am I okay? Severe pain in toes, heals. Uric acid high. No relief with painkillers. Diet to control? Breath having garlic smell, red patches on skin, dizzy eyes. Possible reason? Appendix removed, feeling nauseous, weak, fainting. How to improve health? Child having growing lump on side of neck due to regular cold, cough. Any remedy? Have irregular period. HPT is negative. Had cramping during sex. Reason? Child has headache and nosebleed. Taking antibiotics. Cause? Old aged, low BP. Body shakes, breathing problem, joint pain, tired. How to improve health? Unable to find needle, anesthesia for upper molar treatment. Pain, numbness followed. Possible reason? Occult blood in urine. Ultrasound normal except prostate size. Blood due to some infection. Suggestions? Have headache, fainting, dizziness and muscle weakness after exercise. Advice? Have irregular periods. Taking Ovacare tablets. Can this help me get pregnant? Have hair loss. Want to try Mintop lotion. How safe is it? Have nausea and vomiting sensation. Period is late. Had stopped Tri-Sprintec. Reason? Have spot on skin between thigh and pelvic bone. Had Pneumonia. Remedy? Bump on bottom of lip, feels numb. Looks like blister. How to remove it? Hard object hit hard on knee cap. Swelling down to ankles. Icing will help? Child diagnosed with penis infection. Prescribed medication. Suffering from nose bleeds, bad cough. Cure? Undergone knee replacement, incurring some pain. Taking four tablets of robaxacet will be helpful? Reddish raised spots on glans of penis after masturbation, rough sex. What are they? MRI of knee done. What does report suggest? Treatment to follow? Small brown worm like thing in stool. Is it parasite? Lower abdominal pain, problems with period, vaginal bleeding, had HPV. What is going on? Have mild pectus carinatum. Will surgery minimize further development of condition? Severe back pain. Unable to sit, stand for long, trouble in sleeping. Will surgery help? Head hit hard on glass. Massive lump formed. Feeling nauseous, tired, head sore. How to cure? Heart beating fast, hands getting cold, feeling sick in stomach. Anything serious? Small lumps on breasts, stomach. Trouble in urination. Diagnosed cystenosis before. Is it spreading? Suffering with fibromyalgia, interstitial cystitis. Severe bladder, body pain. How to get pain relief? Swollen hand, painful wrist, possibility of gout. Some relief with paracetamol. Permanent cure? Engaged in anal sex. Bleeding before and after due date. Vaginal itching, pain while urinating. STD? Restless legs syndrome, funny sensation in palms. What is going on? Getting huge red welts on different places, itchy. What could be this? Blur vision, sick, after been to gym. Could this be caused by low blood pressure? Have HIV, sharp pain in body, bad cough, mucus. What should i do? White particle depositing around penis, burning sensation, itching, diabetic. What could be reason? Pregnant, spotting, heavy bleed, scratching on cervix. Worried. What should i do? Had Lymphoma, horners syndrome, dropping and constricting pupil. Help? Underwent surgery due to diverticulitis, blur vision, swollen cheeks. What could be done? Have hand tremors, has asthma, anxiety. See neurologist? How can one increase penis size naturally? Irregular period, heavy bleeding, pain. Worried. What can be done? Had an angiogram in right wrist, pain, bruising. How to get relief from it? Delayed periods, tender breasts and nipples, brownish pink light bleeding. Implantation bleeding? Viral infection, loss of hearing, dizziness, buzzing in ear. On Steroids, Prednisone. Help? Pregnant, suffering with hyperemesis. Will Cariban be useful to take? Out of focus, loss of concentration. What is the cause? Large red rash on inner thigh with pimple in middle. Should i be concerned? Hot, tingly feet in bed at night, shivery sensation. Should i be concerned? Pain in throat, bruised. What it could be? Has cirrhosis, alcoholic. What next? Small child, red sores on tongue, slight cold, cough. History of hand foot and mouth disease. Treatment? Pain between elbow and shoulder. What should i do? Headaches, sore throat, hands, arms itchy after opening crawl space bathroom. Is it from mold? Glob in throat, coughing mucus with blood. All tests normal. Possible reason? Seizure in sleep. X-ray done. Found opacity in heart. Cause for seizure? Cuts in deep folds of groin, very small and red. Will it heal naturally? Cracking neck a lot. Tried to resist, pressure builds up. Hard lump under skin, sore. Why? Low grade fever, heat boils, fatigue. Blood test normal except leukocytes. What is causing this? Have Crohns disease. Terminal illium removed, having issues again. Will it flare up? Rough patch inside lower lip, increasing. What to do? Taking depovera shot for heavy periods, Eltroxin for low thyroid. Frequent urination, nausea. Having reactions? Hard oversized bowel movement, discomfort. How to get relief from it? Diagnosed Bipolar. Feeling low, suicidal. Not taking any drugs. Anti depressant that prevent getting lower? Bee stunged, vomiting, nausea, breathlessness, severe itching. What do i do? Leg, feet bruised, swollen, painful after pedals hit leg during spinning class. Normal feeling? Cramps after taking ducolax tablets. Tried bowel movement. Sudden intense headache. Possible problem? Renal failure, liver problems require drainage. Constant vomiting some hard substance. Recommendations? Bump in the bruised knee, painful on touch. History of osteosarcoma. Should I be concerned? Red hot ears and autistic. Is there any relation between them? Chest pain, numbness in left arm, headache and nausea. Stress related? Eating produces cramps, no ulcer or gall bladder. Upper scope test done. Suggestions? Have tmj, saw orthodontis. Tylonol and Advil of no use. Remedies to ease the pain? Ulcer on tongue, have quit smoking. Possible causes and remedies? Droopy eye, forehead spams, headache, dizziness. All tests normal. Taking Valuim. Cause and cure? Unprotected sex, brown creamy discharge. Pregnant? Undergoing chemotherapy. Prescribed steroids to increase appetite, gain weight. Sweating a lot. Side effects? Taking oxcarbazepine, buspar. Stopped depo vera shot. Having shaking feeling inside. Reason for shaking? Masturbate daily. Will i have issues with my sexual life after marriage? Chest pain, pain went all over body. What could be causing this? Trying to conceive, had early miscarriage. What precautions should i take? Suffering from headaches, low grade fever, sore throat, pain on swallowing, dry eyes. Cure for symptoms? Child with swollen forehead, stomach cramping, fever. What is the cure? Smoked marijuana. Loss of concentration. Will I be okay? Right ear clogged, pops when chew, swallow or yawn. What should i do? Infant with loose stool, stinky with black pieces in it. Can this be from his vaccines? History of COPD. Breathlessness, fatigued, weightloss. Xray showed shadow on lung. What is it? Cancer? Regular use of oxymetazoline, have erectile dysfunction. Is there any relation between them? Have mirena iud placed, nausea, vomiting, HPT positive. What could be wrong? Anteoderma, started from small spot on chest and is getting bigger. Cure for symptoms? Inner lip/ labia protruding. No pain and swelling. Sexually active. Possible causes and remedies? Swollen lymph node on neck, no change in size. Mono test positive. Need to ask a doctor? Unprotected sex in drunken state. Taken i-pill after sixty hours, delayed periods. Pregnant? Sudden rise in heart rate, weakness in legs, light-headedness, chest pressure. Causes for symptoms? Blisters on legs, burst. Had rotator cuff operation. Taken water pills. Help? Twinges during ovulation. Has cystic ovaries. Done laparoscopic surgeries. Will I be okay? Unprotected sex, delayed menstrual cycle, brownish pink vaginal spotting, nausea, moodiness. Negative pregnancy tests. Pregnant? Lump under ears, swollen lymphnodes, ear ache, lack of sleep. Had anti-depressants. Help? Had medical abortion. Started birth control. When should I expect period? Cellulitis on foot. Taken bactrim, cephalexin. Why is there peeling? Flashing shadows in vision, happens when getting Migraine, things are hard to focus. Solution? What is bilirubin? How can it affect a person? Cyst on kidney, back pain. Should i get it removed? What more can i do? Hip pain, test showed degenarative arthritis. Prescribed steroids. Treatment? Hypertension, heavy feeling in chest. Taking labetalol. Need to ask a doctor for cure? Take logynon, have mood swings and anxiousness. Is it because of the pill? Relapsed uti positive for klebsiella pneumonia and group b strep. All tests ok. Suggestions? Child has very hard ,dark green stool and screams trying to push it. Recommendations? Have Osteoarthritis of neck and spine and Fibromyalgia. Taking Solpadol and Amitriptyline. Side effects? Have depression and premature ejaculation. Taking Gonadil-F and salmon fish oil. Will this cure? Have ruptured Epididymal cyst with tennis ball. No pain. What will happen to the fluid? Have been circumcised 9 days ago. Have swelling, blood discharge along cut area. Normal? Have frequent UTI and Sinus infections. Have elevated AST, CRP and RDW. Autoimmune disease? Have pain in upper stomach preceded by migraine and fever. Suggestions? Have excessive sweating. Stopped taking birth control pills. Advice? Painful, popping sound and burning sensation in left knee. Sitting job, less exercise. Is there any relation? Painful uterus bleeding, abnormal rounded structure within the uterine cavity. Not fibroid. Recommendations? Pain in lower right abdomen. CT scan and ultra sound normal. Painful while passing stools. Suggestions? Acne scars, used benzoyl peroxide, olive oil and others. No effect. Treatment? Swollen painful lymph node, low fever and cold. Cure for symptoms? Liver disease, had bulimia and anorexia. Diet normal overeating and spicy food causes stomach pain. Possible remedies? Diagnosed with UTI. Lower back pain, fever, sweating and abdominal pain. Help? Child had pin worms. Bad itching, Given Pin X. Is that enough? Hard and bloated stomach, have the coil, not pregnant, have diarrhea. Help? Headaches, strange sensation in abdomen. What is wrong? Painful wrist. Broken ulnar colateral ligament. Help? Burning, irritated, red and painful vaginal walls. Had bladder examined, pap test. Suggest? On implanon. Overweight. Negative pregnancy test. What is going on? Blood in saliva, painful knee, pain in rib cage, headache. Suggest? Pain in the lymph nodes of the neck. What is wrong? Irregular heart beat. EKG, stress test suggested. Gurgling in the left side. Any heart problems? Broken femur. Repaired with plates and screws. Given cortisone shots. What to expect? Chest pain. EKG showing right ventricular conduction delay, t wave abnormality. What does it mean? Severe pain in the stomach. Diarrhea and vomiting. No gastritis and hernia. Stress related? Have shingles. Using diovan. Is my BP and pulse rate normal? Elevated heart rate during sleep, painful joints. Suffer from depression and anxiety. Cure? Had progesterone tested. Did I release a viable egg? How can I know? Have sickness, high BP, tingling sensation, swelling in feet and hands. Have IUD. Suggest? Soreness and swelling in the gum after wisdom tooth removal. Sore tonsils. Is it normal? Infant diagnosed with ASD. Has pasty stools. On matamucil. Is it IBS? Delayed periods by 5 days, have cramps. Test negative. Pregnant? Chest pain, opacity detected in lungs. Can it be cancer? Knee pain, hurts while bending. Can be retro patella pain syndrome. Possible causes and remedies? Have catamenial epilepsy. Have seizures, convulsions. On lamictal, keppera. Suggest? Overweight. On pravastatin, lisinopril. Weight loss pill? Anxiety, shyness. How can I overcome fear of outsiders? Have headaches, blood patch. Had lumbar puncture. What is going on? Chronic ankle sprain, radiating pain, bruising. What could it be? Suffering from bad cough, green mucus, breathlessness, difficulty in speech. On cough medication. Cure? Diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, have bilateral nodules. On metoprolol. Help? Bilateral lower extremity edema, bloated tummy, sore throat. Taking norvasc. Help? Burning sensation, painful calf, muscle spasms, sleeplessness. What is going on? Lumps on knees, numbness, tingling sensation, calf pain. What is wrong? Missed period, abdominal noises, cramps, heart burn, breast tenderness. Help? Itchiness in vaginal area. Given avino bath, hydrocortisone cream, benadryl. Help? Have indentations in front of skull. Had headaches. Should I see a doctor? Brown discharge, bad cramps. Trying to conceive. Off birth control. Help? Had oral sex, swallowed semen. Feels like tonsil stone. What can get it out? Have itchy rashes in body. It keeps reoccurring. Recommendations? Child was hit in back of head. Has blurry vision and headache. Treatment? Have stomach pain and loose stools. Found red bits in stool. Can watermelon cause this? Child has stomach pain, gas and very smelly stools. Remedy? Feeling that I am not breathing normally. Is this due to stress? Have PCOS. Had sex before biphasic temperature rise in fertile days.
Still not pregnant. Reason?
Have constipation. Last time the stool was greenish color. Have diabetes and gastro issues. Suggestions? Have fever and muscle aches after long runs. Am training for 30km race. Solution? Thickened uterine lining and fibroids. Back pain. No signs of menopause. Why? Sore throat, pain. Need medication Have LDL cholesterol 159 and Triglycerides 545. Any need to worry? Have pulling sensation from Navel to Clitoris. Feeling to pee all the time. Advice? Tiredness, out of breath, painful chest after a jog. Had blood removed from system. Related? Have pain from pelvic to legs and back ache. Have ovarian cyst. Suggestions? Had missed days on Ortho Tri-cyclen pack. Had passed clot and bright red flow. Advice? Have hyper-acidity. Prescribed Ranitidine Ulcin. Healing time? Have bumps, tibia fracture, bleeding scabs, red rashes. Taking OCS. Help? Have fever and sharp pain from belly button to pubic bone. Cause? Dizziness, tightness in chest, dry cough. Nail avulsion on toe. What is going on? Have brown spots near ear canal. Had scratched and bled lightly. Should I worry? Is it possible to get fair complexion with medicines and creams? Have painful canker sore in back of mouth. Have pain in jaw and ear. Cure? Have bumps and pain in back of head while laughing. Reason? Have joint pain, headache and shortness of breath. Have quit smoking. Cure? Have abnormal periods. Have been under stress and on Effexor. Related? Have nausea and vomiting. Had wisdom tooth removed. Should I seek immediate medical attention? Tail bone injury, shocking pain in area, hurts to dance, pain on applying pressure. Treatment for pain? Have kidney stones in right kidney. What food and medication should I take? Child is feeling cold and is shivering at night. Cause and cure? Sebaceous cyst, increasing in size, liquid discharge with blood on squeezing. Bleeding due to medication? Had fell and hit face. Have black around eyes and are puffy and swollen. Recommendations? Taking Xtracal-CT tablet daily, experiencing dry cough, throat irritation, stomach disturbance. Are these side effects of calcium tablet? Have painful and swollen vagina . Had D&C done and on Doxycycline. Diagnosed as allergy. Suggestions? Child has runny nose. Nose is blistered and bleeds. Any need to worry? Is it safe to take vrahmi vati gold 2pc in a 3 times daily? Infected big toe, thick discharge coming from clit area, sharp pain. What should i do? Detected 5 mm right lower ureteric calculus approx 2.2 cm from the UV junction. What should be the line of treatment? Have creaking noise in left ear while blinking. No pain. Advice? Have pain in back and is moving downwards. Under homeopathy treatment. What to do? Chest can be pressed in. How is that possible? Severe pain in right arm. What can be done? Pregnant, migraines, abdominal pain. Taking naproxen. Will I be okay? Unprotected sex. Bleeding. Lesion on lips of vagina. What is it? How many Valium tabs should I take before root canal? Pain near clitoris only when pressure applied. Now looks like a read bump near urethra. Suggestions? Sudden pinching pain in chest. Has experienced this before. Going for Xray scan. Advice? Dry nipples, heart racing. Sexually active, unprotected sex. Taking birth control. Suggest? Scar on nose from dog bite a year ago started bleeding. No abrasion, swelling, pain. Cause and cure? How does swollen blood vessel in inner ear get treated? Had tinnitus, headaches. Nothing found in CT scans, MRI Pregnant. Gland producing CSF is enlarged. Go for amino? Bleeding during sex. Periods over a week and a half ago. Having cramps, periods symptoms. Reason? Have shut vagina. Had done Hysterectomy. Reason? Had pull out sex. Under birth control but had taken antibiotics. Chances of pregnancy? Have nausea, sickness, breast tenderness. Trying to conceive. Had PCOS. On siphene. Help? Have increased heart beat and sweating during meetings and seminars. Treatment? Have stomach pain and itching in vagina. Had sex and took I-pill. Related? Frequent urination, unsatisfied urination. Require cathator. Had sigmoid coloeoctomy. Help? Ultrasound shows enlargement of prostrate with significant urine retention in the bladder. Healing time? Have dark spots on skin, hypothyroidism. Suffering with psoriasis. Cure? Semi solid stools, burning sensation, frequent urination, pressure in lower stomach. What is going on? Loss of memory. Used triazepam and diazpan. Have anxiety and depression. Help? Chest congestion, severe cough. On allegra. What is wrong? Sepsis? Quit smoking, metallic taste in mouth, yellowish hairy coating on tongue. Tried listerine. Cure? Small child, red spots all over cheeks, upper arms, buttocks, no itching, hot to touch. Causes? Done MRI. Diagnosed with a subcutaneous hemangioma on hip. Help? Had missed abortion. Pain in groin, hypothyroidism, chest pain, cervical erosion. Help? Infant wakes up at night, tightens legs and opens eyes showing discomfort. All reports normal. Giving valparin. Suggest? Itchy dry sun rash. Allergic to peanuts, corn, egg. What is wrong? Cough, chest congestion, unconsciousness, breathlessness. What is wrong? Vaginal pain. Lost virginity. Is it UTI? Have been bitten by dog. Had taken rabies vaccine a month back. Should I take again? Treated for chlamydia. Painful urination, itching, smelly. What is wrong? Child has cold, cough and wheezing. Diagnosed as asthma. Is it safe to use inhalers? Husband needs kidney transplantation. What is the procedure and cost of this in India? Have pain in chest while coughing, laughing and walking fast. Reason? Ear started itching and small bumps appeared spreading to face and neck. Medication? Ultrasound states biliary ducts are not dilated. What does it mean? Had a root canal, crown fitted, abcess formation, blisters on gum. What can be done? Child has bump in diaper area. Hurts while wiping. Advice? Pregnant, spotting. Taking folinext duphast, tab sustain, proluton. Suggest? Have irregular periods after delivery. Solution? Can hair loss medicines have side effects to male hormones? Had kidney transplanted. Can Pantocid prevent drug induced ulcer? Taken crystal meth. Have BP issues. On metoprolol. Will he be okay? Bowel movement is painful and hard. Have not had bowel movement for a week. Cure? Had bleeding during urination and had to abort baby. Reason and advice for future pregnancy? Palpitations, have anxiety disorder, panic attacks, low RBC count, iron deficiency. What is wrong? Neck pain, no vertebrae and injuries. Subsides after drinking water. Is there any relation ? Have high TSH levels. Am pregnant. What is the dosage of thyroxin I should take? Suffered from amoebiasis, dysentry. Have paleness, weakness, loose motions. Taking tiflox, tionidazole. Help? Wife is pregnant. Has shortage of blood. How to cure this in 15 days? Endoscopy revealed H.pylori positive. On Docpan, pentaprazole. Suggest? Have sore itchy labia minora that stings while urinating. Remedy? Fatigue and back pain. Blood test done. Need to ask a doctor to understand report? Sagging eye ball in peripheral vision, discomfort and redness. Worry? Distal Ulcerative colitis. Heaviness in stomach, loss of appetite. Taking balacol, mesacol. Suggest? Have painful stomach cramps after C-Section. All tests fine. Cure? Constant periods, ablation done. Ultrasound suspect burst syst. Should I be concerned? Diabetic with hypertension and hyperlipidemia. Taking metformin. What should be the management plan? Has black hole in mouth. Has quit smoking 10 days ago. Suggestions? Delayed mustache. Can it be related to hormones? What are the side effects associated with stopping ecosprin? Have diabetes Need to increase blood sugar. Consumed coke and tarts. Recommendations? Heavy periods, prescribed fermodette. Getting headaches and stomach aches. Should it be continued? Trying to conceive. Have PCO, abnormal TSH level. Using metformin, thyroxine. Will I be okay? Dandruff, big masses of scabs on scalp, clear fluid discharge. Treatment? Nauseated, metallic taste, breast tenderness, cramps, headache, gas. Had depo shot. Pregnant? Cough, vomiting. Has TB. CT scan showed positive results. What is going on? Suffering with constipation, nausea, stressed, anemic. Help? Missed period. On susten. Negative pregnancy test. Am I okay? Diabetic, hypertensive, high rate paralysis, pain in left arm and leg and has heart palpitation. On arnica. Sufficient? Had unprotected sex. Paranoid. Taken yasmin. Risks? Painful stools. Blood in stools. What is happening? Child has spot on tongue, itchiness. Applied denkin oral gel. Is it a disease? Had unprotected sex. Fractured leg, flat feet, has menstrual symptoms. What are the risks to pregnancy? Had protected sex. Can I get her pregnant with pre-cum? Trying to conceive. Have bilateral ovarian endometriomas. Taking duphaston. Help? MRI of cervical Spine has mild bulging disc, annulus disc space, bony spur. Is it cancer? Red eyes, nauseated, fever, body ache. Taken theraflu. What is going on? Delay in period. Have norithiserone. Can it be induced another time? Trying to conceive. Irregular period. Taking sysron-n tablets. Worry? Low HB level. Taking iron, folic and B-complex supplements. Suggest? Has rash on arms and chest. Is on HCG diet with SL GTTS. Related? Delayed period. Taken extra contraceptive pill. Has sex. Pregnant? Period is late. Had sex and taken I-Pill. HPT is negative. Suggestions? Have square jaw, frequent jaw pain and ear pain, has masseter hypertrophy. Is it TMJ? Has Nausea, headache, giddiness and weakness. Diabetes is under control. What to do? Period is late. HPT is negative. Took Sysron. What to do? Has cancer and done chemotherapy. Has increased CEA levels. Reason? Excessive masturbation, have anxiety. Will it affect my sex life? Suffering tuberculosis on right Fallopian tube. Tried IUI. Side effects of tuberculosis medication? Child has cold, cough, and blocked nose. Should I give her Gupisone Prednisolone tab 5mg? Breathlessness. Positive TMT test, has calcium deficiency. Suggest? Child has spikes in back and raised rash all over torso. Advice? Have bleeding after intercourse. Been 3 weeks. Is it normal? Have vaginal infection. Taking Familon and Clingen. Is it safe? Have loose stitches in ankle causing an open hole. Should I worry of infection? Have pain and blockage in throat and chest. Should I worry? Trying to conceive. Have nausea, tiredness, bloated, period pain. What can be done? Have tiredness, swollen glands and sore throat. Glandular fever symptoms? Have brown spots on top of feet. Have high BP. Cause? Have pain in stomach and loose motions. Taking medication. Recommendations? Have hyperthyroidism, irregular periods, brown discharge, HPT negative. Pregnant? Child was given oral polio and chicken pox vaccine with 6 days gad. Any issues? Suffering from fatty liver, diagnosed with H pylori, high Bp and cholesterol. U/S normal.Suggestion? Suffering from stomach ache and burning sensation after urinating, after having sex. Is it an infection? Has jaundice, stone in gallbladder, SGPT, SGOT values abnormal. Hepatitis E curable? Unprotected oral sex with HIV girl, crusts on head of penis. What do you think about this? Had anticoagulation therapy. What could be causing consistently high d-dimer? Have TB, inflamatory cardio miopathy, have racing heart. What is going on? Irregular period, spotted bleeding, HPT negative. Am i pregnant? Infant diagnosed with amoebiasis, underwent treatment, started pooping more frequent. Is this another warning sign? Done with semen analysis test. Can any online doctor help me to read it? Vertigo, restless legs, crusty nose and painful body. Cause and cure? Have throat pain. Diagnosed as Sinus infection. Could it be Strep? Had sex and condom broke. Took Unwanted 72 and ripe papaya. What to do next? Have hair fall and itchy scalp with flakes. Tried Mintop solution. Alternate medication? Penetration difficult during sex, pain in abdomen, erection not satisfactory. What can be done to ease it? Problems with stool, red & dark black spots in it. Done test. Can any online doctor help me to read it? Pregnant, swollen tonsils, pimples on them with white tips. What is the cure? Experienced muscular pains in right thigh after masturbating. How it can be reversed? Infant banged head. Would it cause any permanent damage? Wants to abort pregnancy. Purchased mtpill, misoprost, vaginal bleeding. Time for complete abortion? Allergic to Dust, Pollution, Cigarette Smoke, nose blocked, painful. What can be done? Heavy white vaginal discharge, sore bumps inside vagina, lump between leg and pelvis. STD symptoms? Had two miscarriages, expecting now. Is Lonopin injection helpful? Pregnant, throwing up black liquid. What could be this? Severe stomach ache, joint pain. What can be done? Noticing flashes, retina fine. Should i be worried? Stomach ache, dry skin, itchiness, fever, bacterial infection, headaches. Why? Pain in chest, cough, shoulder blade pain. What is wrong? Dust allergy, itchiness. On nasal spray, odimonte-lc, budesal respules. Help? Have bulging disc. Constant pain. Inability to stand. Am I okay? Neck and back ache, headache, disoriented, nauseated. What happened? Infant has fever. Given crocin, namsafe plus. Precaution? Had cold, have cough, have phlegm, yellow and white. Smoker. Help? Arms have blotches, red, purple and sore, sun and cold both effect. What is wrong? Cough, pain in head and ears after having had a run. Why? Profuse sweating, over weight, stench. Can this be related to HIV? Had pilonidal sinus, been bleeding. Had a treatment. What can be done? Unable to swallow food, problem speaking. GERD, Hiatal hernia. Taken omeprazole. Done endoscopy. Help? Mild cervical spondylitis in C5-C6 vertebra, dizziness, insomnia, chest tightness. Curable condition? Itchy rash on arm, red pustules. Have fibromyalgia, had shingles. Used hydrocortisone cream. Sufficient? Had bleeding after sex, brown and pink. Why did this happen? Severe itching in eyes, running nose, headaches, stiffness. Medication to treat allergies? Delayed periods. Pregnancy test shows light pink color on second line. Chances of pregnancy? Small child, constant loose stools, irritability, lethargy. Tried lactose free milk, no relief. Cure? Vomiting, vertigo, motion sickness. Had BP, MRI scan, sugar tested. What is wrong? Gas, constipated. Allergic reaction to coconut oil. Taken laxatives. Help? Asthmatic. On brincanyl durules. Will I be better? Breast pain, sickness, cramps, spotting. Had sex. Am I pregnant? Have mood swings, brown discharge, menopausal. Have PCOS. Ideas? Troubled breathing. Had bronchial condition, atrial flutter found. What is wrong? Stomach ache, constipation. On colic drops. Will I be okay? Diabetes, kidneys failed. Dialysis. What can be done? Have fever, cough, knee pain. On azithral, leftal-p. Will I be okay? Brown circles around neck, have crohn's disease. On flagyl and cipro. What are they? MMR vaccination. Did Rubella IgG. Can I get pregnant? Trying to conceive. Exhausted, weight gain, thyroid issue, tender breasts. Help? Had unprotected sex. Blister on mouth, burning sensation, itchiness, brown discharge. Herpes?s Heart starts to pound after alcohol. Have diabetes. Medication? Had shoulder surgery. Soft pellet like stools, discomfort. Why? Cold sensation, loss of movement, pain in left hand and pinky finger, shaking. Causes and cure? Extreme fatigue, chest tightness, heaviness in body, dry eyes, inability to concentrate. On anti-depressants. Suggest? Throat pain, swallowing painful. Had swallowed a bone. Is it throat infection? Spot on back, bruised, like bug bite. On medication. What was it? Lethargic, dizzy, sick. Had a lump in vagina, removed. Am I okay? Lips are going black. Applied lemon. What is going on? Hard lump near perineum. Is it a lymph node? Should I be concerned? Hair loss. Applied X pecia gel, taking slafin. Will I be okay? Undergone laparoscopic adhesiolysis, Filmsy adhesion anteriorly, cystic structure. Explain Stiff neck, ear pressure, sore throat. Taking thyroid and allergy medication. Remedy? Thyroids removed due to cancer. Taking levothyroxine. Feeling tired, pain in the temple and lower back. Why? Gas problems after suffering from jaundice. Have diabetes. Cure? Had loose motions;. Taken aldicit. Affected emotionally. Help? Can pregnancy happen with ejaculation with clothes on? Pregnant feeling pressure in the ear after ear infection. Need relief Stabbing pain in head, around temples radiating to collar bone. Cause for pain? 3 year old with swelling and brownish spots on the penis. Reason? Used a vibrating ring and put in anus, could not get it out, used Laxatives. How do I know if it is come out? Treated for Hives, itching with small patches after eating spicy or sour food. Is Arsenic and Carbo veg right medication? Suffering from Jaundice, started recovering slowly, chronic alcoholic. Can I take small amount of alcohol? Pre teenager suffering from headache, fever and eye pain when exposed to sunlight. Had blood test. Suggestion? Feeling extremely tired and sleepy, have high BP. Taking Synthroid and Zoplicone. Is Citalopram 10mg safe? Tremendous pain in lower abdomen and waist, diagnosed with two cysts, prescribed Femilon. Any problems in conceiving? Had unprotected sex, took morning pill, due for periods with spotting. UPT negative. Am I pregnant? Due for periods, with regular cycles. Good tablet to postpone periods? Teenager with no spleen after a accident, getting infections like boils, taking Antibiotics. How do we boost immune system? Toddler completely stopped drinking milk, unable to walk without support. Is it calcium deficiency? Itching red bumps on inside lip, with lot of discharge. What could be the cause? Fell on knee, noticed a small knot below knee causing a lot of pain. Relief from pain? Severe bleeding from nose, feeling extremely dizziness, unable to move or speak. Suggestion? Suffering from acne, tested for Haemoglobin and TSH, given tardyferon, QV face cleaner. Best medication? Implanon inserted in arm, not stopped bleeding. Any medicine to stop bleeding? Tiny dark purplish bruise on skin, starts after having intercourse. Is this dangerous? Small circular indent on thigh, diagnosed due to weight loss. Suggestion? Twisted knee during karate, pain in inside and around whole knee. Have I torn Meniscus? Extremely painful ump under the skin of underarm, with a hair sticking out. Solution for pain? 4 month old with IUGR. Greenish stool with mucus. Need to go to the doctor? Prescribed Zpac for ear infection, still same symptoms. Given more antibiotics, steroid shot, face still swelling up. Any ideas ? Sticky material stuck to tongue, irritation. Gargling not helpful. What can help? Had a immunoassay widal test that showed typhi. What does it mean? Throbbing pain in temple, shoulder and neck pain, pinched cervical nerve. Help? Low blood count. Taking concerta. Need a transfusion. Help? Had nutella stuck in tooth. Gargling not helping. What will?d Had a large ganglion cyst, swelling, pain, tendon sheath release. What is the problem? Have PCOD and thyroid issue. On fertomid. Will I be okay? Vaginal discharge. Why does it randomly happen? Rapid heart beat, pain in ribs and tummy area, irritation. Help? Have epilepsy, body swelling, hair loss, weight gain, mood swings. On levipil. Help? Have weakness and drops coming from penis. Am underweight. Solution? Enlarged heart, high blood pressure. Difficulty in keeping the balance. What is causing this? Taking Biaxin for strep throat. Rashes on the back and arms, sore knees. Will exposure to hot weather will worsen this? Severe gas, bloating and nausea after colonoscopy. Need help Pus filled recurring lump in the groin area. Need a permanent cure Pulled muscle in the shoulder, stiff neck. Numbness in the fingertip persisting. Treatment? Have a lis frank injury, due for surgery to fix torn/ruptured ligaments. By walking, will I do more damage to this injury ? Small child suffering from autism, frequent nausea, vomiting, food allergies, sinus infection. Suggestions? Swollen neck glands, cold sores, foul taste in mouth. Cure for symptoms? Low BP, diabetes, depression, increased pulse rate. On anti-depressants. Help? Non tender lump in both triceps, abdomen, lump in groin. Causes and cure? Gastric ulcers in stomach, acid reflux. Taking nexium, iron preparation. Treatment for ulcers? Pain in veins on left side of head, pain increases on shouting or laughing. Treatment options? Suffering from tuberculosis. Prescribed AKT4 kit, vibrania multivitamin. Side effects of AKT4 kit? Pregnancy scan showing fetus with dwarfism. Is there any other way to confirm it? Trying to conceive, getting slight twinges in ovaries. Sign of implantation? Child having problems having bowel movement, stomach pains, headaches. Solution? Red patches on arms, near chest area. Left eye swollen. Allergic reaction? Possible treatment? Child having stomach infection. Advised echo test. Reason for doing echo test? Vein on wrist black and blue. Blood drawn, very painful, hand swollen. Effects of blood drawn? Extreme pain under rib cage. Pain travelling to neck, back. How to get relief? Extreme hardness on back and head, with breathing problem, have heme toma . Solution? History of TB cured, chest X-ray shows Fibro Calcific opacities in upper and middle zone, infective etiology. Suggestion? White liquid oozing out from gums, causing a lot of pain, started after taking thyroid medicine. Suggestion? Had a Sleve gastrectomy surgery, having numbness in right leg over thighs, very painful. Is it a healing process? Person with good health but not taller. Ways to gain height? Child with chronic cough, prescribed Alerid and Lenovin inhaler. Is it right medicine for kids? Child with inflamed eye and blood shot, with mild running nose and sneezing. Is it an infection? Pain in left side abdomen, sometimes extremely painful. What could this be? Raised red rashes on neck and chest, with small white head, have a chesty cough. Suggestion? Child with frequent headache and legs and arm feeling shaky. CAT scan and blood test normal. Cause for these symptoms? Pregnant, saw clump of material on wiping. Is it mucus plug? No bleeding. Worried?
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